Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

23 Apr


Originally posted by FcBerni

Are you allowed to say how much they are yet?

I'm not, honestly, but they're not much more than Epics, I believe.


Originally posted by FcBerni

Means we are getting a blog for them next week or?



Originally posted by tojohahn

So when are we getting elites exactly? They were supposed to be here months ago.

They’re released with the next update.


Originally posted by mootmahsn

Let me guess. 4 man squads still.

Nope. 5v5 = 5 man Squads.


Originally posted by MoratirGaming

I just logged in for.. really so with a 144hz monitor you should be capped lower then 144 and not 144hz ingame? Elaborate plzz

I cap mine at 139 using MS Afterburner (Rivertuner Statistics). In game I cap at 144. Reason why is it it goes over that 144 then I have Gsync and Vsync working at the same time and it affects overall performance.


Originally posted by BringDuosBack

Hey there ! Could you forward also these guys : CP0KER and D34DM4U53. Thanks

If you have any prove of them cheating I'll forward it. Sorry I missed the links... Forwarded those as well.


Originally posted by jamied43

I7 4790k should be fine tho no?

1080P 60Hz

Games capped at 120fps

If you have a 60Hz panel you will not get any benefit from anything over 60fps. Your panel cannot display beyond 60fps because of the 60Hz refresh rate. Your experience will be smoother if you cap to 60fps or at the monitor refresh rate.

What is displaying as FPS is what your card is putting out, but with a 60hZ monitor it cannot actually display at those FPS.

  • what kind of monitor do you use? What is the max refresh rate of the panel?

  • what are you capping your fps to in game?

you want to cap the frame rates BELOW the max refresh rate, otherwise VSync AND GSync kick in, and that's a bad deal for your FPS.

This game is incredibly CPU intensive so your issue may lay with your processor as well. You have a newer GPU so I think you're fine there.


Forwarded to the anti-cheat people.


I don't understand how people can stay so calm and focused, I would have messed up after a couple of kills because of all the action going on.


Originally posted by DispatchPilot

I want those cosmetic's in that image but I want to pay with CC not Boins.

Some cosmetics are available for Company Coin, some Battlefield Currency/Progression, some both CC or BFC.


Originally posted by HopzadBeeblebrox

(And spamming the same message on multiple posts isn’t necessary.)

Come on, I've been tagging you in related posts (even made and deleted one myself) for weeks now. Conveniently, you and every other cm ignored every post though.

Even when they were posts by Australians who bought bfv specifically for Firestorm, found it was unplayable and were told by Origin support a refund is impossible.

Then the one time I "spam" you by sending the same message twice, you respond - seems like the opposite of unnecessary really.

As for advertising, it has definitely waned but this is from the PSN store popular tab. Note how it very explicitly promises an experience your company knows the product cannot deliver, yet the promise remains.

I imagine there are more ads like that throughout the psn and across other platforms too. Why?

I feel harsh hounding you for it but the onl...

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I’ve been doing my best to respond to concerns from the Australian community regarding the issues with Firestorm. I’m not able to hit every one, we are in significantly different time zones, etc.

Regarding the PSN store, I’ll forward your feedback to the team that handles 1st party relationships.

I’m also setting a meeting with the dev team tomorrow to see what next steps we can do to improve connectivity in Australia (and the other low-population regions - y’all aren’t the only ones with matchmaking issues for Firestorm).

I would like to say this, if I may. I can understand frustration, I can understand anger. I won’t accept being verbally abused, insulted, etc. I just won’t respond to that. It doesn’t move anything forward and is beneath both of us, wouldn’t you agree?


Originally posted by vtboyarc

Cool, thanks for the info Jeff! Just curious, is there no longer going to be a bi-weekly update tempo? I’m not complaining, just wondering what to expect going forward. Thanks again!

Our intention is to have bi-weekly, of as close to it, as possible. Sometimes it may be 3 weeks. But the goal is to continue driving updates at a regular cadence to add features, fix issues, and expand the overall quality of Battlefield V.


Originally posted by TankHunter44

Another week, another tease of unreleased cosmetics in the tag image

This screenshot came from a community member. So, the cosmetics had to have been available for him to make the pic.


Originally posted by Feney

I was the one that made the video showing the input lag on PC and I have been trying to get this fixed for months (I sent bug reports, made reddit / forum posts all to no avail). If infantry where effected by input lag the community would be in outrage and dice would fix it but because it only effects tankers it gets ignored and I honestly do not expect this to ever be fixed.

Thank you for the video. I’ll make sure someone looks into it and I’ll report back.


Originally posted by HopzadBeeblebrox

Hey, I see you're still advertising Firestorm in Aus despite knowing it's dead, and are also ignoring any mention of it.

Just wanted to congratulate you for going all in on ripping people off with unethical practises. We all know you guys arent competent enough to rely on a quality product to trick people into buying your shit!

The ingenuity, it's on par with your lack of ethics!

I reached out to our Australia team last week when you mentioned this. We don’t have any advertisements going on. What are you talking about? In-game tiles?

(And spamming the same message on multiple posts isn’t necessary.)


Originally posted by vtboyarc

No update planned for this week? Any tentative idea on when we might see the next client update? Thanks Jeff!

We’re locking everything down this week and tracking for next week. I’ll know by the end of the week more details to share.


Originally posted by angrylawyer

A large part of development was spent creating a hyper intelligent AI that can determine where you want to go, and then spawn you as far away from that place as possible.

I don't want to ruin the joke, but maybe aome here are actually interested in how it works.

It's a combination of many different variables and rules, but the most simple ones are: - if the flag os contested, the player spawns on a spawn point outside of the capture area - if an enemy is within 40-50m (don't remember the exact distance) of a spawn point, the spawn point gets disabled and the system looks for a safe/enabled spawn point - there is also a line of sight check happening that can disable a spawn - each teams flag spawn points are placed within a 180 degree radius on the side of their HQ to add some consistency, orientation help and predictability for contesters - if the flag is not contested, the player will always spawn in the capture area

Hope I didn't forget anything. This basically explains a bit why you sometimes spawn further away. If enemies are close, we rather want to spawn you safe, but as described in the other post of mine in this thread, I am...

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