Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

23 Apr


Originally posted by m_kennes

I double dog dare you to say what your not supposed to say yet about rentals servers


You might like to hear that I am planning to look into all "far spawns" (spawns that will be used if the flag is contested). I can't promise anything since I haven't done anything yet, but we are thinking about bringing those "far spawns" closer to the flag. This isn't just for Hamada, but for all maps. Having that said, it's still really important to us that flag spawns are as safe as they can be. BFV has the lowest flag-spawn kill rate in a long time (anyone remembering BF3 spawns directly on the contested point? 😅) , but we might have taken that safety approach maybe a bit too far. This results in spawning people further away than they would like to, but of course no one wants to spawn on a flag and die within 2 seconds. Nor do people want to get killed by enemies spawning directly behind their back. So we have to find the right balance here. While spawning players closer to the flag is easy in the city part of Hamada, it's way more complicated in the more open flags. Same goes...

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Originally posted by trannyTANKwhore

Nope. The person you're responding to is asking about the speed difference between being zoomed in and not zoomed in when in first person mode in a tank.

You can see exactly what we mean by simply jumping into a medium or heavy tank, going first person and then switch between zoomed and unzoomed as you turn the turret.

Your reply seems to be referring to general turret speed.

Gotcha. I'm following up in the morning to find out the status on that.


Originally posted by sirdiealot53

No I’m actually talking about ANOTHER tank bug (lol this game is full of them) where 1st person non-zoomed has terrible input lag

You press turn

Game doesn’t respond for 0.2 seconds

Turret turns

You stop pressing turn

Turret keeps turning for 0.2 seconds

It makes it near impossible to aim.


Aiming input lag is completely GONE while zoomed in or in 3rd person.

console video

pc video

I'll follow up with the team in the morning. Stockholm should be back in the office after their holiday and I'll find out. Thanks, bud!


Originally posted by sirdiealot53

Got 'im :D

Now, would you care to make an announcement? 💖💖💖

reddit super salty today lmao

I would love to.

But I don't have anything to announce.


22 Apr


Originally posted by sirdiealot53

Hey braddyboy question:

I've been asking if the "1st person non-zoomed tank input lag bug" is going to be fixed for months now.

Any idea? jjju said they'd look into it after Firestorm dropped. Thanks

Something like:
"Tank Turret Speed Revision: The Heavy and Medium Tanks have had their base turret speed increased and the power of the upgrade has been reduced from 125% turn speed to 115%. We felt that the base turret speed was too slow, so players were effectively required to pick the turret turn speed upgrade to be competitive. By making this change we enable more diverse builds without sacrificing the physical feeling of the turrets. This change also applies to AA tanks and Tank Hunters. Tanks should find that they are now more able to brawl with infantry at close and medium ranges."


Originally posted by sirdiealot53

Private servers ain't gonna happen. Stop asking.

It's too late in the cycle and EA bungled the launch which killed the population.

Private servers ain't gonna happen.

Not sure if this is bait to get me to say something I'm not supposed to say yet or if you really believe they're not coming.



Originally posted by Jwallaz

Anything else you can say about the new weekly story or the update? Does the weekly story start this week? Is the update coming this week? And, one more question... will this update include the ability to revive squad mates in firestorm that were in a vehicle as the last notes indicated? I saw the one Dice fella say he was sick and that’s why it didn’t make it in the last update despite the notes indicating such, which is completely understandable, just checking if it’s gonna make it in this update. Thanks in advance for your response.

The Weekly Storyline Tips will be posted on Wednesday. They'll have more details on how to complete the Storyline and the Reward.

I know that the "revive teammate/squadmate killed in a vehicle" mechanic is something the team wants to bring to Firestorm. I don't have an ETA.
The next game update will be going through finalization this week, and I should have the final update notes by Thursday/Friday. Pending Certification, it should be next week. (This is, of course, to be confirmed.)


Squad Conquest returns this week, a new Weekly Storyline, and the next update is around the corner. Let's get it!

Photo Credit to CommanderWacky

  • Monday, 4/22/2019
    • This Week in Battlefield V - An overview of this week's news, blogs, content, and more. As items are added or shifted, this will be updated. Keep an eye on it through the week for redirect links!
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Originally posted by hughmaniac

I don't have the source. There was a post over the weekend where some guy posted a PSA about this, DICE replied saying their anti cheat doesn't and won't ever ban people based on score/stats.

True. Merson from DICE wrote over the weekend that this will not get you banned on another thread on this sub.


Originally posted by Snlperx

Will squad leader spawn only be a thing? I really hope so ;)

We’ll have more details as we get closer to Chapter 4. (I’ve played the mode. It’s fun.)


Originally posted by Snlperx

What I really want along with a lot of old BF vets that I'm still in contact with is the old 5v5 small conquest with squad leader spawn only. Battlefield 2/2142 were amazing for 5v5 infy.

EDIT: Big problem with 8v8 is there is no squad leader spawn only. When its played in a competitive setting, you have teams dedicating a player to hide off the cap radius an enemies flag and squad bomb it.

Coming in Chapter 4 - 5v5 mode.


Originally posted by WjB79

Any word on how permanent the playlist is this time or whether or not anything has been changed or added? This mode is great for the competitive community, and we are really hoping it not only stays but continually gets new variations of maps added.

We’re keeping it around for as long as people play it. And we have some plans for additional maps to be tweaked for it in Chapter 4.


Originally posted by daftpaak

Reducing team sizes to 20v20 would be great for grind. Still chaotic, but not that crazy.

That's what I was thinking. It would still have that awesome chaos, but you wouldn't be bunched up with 9 players trying to peak out of a doorway and everyone get headshot.
Plus, with less players, even the snipers would be (potentially) reduced because it's about capturing points, not just getting kills.

Not saying I don't respect PTFO snipers, but hill-campers need "motivation" to move up. Less people on the team capturing - increasing the risk that you'll lose objectives - would be a good motivation.


Originally posted by Dylan7homas

Nice I had fun in squad Conquest last time

It's one of my personal favorite variations of Conquest in Battlefield V. Feels like the old school competitive settings in BF4 with the 8v8 setup.

I loved Grind, but I would say that team sizes were a little big - maybe a 20v20, not 32v32.


On April 25, 2019, we'll be bringing back Squad Conquest to our Battlefield V rotation, with this week's Tides of War Storyline Challenge including some nodes to drop you back in to this intense, 8v8 mode. We're excited to bring this mode back, and have some plans on expanding Squad Conquest as we get into Chapter 4 this summer.

How to Play Squad Conquest

Two opposing teams of eight compete to capture and hold every flag in this strategic version of Conquest, until they exhaust the enemy team of their Respawn Tickets. You and your squad must fight point-to-point in this 16-player Conquest mode, working to gain control of three key locations across three faster-paced multiplayer maps.

For more in-depth info on Squad Conquest, tips on how to play and succeed, and the current maps supported in this mode, ...

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Originally posted by Junoviant

Funny, after I left EA I just assumed everyone else was backwards. Haha

There's alpha and beta - and there is dev alpha and beta. Pretty sure you confused these up? ;)

21 Apr

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by eivindlots

What has been the stupidest mocap session so far?

Not mocap but I love the story of how the audio team made the sound for the V1