Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

17 Oct

16 Oct

15 Oct


FWIW I read every balance update idea list! Keep up the goblin-tier content!

14 Oct


Originally posted by StardustSpy

Quick question about Sparky

Does sparky intentionally go for the most tanky troop if the original target dies? (Eg elite barbs die and she kills the valk over the other troops with less health)

Nope, always the closest target just like any other Troop. If you deploy something after she has picked a target though, she won't change to them.


This is LITERALLY the Arrows re-work we have in prototype right now. To be honest, I really like it! It provides a nice counter to Guards (2 shots take off shield, 3rd kills the Guards). The challenge with this rework at this point is purely visual - Arrows was the first spell introduced to the game so it's very weird in the effects code. When I switch to 3 Arrow projectiles, it becomes 3 single arrows (instead of the batch of arrows you normally see). We have been trying to fiddle with this so we can deploy it in a maintenance break, but it might require a client update with new visual effects to get working.

11 Oct

10 Oct


Originally posted by Lojcs

Hi r/ClashRoyale ! I made this 1 min video to explain how the infamous "wrong card glitch" of the game happens. The video is pretty fast paced, so make sure to pause where needed to better understand it. A worthy sidenote is that this doesn't explain the version of the glitch where a card to the left of the og card gets selected. For example in this post, op tries to play archers, but instead the rocket gets played. This post might be its explanation. The version mentioned in the video costs me about one match a week, so I decided to do something about it.

Edit: Hijacking my comment to repost u/Fugitive-Wizard 's comment below this:

"There’s another one that’s easy to recreate with...

Read more

thanks for posting such a great guide that reproduces the issue - it's invaluable to tracking bugs like this down and nailing a fix! this is one of the best examples of a bug report on this sub so just wanted to say thanks from the team as well.

09 Oct

08 Oct


Originally posted by Viswa_PVT

Hi supercell, After September update its taking lot of time to load from 85 to 100% and we are entering match after 10 to 15 seconds. Can you fix this ASAP?

we're working on fixing this in an optional update that is due to drop tomorrow - we are just finishing up testing to make sure that the fix works

07 Oct


Originally posted by Reeskikker

Are you aware that in the touchdown party mode, when one player leaves at the end of the match, it's teammate's game crashes? It's very annoying!

this issue should have already been fixed in the maintenance we had a couple of hours ago! let me know if it's still happening or if this was an older report


thanks for the compilation vid. there is a text patch that should be going live today to address this as well as some other issues that we were waiting on translations for!


Originally posted by JCorby17

Okay, I understand you’re reasoning on it, and I did hit my new high of 6090 last season, so maybe I can Consistently get 6150 now if it means I get more rewards and the same Gems. Thanks for being honest about the situation Mr Seth. Oh yea, you forgot to get rid of β€œSpawns 3 Skeletons when destroyed.” In the Witch’s Card Description! It will confuse new players, this needs to be fixed!

Yup! We had an updated text but it didn't go out with the maintenance (doh!). It may go out later this week along with a few other server tweaks


Originally posted by Desertanu

Are there any plan to buff the Barbarian Hut in the future? It is currently the worst card in the game with a 0% use rate and a 10% win rate in Grand Challenges.

We actually have a rework to Barb Hut that has tested well. The big problem is that Barb Hut leads to a lot of stalling/draws so we aren't sure if it would be good for the game overall to have a powerful Barb Hut. We are considering other reworks in the meantime, but maybe we will end up releasing it after we can determine if Tiebreakers would lead to a defensive Barb Hut meta.


good idea - i've added to our Quality of Life changes list