Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

05 Jun


Originally posted by jonasbotcher

Thanks for helping my dumb ass I am so blind I couldn't find it... sorry for wasting your time <3

Don't even worry about it. Glad to help out, bud.


Originally posted by jonasbotcher

I'm sorry I meant Battlefield V. I am talking about the fire trial weapons like the AT Boys rifle or the commando carabine...

They should be available for purchase via your Company tab in the main menu, under the correct soldier class they are for (Check Recon for the Boys AT Rifle, for example, when you go to your loadout, REPLACE WEAPON. Scroll down.)

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Originally posted by tttt1010

Remakes are new because they take as much time to create as a completely new map. It also helps that this version of metro looks completely different from BF3 and BF4's metro and will play slightly differently as well.

More effort. It needs to play well AND feel like the original at the same time. It's a tricky balance. And no - there is no magic copy paste level design tool..


Originally posted by jonasbotcher

I literally installed Battlefield 4 days ago and therefore I haven't been able to get some of the guns... Is there any way I can get them now?? Or am I just f**ked for life

Can you be more specific? You should be able to unlock weapons via progression while playing BF4.


Originally posted by Themostdead

Where can we find the "on the battlefield" when it comes out?

Here on Reddit or on the Battlefield forums. I’m embedding it in a post. It’s not going to be a long”Dev talk”, just some questions from the community and a chat with Ryan.


Originally posted by 117MasterChief

yeah, but the other maps could work on Rush

"Could" is the important word here. Like everything else in production we have to see how much it "costs" in human time VS what it would give compared to everything else we could do instead :) We took a map that fits Conquest since it's the most played mode in the game.


Originally posted by Lord_Tachanka

Is the one with the large tank spikes from the trilleaur on the table as well?

I can't confirm or deny anything that hasn't come from official source :)


Originally posted by Megan_the_megalodon

omg I've been noticed

On another note, the new maps look great, Mercury is really fun to play on and the new trailer just got me hyped, keep up the awesome work. Thank you and everyone at DICE for everything you've done, I can see this game having a bright future ahead!

Thanks for the kind word.

I personally enjoy Marita a LOT.


Originally posted by GeeDeeF

Could you guys include a question regarding people's thoughts on ToW weekly rewards next time around?

I’ll add it to the list!


Originally posted by The_Content_Cop

Al Sundan reminds me of Suez.


Some people also compare it on Sanai Desert. I can totally understand why, there's a lot of sand. There are also more greens.


Originally posted by Youcanhideaway

Which post? Just this or? That’s really daft when it’s meant to be a single discussion on this. Why do this? Guess you should remove the negative stuff rather than what people actually want to see.

Please don't argue. Try to follow your fellow data-miners who are doing it the correct way. No reason to make a discussion post for every single possible bit of information when it can be moved into a single thread.

We let you know about this a few weeks back, nothing has changed.


Originally posted by ThibiiX

Is that the Sea and Sand map from the datamining?

There are indeed a lot of sands and a bit of sea. :)


Originally posted by ThibiiX

Thanks man, honestly they could get some other SP maps aswell.

The map from Egalite would make a pretty good 5v5 map with some tweaks, it's one of the most beautiful map I've ever seen! Same for the base from the first Nordlys mission, and the entire map from the last mission too!

I wrote in other threads quite some time ago that not all maps could fit, especially not for Conquest. Behind Enemy Line was built with "open world-ish" in mind for SP so it was in a fairly good spot for the conversion even though it required quite some art work (that you would really see). The last mission of the Nordly War Story could work I think. The others would require a TON of art work because they are pretty linear missions. I would have loved to use one of the Tirailleurs War Story but these maps are super "thin".


Originally posted by [deleted]


Everything is a team work my friend. Stuff are pretty open on the Live team and there was a spot for me to be able to do that and I kept saying I would love to do it. It happened. Easy as that. Crazy right? I could just have never proposed it and it would have never happened. The time I spent at DICE in my career doesn't change anything in that equation.


Amazing meme right there.


Originally posted by Dooms3127

Was it Berlin? Could it be Paris? The OG Metro was Paris and would make sense. Could be French Resistance Fighters as a subfaction of the british

Look at the posts and stuffs on the walls in the teaser. :)


Originally posted by SolidPrysm

We've always said they needed to turn that SP map into a MP one... and they actually did it

Like I wrote above. When I moved to the live team that's the thing I kept pushing because I spend a lot of time here and that's one thing I saw A LOT. Had to make it happen you know! Hope you guys will like it.


Originally posted by TacoMasters

It's the map from Under No Flag (stoked about that), Metro confirmed, Marita looks sick, two maps for 5v5 confirmed so far, and Pacific Theater teased.

I'm erect.