Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

23 Apr


Originally posted by TheHouseOfStones

Stop trolling us, as a comp player we actually need rsp lmao

I know.


Originally posted by SteevHarveyOswald

Yes! So happy to see this. Loved this mode. No new maps though???

Not yet. ;)


Originally posted by SPITSPHIRE

"unbalanced game modes"

frontlines would be one that comes to mind. since launch on certain maps the distance between flags is so large and the timer before the next flag becomes available to cap so small, that often times the attacking team doesn't have enough time to reach the next objective before the defending team captures it.

"weapon balance between the classes"

i'm mostly referring to the fact that assault in almost every engagement is the bettor class due to the variety and shear effectiveness of all the weapons available to it as opposed to medic wich can only do well in close range combat.

this conversation is nuanced and would require a in depth discussion to fully unpack but the short of it is i and many others i've spoken to feel as though the overall class balance is massively skewed in favor of a few outliers with most everything else falling somewhere into the middle.

"ui and performance bugs"

possibly could have ...

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Thank you VERY MUCH for your reply. I think this is one of the best conversations I've had on Reddit in a while.
Let me get back to you some of this. Would that be alright?


Originally posted by SPITSPHIRE

my question is when if ever are you going to go and refine the base game?

there are multiple issues that have persisted since launch:

lack of progression after level 50

poorly designed assignment system

cosmetic unlocks not being earnable via ingame currency and progression

unbalanced game modes

weapon balance between the classes

ui and performance bugs

team balancing being broken

winning a day in grand operations not mattering to the overall match

the list just goes on and on and after nearly 6 months now with no indication these problems are going to be fixed any time soon if ever, it leaves many players myself included feeling disengaged with the game and makes it harder and harder to want to come back to the game as time goes on.

it would be nice if you guys could address these issues and at the very least let us know "hey we've heard you and will work on making improvements". otherwis...

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there are multiple issues that have persisted since launch:

lack of progression after level 50

Definitely something I've been hitting the Devs up with on a weekly basis with my reporting. There are other progression paths than just your Max Soldier Rank. Tides of War Rank, Class Rank, Weapon Rank. But yeah, I get it. And it's something I want, too.

poorly designed assignment system

This is something I had a chat with one of the lead producers about on Friday. The team hates the fact that you can't change Assignments in-game and they've been working on it. It's extremely difficult because of the various progression hooks in the game. But they're continuing to investigate options and work on it. That's literally what I was told.

cosmetic unlocks not being earnable via ingame currency and progression

But, they are. We've explained this multiple times. ...

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Originally posted by western-potato

Having to pay boins for elites seems fair, but I think many people are upset that we cannot buy epic skins with CC and there are only a few epic sets that can be unlocked for free. The best way to fix this would be to let us spend CC on epic skins or just add more cool skins that we can buy with CC. I would love to see a class rank increase with some more epic skin rewards to grind for!

I'm hoping for more badass Rare skins as the chapters progress, personally.


Originally posted by edgixx

Thank you for the reply. I believe the confusion came from this image. Where it looks as if CC can access the same cosmetics as BFC.

Yeah. And that's something I escalated internally as not be clear.

Simply put:

Cosmetics will have multiple options to acquire them, but not every cosmetic has all options. Epics = Battlefield Currency (BOINS) or Progression unlocks Rare and Below = Company Coin Elites= BOINs only.


Originally posted by Hysterecles

Back pay the company coins. No sense in releasing new material if I can't even enjoy it because I and from other threads I've seen ALOT of others get ghosted because we cant do specializations. This is a bug that just breaks the game right now, and should have been addressed months ago, if not prior to launch. You keep releasing content without fixing your issues..its like slapping a bandaid on a bullet wound.

I'm trying to see the context of your comment, as you didn't reply to someone else's comment, but the OP. Can you clarify?


Originally posted by edgixx

It amazes me how you guys tip toe around an actual answer to this question. We want to know if the NEW elite skins can or will ever be able to be unlocked with CC. We know that there are class specific elite skins that are unlocked through progression. Is this the progression you are referring to? The community has asked about new cosmetic unlocks with company coin for ages now. I don't see why the new Elite Skins can't just be unlocked for a large amount of CC unless you guys are really trying to squeeze out every last $ from the community. I personally won't spend $20 for one skin for a game I already payed $90 for. However, I would use the 50k CC I have sitting in my account. Most people have a decent amount of CC saved up. Make the skins 20-30k CC and it will drive players to actually complete the challenges and acquire more CC.

