Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

07 Jun


Originally posted by SpicyCheese91

Yes I really hope they add them eventually

A freaking legit Elite Skin would be Léo Major. A Freaking invincible hero. The best of the best of the bad asses.


I'm happy that my grand-father was "luckily" deployed to Italy instead as part of the 22nd Royal Regiment.

The only story he ever told us was that one day he was in a trench with 3 of his buddies and his sergeant called for him to go to him and the second he reached the sergeant position a mortar strike (or whatever explosive) landed where he was and his 3 buddies died instantly.



Originally posted by JackTheRipper95

What levels have you made for BFV? just curious

I worked on the Prologue mainly. Now recently worked on Al Sundan.



It's all fun and games but seriously, both studios are working together on the game and we are certainly not in competition with each other.

Everything is a team effort.


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Originally posted by schietdammer

Does it need to be a video? My pc takes screenshots constantly and automatically and last 7days I get put on eastcoast USA SOLO firestorm servers as an European pc player from the Netherlands around 50% of the time. "Traffic jam" day for bf V on pc is on a Sunday in Europe and even then I sometimes get put on east US servers. Here this Sunday 19.00 my time (CET = paris / Amsterdam time)!Anbs4-O7K_T8g5x6DgkcopGQJgUplQ?e=LEiZ9o It is with netgraph I mean server instance. P.s. I have "options > gameplay > advanced > network performance stats" set to this : SHOW ON PROBLEMS. So I see immediately when I get put on an US server when I see this bar show up. Personally I think it is done on purpose and I can live with it. I think they did it to help fill US servers where there are just less players then in Europe or else firestorm will be dead there. But you guys need to be quick because even this...

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Yeah video With the netgraph shows what is going wrong and in what order. o it's preferable and much much better of a tool.


I love it, when can you start as the new character concept artist director?

06 Jun


Originally posted by RaveCoaster

I can't crosspost were it came from tho cowboy?

No, you cannot. This is a BF V sub. This has nothing to do with BF V.



You're a ray of sunshine.

Stay gold, Ponyboy.


Why don't you just look at the ping in the sever browser before you join the server? I live on the Easy coast and I get 10-12 ping to those servers and 80 to the West Coast. I check the ping on the servers in the browser before I join.


Originally posted by TheAverageSizedD

Oh sorry, I didn't mean to put your role lightly like that! I just forgot the official name for your role, sorry again

No worries, buddy. ;)


Originally posted by Youcanhideaway

I’m not arguing? Please don’t talk down to me. I was asking a question. Sometimes it’s just a single leak discussion so it’s not random. I was told not to do multiple post in a row.

Correct you were asked by us, and subscribers, not to do multiple posts in a row. To consolidate them. So why post multiple in a row?

05 Jun


Originally posted by dustn311

So where’s this live stream link?

On the official Battlefield YouTube, of course.


Originally posted by Chocolate_Charizard

Out of curiosity, what's something in BFV that you've worked on or are working on that you're super proud of?

Like MrBeignet said, I'm pretty happy with the Prologue. It ended up pretty good and was well received by the players.


Originally posted by TheAverageSizedD

I know you have no control over it because you're just a PR guy, but I'm tired of these filler weeks. These filler rewards are awful, and I skip them every time.

If cosmetic rewards are going to ToW rewards, then they need to be worth the effort, like a full soldier uniform (could be any rarity, doesn't have to be Epic), or a weapon skin that doesn't look absolutely hideous.

you're just a PR guy

Ouch. That's a bit light on what my actual role is. If I was just a PR dude, I probably would only be engaging on the official Twitter and Forums. We have an actual PR team - they don't post on Reddit, Forums, or Twitter. They engage with journalists and online magazines.

The difference between "just a PR guy" and a Community Manager is similar to the difference between a plane that tows a banner for messaging in the sky and the Apache helicopter that flies into a hot LZ to take care of the soldiers. Obviously, the CM is the latter of the two.

Regarding your feedback on the mission reward, I'm not a fan either. I want weapons or soldier sets as well. Even a melee weapon, in my personal opinion, is better than a skin (regardless of the rarity).


Grab the Napalm skin for the Sturmgewehr 1-5 and rank up your ToW Chapter 3 XP before it ends.

Let’s look at the tasks. Remember that the exact mission requirements can be found in game in the Tides of War menu.

As a squad kill or down 20 enemies.

Kill or down 1 enemy with fire.

Kill or down one enemy with a headshot.

Resupply teammates ammunition for 2000 score.

LIVE - 10,000 CHAPTER XP...

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