Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

29 Sep


Originally posted by alakazamistaken

Are you guys planning some sort of collection after tier 35?

yep! season 4 news will drop next week!


Originally posted by MicroBadger_

Everything seemed fine but the crown rush. Who actually struggles to fill up all the chests? My clan typically finds themselves done part way through the month. So we get a weekend mode to get more useless crowns instead of extra gold. Not really sure what the push behind that was.

as someone who usually fills my pass royale after 2 or 3 weeks, i would be surprised too!

however, there are some players who do not manage to fill their pass so easily, especially if they've joined later and the season, and we do not want to make them feel like they've missed out on cool stuff just by not playing since day 1 of the season.

season 4 will also be bringing some more ways to earn crowns to help these players out!

as seth said in the video, gold rush isn't going anywhere - so you'll still have a chance to earn extra gold through that.

28 Sep

27 Sep

25 Sep

23 Sep

21 Sep

20 Sep


oh wow man these are incredible! i look forward to receiving them and sharing them with the rest of supercell!

19 Sep


Originally posted by simonedva

Are there still other things in the end-of-september-update besides shadow text, new draft, anti-draw and so on?


18 Sep

17 Sep


you can indeed! just switch regions in the esports tab (scroll to the bottom)

16 Sep


We do have plans to release more Common cards! Interestingly enough, Commons tend to the be the hardest cards to design. We generally want Commons to be very mechanics-light, easy to understand. With most of the basic cards already designed (Knight, Barbarians, Goblins, etc) its difficult to come up with new cards, with few mechanics, that don't overlap with existing cards. Sure, we COULD make another mini-tank with no special abilities that happens to cost 4, but that feels really cheap on our part compared to something with a lot of new stuff. Having a lot of new mechanics, however, naturally drifts a card to Epic or Legendary.

If I could go back in time, I think cards like Mega Minion and even PEKKA would make more sense as Commons, whereas cards like Tesla or Skeleton Barrel should probably be Rares or higher. But we are challenging ourselves to think of more Common/Rare type cards, and I don't think you'll have to wait too terribly long for a non-Legendary release :)

... Read more

13 Sep


Originally posted by FlyingMachine33

What about a new card? We haven't seen one for two months!



Originally posted by Pusc1f3r

u/Supercell-Seth after the overtime has expired and the towers start to take damage "quickly" will there still be the abililty to play cards? Are you worried this will incetivize players to turtle up and spell cycle to the end with rocket/lightning/zap/fireball or the like and just try and chip down the opponent tower faster than their own tower dies?

also when you say it takes damage quickly, is it like 10 seconds or 1 second? I know it depends on the remaining health of the tower but constitutes "quickly" to you?

nope, cards will not be able to be played during this time, but the animation will better visualize the tiebreak to players. it will be a matter of seconds