No, Elite skins will not be available for Company Coin. This was clearly stated in the blog about Battlefield Currency. It keeps getting voted down because people don't like the answer, but it is the answer.


Originally posted by Caomhannach

Ken, no offence, but Grind’s a totally different beast on this matter, If I’m correct I have a recording from my PS4 where with Grind on Narvik, I was pinned by some crates as the enemy team had taken B and was sniping my area, and lo and behold the enemies who were dying, went to spawn on B, but instead spawned right infront of me, and I mean ‘one-hit kill back to me melee range’ infront.

I mean, yes, I got nine kills with my Fire Axe in rapid succession as a result, so I am scum, but it’s not their fault for spawning there, and they probably got infuriated with consistent spawn kills. However, I was literally ontop of a spawn point in that scenario yet they still spawned there.

If you want, I can try to find the clip and upload it, so it’s understandable how unfair the spawning system is on Grind. If you don’t want me to upload it because of the chance people will use it to get spawn kills, or because there’s some reasoning behind the lack of spawn protection in G...

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You are right. Due to the size of Grind I had to reduce the spawn safety check to 20m on some flags and even that wouldn't guarantee safety. Especially on Narvik and Twisted Steel. Nothing I am particular happy with, but the size and playercount of that experience required some exceptions. Sometimes there are just not enough places to spawn people.


Originally posted by sirdiealot53

Hidily Ho neighborino!

any news?

Directly from the Dev team:
"Hey Jeff, we're working on a full rework of this experience, we’re not happy with the current setup and will continue to work to improve it going forward. "

No ETA or date, but they are on it. As I get updates to the progress, I'll let you know.


Originally posted by Shiny_Flakes

nope, you said "The next update isn’t coming this week, but I’ve been reviewing some of the notes."

Sorry, I thought I read that it should come next week.

I try to love this game but I just can't.

Okay. Whew. I was scared I misspoke.


Originally posted by Shiny_Flakes

No Patch again?! Got to be kidding me... so done with this game

The next update is scheduled for next week, pending Certification.


Originally posted by Jetpackgrayson

Maybe like in halo’s forge mode, wed be able to create our own objectives and game modes using halvoy’s map? Not necessarily create terrain or structures but to create our own conquest maps. Community playlists and such.

That would be dope. Good suggestion.


Originally posted by Shiny_Flakes

Patch Notes ?

Update Notes come out the day before the update goes live.

Did you find that link where you say I said a client update was coming this week? I want to make sure I'm not setting incorrect expectations regarding timing and deliverables.


Originally posted by MurderIncBF1

Fair point

Hey MurderIncBF1, your comments seem to not be replying to anyone specific, but just added to the main thread. This makes it a bit difficult to understand your point or train of thought.

Just a suggestion - if you click the reply button under a particular comment, it will thread the comment replies and give a bit more clarity regarding what you're talking about when you post short messages like "Fair Point".

(This isn't a dig at you. I do want to know what you're referencing, but it's a bit difficult to sort through all of the main replies to figure out who you're replying to.)


Originally posted by Shiny_Flakes

Last week you said it will release next week ... any patch notes at least ?

I do not recall mentioning that an update was coming this week. Got a link?


Originally posted by CarpeDiem1783

DICE should just allow modders to create maps for them. Since we haven't had any good content except for panzer storm and maybe firestorm. Thats their only saving grace, I'm not sure how hard it is to make a terrain in BFV but in ARMA 3 it's pretty f'in easy and fun to make. Imo

That's an interesting suggestion, but as you mentioned, "I'm not sure how hard it is to make a terrain in BFV " - it's a completely different engine than ARMA 3.


Originally posted by Shiny_Flakes

No Patch again?! Got to be kidding me... so done with this game

The next update is going through finalization and certification. We're expecting it next week.


Originally posted by Andromonoid

As of around 20 days after this bug, I still haven't gotten the Frankreich skin. :( I don't want anything else but that skin since I worked hard for it and the 38T is my fav tank. I hope I can still get it? If it is released in store, being given the amount of CC or BOINS required to buy it would be fair compensation I think. Just as a suggestion, since I REALLY want that skin. :)

Just got an update from the team.
They're working on rolling this out automatically for those that were affected.
I don't have an exact date yet, but will keep pushing to get one and will share it when I have it.