Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines Dev Tracker

03 May

    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Simulation failed: EndDeserialize(PropManager) is usually caused by a combination of Prop Anarchy and Extended Managers Library. Make sure you have the updated versions of those mods, and if that doesn't help, I recommend unsubscribing both and getting Prop Control instead.

27 Apr


Check-in and check out the newest expansion of Cities: Skylines, Hotels & Retreats on the 23rd of May! ️

Hotels & Retreats is a mini-expansion that allows players to build luxury accommodations and tourist attractions to boost their city’s economy. The expansion starts players with a small hotel chain before unlocking more specialized accommodations.

Turn your city into a choice destination for tourists, business travelers, and more by adding resorts, hostels, conference hotels, and much more. Get new maps, new tourism buildings, and grow your hotel industry from the ground up!

We're also announcing the next three Content Creator Packs;
  • Railroads of Japan by Kaminogi
  • Brooklyn & Queens by Prosper
  • Industrial Revolution by Avanya

Wishl... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

19 Apr

    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by AntoineBcn: @CO_Avanya
Memory 16 GB 1867 MHz DDR3
(Is this what you need?)
Where can I find how many assets I use? DO you mean, to how many assets I am subscribed or to how many I use in one city? I have started a new city and the wait is the same even if the city is empty.
Yes that is it. The Loading Screen Mod is likely the easiest way to see how many assets you have installed as Steam subscriptions can contain more than one asset and won't be accurate. With 16 GB of RAM installed you are likely able to have around 500-1000 assets depending on how many DLCs you have. If you're above this, I would highly recommend you reduce the amount of assets you use as Mac controls the swap file and it's high... Read more
    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ralf Ferdius: With -noWorkshop -noMods options still seeing many times the white screens, crashing and a not responding game. Something is very wrong deep inside this game. Bugs rise due this so called update who beeing not good and fixing any of my issues.

Please make a reporton our support forum so we can look into this. We will need to see your output_log.txt (called player.log on Mac and Linux) to be able to help, which cannot be attached here on Steam.

Depending ... Read more

13 Apr

    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
How much memory do you have and how many assets are you using?

12 Apr

    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Let's stay on topic and respectful, thank you!

Originally posted by AntoineBcn: I barely have time to play the game actually since it takes more than half an hour to run it and I am not able do anything else since the whole computer gets very slow but hey, nobody asked you to answer me :)
If your game takes half an hour to load, something isn't right. My guess would be your system memory either doesn't reach the minimum system requirements or you have way more custom content than your system is able to handle.

If you have less than 16 GB RAM I do not recommend using custom content at all and you will most likely need to set up a custom-sized pagefile of at least 32000 MB. You can find a guide on how to do that h... Read more

04 Apr

    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please make a thread on our support forum. We need to see your output_log.txt (called player.log on Mac and Linux) to be able to help, which cannot be attached here on Steam.

Depending on your operating system the log can be found here:

Mac OS X

~/.config/unity3d/Colossal Order/Cities: Skylines/Player.log

24 Mar

    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Unfortunately, we had an issue with the settings file, which stores what is enabled in the content manager, getting corrupted. This issue was fixed earlier today and you should be able to enable the style (and any mods you use) again now.
    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Quoniam15: Problem persist every time I restart the game, that's annoying. The other part of it is that if I restart the game without verifying the files first, ticking the style box in the Containt Manager does nothing, loading saves still miss European buildings.
Everytime, the game redownloads 8.6 Go of data.
It's as if quitting the game deletes all of that data for some reason.
Please make a thread on our support forum so we can investigate this further. We need to see your output_log.txt (called player.log on Mac and Linux) to be able to help, which cannot be attached here on Steam.
... Read more
    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are aware of this issue and currently investingating it. I'll keep you updated when there's more news.
    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We just pushed a fix a few hours ago which resolves the issue with the empty content manager and mods disabling. The update will be applied the next time you start the game and mods will stay enabled.

If you have the 0/0 mods issue, then please restart the game so it can generate a fresh userGameState file and you can start enabling your mods.
    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We just pushed a fix a few hours ago, which resolves the issue of the userGameState file resetting. It's the one that contains the information about which advisor panels you have already seen. So they should stay closed again now.
    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by James Pritt: too many mods gone I think
it gives me an error and won't let me in
with the new map no problem
Did you remove all your mods or only broken ones?
    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by James Pritt:
Originally posted by CO_Avanya: We just pushed an update to fix the issue of mods disabling. Please make sure the mods your city needs are enabled, then restart the game and check they're still enabled before loading your city.
thank you all....i really appreciate your help.
now you can at least log in and play ... the pity is that my last city is lost and I have to restart
but at least something works... now I'm starting to fear that May will come w...
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    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Rapidsmilebomb: did they fix the monorail trains despawning from the harbor/monorail hub?
Not in this update no, this was just a hotfix to address the issue with mods. But we're aware of this issue and investigating it.
    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We just pushed an update to fix the issue of mods disabling. Please make sure the mods your city needs are enabled, then restart the game and check they're still enabled before loading your city.
    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Andy Er: This patch destroyed the game. Modded CS does not start. Game runs without problems if param --noWorkshop is used

If you use mods please check your mods against the list of broken mods, both the first tab and especially the tab named Patch 1.16.1.

If that doesn't help or you don't use mods, please make a thread on our support forum. We need to see your output_log.txt (called player.log on Mac and Linux) to be able to help, which cannot be attached here on Steam.
... Read more

23 Mar

    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Simuscape: Haven't tested my game today, but when I tried yesterday I ran in to the now infamous "loop" as many others. But I also noticed that all my assets were left ontouched, (i.e not gone or disabled), but with one exception; ALL assets were enabled - even those I've had disabled from before the patch update).

The advice given about resub mods one or two at a time and at the same time backing up the userGameStat-file will, as far as I understand, hopefully add all mods back to the game. But in the end, doesn't the userGameStat-file contain my specific settings for my game saves, so even though I manage to resub to all mods again, my settings are gone? And I will have to go through the long list of assets an...
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    CO_Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by KingKong TV:4125025:
Originally posted by CO_Avanya: Removing the DLC will not change the version of the game and is very unlikely to solve anything. Are you using any mods?
If you haven't already, then you will need to check your mods against the list of known broken mods. Some mods are still needing an update and some have been replaced by newer ones.

I recommend you check both the first tab and the tab named Patch 1.16.1. Unsubscribe broken... Read more