Considering it for next month, but Magic Archer is right on the line of strong-but-maybe-not-OP:
All Leagues: 17% use (47% win)
7000+ Ladder: 15% use (51% win)
Challenges: 23% use (53% win)
8+ Wins: 24% use (50% win)
All of these numbers are basically in-line with Baby Dragon. If the goal of buffing MA was to reduce Baby Dragon numbers to provide more options, then it was a success. Perhaps you could say both cards are OP and need nerfs, but swarmy/spell bait kind of decks are still very viable with both of these splashers getting a lot of use, so nerfing one or both would make spell bait even stronger.
When you think about cards that you would WANT to be on the upper end of strength, Magic Archer is a pretty good design. He's 4-cost, which isn't too low. His strength comes from timing and placement geometry, so he's high skill. He's easily countered by Spells and fragile enough to die in pretty much any direct combat.
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