Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 Dev Tracker

29 Sep


Hi! There’s a lot of us. Keep in mind that we are not really supposed to give information that isn’t available on public channels/sources. So the information coming from our accounts is mostly going to be anecdotal, rather than full blown information briefs.

With that said, good luck on collecting us all!


As the level designer on this map I can confirm that since these are cryogenic fuel tanks white stuff comes out when the balls explode 😳


Originally posted by Starshine95

Mhhhh I see, so there is no chance of nothing happening and the rocket just sitting there. Could have been a different, rare “third outcome”. But again, as you said, the launch is part of the map experience and I still have to play it.

I just think it could be an additional variant, having a small chance of “nothing” happening. Less grandiose, sure, but it would add a different unexpected outcome rather than knowing every time that the rocket is going to (attempt) launch no matter what.

There are definitely scenarios in other modes where that happens, i'm mainly talking about Conquest and for the beta :)


Originally posted by Thagyr

Will we be able to grapple the rocket as it launches?

I'll leave some things to be discovered!


Originally posted by HolyAndOblivious

K. Got it. Avoid obvious tank lanes it is. Do you use server side rendering for unseen players?

That i'm not actually sure how it works, sorry!


Originally posted by jesbro123

Not about Orbital specifically but hopefully it's something you would know.

When using the AI Backfill option for Portal will we get up to 127 AI Soldiers for a full match even if playing Solo?

Yeah if you play on PC/PS5/Xbox Series X you should be able to play with up to 127 AI


Originally posted by Starshine95

So the launch always happens no matter what and the outcome is either a crash or a successful launch? Or is there a chance the automated launch fails and nothing happens? That could be another variable for the map!

But I haven’t played it yet so I don’t know if that would work or not.

Correct, but when it happens varies. It can also either launch or crash based on player actions during the launch sequence, but there is also a the storm that might or might not go past the rocket taking care of it for you. Essentially we wanted it to be a main part of the map but how and when it happens should feel more dynamic than just 1 outcome, and even though there are technically 2 outcome there is a lot of variation surrounding them that still makes them feel different. Looking forward to getting more feedback as you all get to play it :)

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PeezeKeeper

This is interesting, luckily games have had colorblind options for years

Just confirming that we do have settings for colour blindness.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Bolt_995

Yeah he’s giving off classic Support vibes.

You might need a vibe check on this one.


Originally posted by SamM57999

Which one would you say is more interesting?

Renewal was definitely the more unique one to work on, since the concept of it is pretty bananas. Orbital in that way is more straight forward, but it also has the rocket and stuff so both were fun :D


Originally posted by EliteFireBox

How much destruction is on Orbital? Can you destroy most of the map or is it a little limited?

It's mainly either the rocket event when it explodes or the smaller scale structures with more detailed destruction. The large assembly building for example is indestructible, but there is a bunch of small scale destruction too on mid sized assets


Originally posted by Chroma710

Can you please tell us if this is the beta build or just for showcase. The website and Twitter says only 4 specialists will be available to play but all other specialists appear in the beta trailer.

For the beta there are 4 specialists selected, but I think all content was used to make the trailer. For launch all 10 specialists are in though :)


Originally posted by HolyAndOblivious

Ok I guess I have a question. Maps being massive, draw distance is important. Do you use fog, terrain or any other masking techniques? Is the entire map and all 128 players rendered even though you can't obviously see from one end to the map to the other?

Finally, is there hard cover for infantry against tanks in open ground or is it a series of slopes where the average infantry man gets blown up by airplanes and tanks without a chance?

We mainly use occluders (that literally removes anything behind it so it wont render, but is only used in indestructible things like bigger buildings and terrain/rocks etc. Also we have LODs on the assets making sure that they are very basic from far away (essentially making sure assets arent rendered with all their detail you see up close from far away).

Yes! I'm an infantry player mainly myself so I always make sure there are some hard cover, to varying degree ofc. Some areas are meant for vehicles but even then it's great to have some stuff to play around.


Originally posted by Comprehensive-Elk368

It seems the map is really big. A map that big does it contain certain areas/flags where was built to be more "soldier x soldier", "tank x tank"?

For sure! It was built to make sure there is something for everyone :) For example if you want to fight all the time go to the launch site sectors (Assembly Building - Crawlerway - Launch Platform) and if you want a slower pace fight along the ridge on the side sectors

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Bolt_995

Oh ok. Is he a Support?

You'll learn more about him soon. But in the meantime, looking at his gear should give you an idea.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Bolt_995

You had an operator called Delta in your E3 gameplay trailer, is he a renamed Dozer or different?

Delta is Dozer. Just an early name for him.


This is a game, and your education is far more important than any game will ever be. The decisions your making now, the studying, will have a much bigger impact than reaching a certain level.

This game will always be here waiting for you whenever you decide to spend time on it, no matter how much or little that time may be.

Trust me, you'll be thankful in the longrun that you got your head down and studied 🙂

And when you're not studying? Well, we'll see you on the Battlefield!


Hold on, are people wanting the blue filter from Battlefield 3 back!?
It's not too late to form a petition to the grand council of DICE! 😋❤️


Cheers for the show of support!
See you on the Battlefield, No-Pat :)