Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines Dev Tracker

20 Jul

    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by numaleon: Thanks! I have only 8GB RAM and the game is ok. For now...
I'm a big fan of your stuff. I will do that but without unsubscribing from any of your articles :D

It's always great to hear my stuff is useful! ^^ Don't feel bad unsubbing any of it though - even I'm not subscribed to all of my own content. :P

19 Jul

    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Remove these mods:

No More Purple [Muddy Water] - broken, and you don't need it anyways.
No More Purple - broken, and you don't need it anyways.
Bye Bye Birdie
Automatic Bulldoze v2 - get Automatic Bulldoze v3 instead
Employ Overeducated Workers - get Employ Overeducated Workers V2 (1.11+) instead
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.8.2 - get Advanced Vehicle Options AVO (by Tim) instead
Demand Master - get Super Demand instead
Transport Line Rendering Fix - no longer needed
Road Colors Changer ++ - you have Network Skins 2 which is newer
Painter - get Repaint instead

Either remove No Radioactive Desert And More! or Hide It! - the two are not compatible
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's important to understand that missing assets isn't something you NEED to fix. Actually considering your RAM is showing in red (mean full) you probably shouldn't fix all of those.

Missing assets are typically props or trees used in decorating buildings, which you are subscribed to. The buildings work just fine without, they just look a little different. If you aren't specifically bothered about these being missing, don't get them. Just ignore the list of missing items as it loads. Since all assets you are subscribed to use up RAM, you will eventually run out and your game will crash. So try to keep subscriptions to a minimum. :)

If there are some things you want to get, then the Loading Screen Mod can generate a list of all the missing assets with links to them on the workshop, so you can easily find and subscribe to the ones you are looking for. But missing assets aren't a bad thing in itself. They're just missing. :)
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Have you moved any of the metro stations (or the airport) with Move It? That can cause the invisible internal paths to jump around and break the stations, so generally not a good idea. That's one thing that comes to mind at least, which would explain what you're seeing. :/
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The mods don't render tunnels for everything, they simply have rendered tunnels for what's in them. So all NE2 roads have rendered tunnels and all MOM tracks have rendered tunnels. But the basegame roads and rails still don't have rendered tunnels.
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Have the game and Steam installed on an SSD and have less content than your RAM is able to handle. That's how to make your game load fast.

Here's the expected number of assets you can have depending on your RAM. The average rule of thumb for the base game is:
4GB: 0-10 assets
8GB: 100-400 assets
12GB: 400-800 assets
16GB: 800-1200 assets
24GB: 1200-2000 assets
32GB: 2000-2800 assets
64GB: 2800-6000 assets

If you have any of the major DLC's or content creator packs, reduce the asset count by another 400 each. Each DLC adds about 250-400 assets to the game.
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Try shutting down Steam completely, then right click on it and run as administrator. Might also be worth changing the shortcut for it to something different and then back to F12 to see if that solves it.

If none of that works, I'd try a reinstall of Steam.

17 Jul

    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you seeing the launcher? If not, try the steps in this post:

If that doesn't help, follo... Read more
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There's no way to control where goods come from without mods. The game doesn't consider distance, service vehicles behave the same way.

A less micro management option that might solve things for you would be the Rebalanced Industries mod. Among other things, it makes the trucks deliver fewer but larger deliveries of goods, and it lets the factories have larger internal storages.
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you bypassing the launcher with the cities.bat file? That's known to cause issues with the overlay.

Btw F12 is also the game's own screenshot key, but those screenshots end up in a different folder, namely this one:
C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Screenshots
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It sounds more like a mod that's partially broken or has some bug. Best place to start is to check your mods against this list of known broken and incompatible mods. Make sure to check all relevant tabs. :)
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Each road has specific settings for how different stops will look for them, so if a road isn't set to have a shelter, it won't have one. But you can always add a shelter yourself where you want it. For that, you just need the mod Find It and a shelter prop, like the one you linked by clus. Then use Find It to find the prop and place it how you want it at the stops you want to have shelthers.
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Has that always been the case for that save? I ask because disabling a mod doesn't remove the effect it's had on a save. So just making sure that we can exclude mods as having an effect on this. :)

I know it can happen in the unmodded game if some airports are too close to each other, and it can happen if they are in certain specific spots in relation to the invisible flight paths that cross the map. The easiest way to test if that's the case, would be to move the airport to a new location and see if it still happens there.

16 Jul

    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Perfect! ^^

It looks like your game is running out of memory. To fix that increase the max size of your pagefile to 32GB.

You should also make sure to close any programs besides Steam and Cities: Skylines while the game runs, as they take up memory too.

And lastly you should unsubscribe any assets that you aren't using in your cit... Read more
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh damn, Steam's new filter is being annoying. :/

Just post whatever comes after this bit ""
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Trams are content only available in Snowfall, so if you don't have Snowfall, it makes sense that you don't have trams.
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The output log is way too long to copy into comments here, so you need to upload the file somewhere and link to it here, so we can download it and look at it.

Here's a few options for sites you can upload to easily, and then share the link afterwards. - free, no sign-up, can handle large log files - fast, no sign-up required (some log files will be too large for it though) - bit clunky, but can handle huge files, no sign-up required
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can't do what you're trying to do without mods. It would create 2 intersections really close to each other, which is a bad idea in this game.

You could use the curve tool to have it curve just at the end and connect to the existing intersection. Or you could just leave it as a dead end like it already is. Those would be my recommendations here, as the 2 super close intersections would cause you traffic problems.
    Avanya on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We will need to see the output log to be able to help. This guide explains where to find it and suggests some sites to upload it to, since we can't attach files here on Steam.