Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

16 Mar

12 Mar

11 Mar

09 Mar


Originally posted by Bo5sj0hnth1n3H4MM3R

Frankly I beg to differ; even when the opposition has no buildings the instant slow, huge radius, massive crown tower damage, and long duration allows it to be quite impactful vs. any defensive ground unit, allowing fast-moving units like Hog Rider/Royal Hogs to get far more damage than they otherwise would've when paired with a Log. It somewhat emulates poison when it used to slow, but even then it, along with Log, are far from direct comparisons.

I agree - people really underestimate cycling Earthquakes. It's pretty common to see people cycle Log or Zap for chip damage - 2 Elixir for 84 damage (42/e). Meanwhile, a cycled EQ is 3 elixir for 183 damage (61/e). It's not ideal but I don't think it's a totally dead card either, especially if you factor in the slowing effect producing 'extra' damage from your Hog/Giant getting more swings in.


Considering it for next month, but Magic Archer is right on the line of strong-but-maybe-not-OP:

All Leagues: 17% use (47% win)

7000+ Ladder: 15% use (51% win)

Challenges: 23% use (53% win)

8+ Wins: 24% use (50% win)

All of these numbers are basically in-line with Baby Dragon. If the goal of buffing MA was to reduce Baby Dragon numbers to provide more options, then it was a success. Perhaps you could say both cards are OP and need nerfs, but swarmy/spell bait kind of decks are still very viable with both of these splashers getting a lot of use, so nerfing one or both would make spell bait even stronger.

When you think about cards that you would WANT to be on the upper end of strength, Magic Archer is a pretty good design. He's 4-cost, which isn't too low. His strength comes from timing and placement geometry, so he's high skill. He's easily countered by Spells and fragile enough to die in pretty much any direct combat.


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It will not! Battle Healer has a separate healing effect from the Heal spell, the rework will not affect any other card.

05 Mar


hey, we have a fix for this that we have now tested and confirmed is working.

this fix should be going out sometime today!

sorry for the issues and lack of a response - i wanted to make sure we had a verified fix before commenting.

03 Mar


This will be fixed in the next client update - Royal Delivery is a bit unique from Barb Barrel under the hood which is why they aren't identical. We spent a bit of time fudging the code trying to get them identical but it wasn't possible over-the-air. So hopefully by the next full update they'll look the same :)

For the curious, Barb Barrel is a projectile that spawns a Barb. Royal Delivery is an area-effect (like Freeze or Rage) that spawns a projectile that spawns a Recruit. That extra layer of separation means the Card Info screen 'misses' it, as those screens are auto-generated based on card stats. The info screen isn't looking 2-3 levels down, which is why it's not 'finding' the Recruit stats.

02 Mar


i'll be looking into this. thanks for posting.


just commenting here that we will most likely be making a change to the arena tomorrow alongside the balance changes.

the original idea was to slow it down to half speed with the balance changes tomorrow (we had feedback from youtubers with the dev build about this last week).

but it may be better for those who don't like the moving arena to just halt it completely and have a static arena. so we are currently sorting that out and testing it.

i will say i am very surprised by the amount of people getting motion sickness/dizzy from this arena so thanks for the feedback! it will help inform how we design future arenas.