Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

06 Sep

05 Sep


Originally posted by Expensive_Ad_9526

So what’s the ruling on this? u/Supercell_Drew Is it a bug or is it just that you aren’t supposed to be able to attack other boats when yours is damaged? I’ve been searching everywhere for an answer but it still hasn’t been addressed in any of the other posts as yet. Thanks.

you can't attack other boats while yours is damaged.


hey guys,

i really appreciate this post, thank you! it is great to have a fresh outlook and some new discussion going on in the sub.

however i have to stand up for my colleagues and also take responsibility for the update here.

at supercell our teams are small and therefore EVERY member of the team has input within the update. we may not all be the ones physically doing the coding, but from our live ops person to our player support lead to our artists we all have a say on what does (or does not) go into the update. therefore it's not fair to say i shouldn't be blamed because it is my responsibility to get the best updates out to you guys too.

first up we don't have bosses as such and we are all on equal footing on the team. we have a 'default to trust' policy where we have to assume everyone on the team is also looking out for the best interests of the game and the players.

this isn't to say that anyone can p...

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04 Sep


Originally posted by rahm4

What makes individual cool downs not ideal?

to me it seems seems like overcomplicating the feature.

i also think if you can't switch cards with active war deck cards it may not have as much impact and you may have to wait for another deck to get put on a cooldown anyways to get the full customization that you want.


Originally posted by XxChromaxX

Drew, there is a glitch with dragging a card and its returning in to the deck, can you tell the team to fix it? I can send u a link to show it happens

interesting, yes please share a link! thanks


Originally posted by TheMagycian

I think Supercell needs to find a way to make Beatdown decks have a higher level cap. What I mean by this is that while Cycle decks are harder to master than Beatdown decks, Cycle decks at their best will usually beat Beatdown decks at their best (as OP mentioned).

Beatdown rules down in lower arenas, since Cycle players are not as good as their pro counterparts at 7k+. Cycle players at lower arenas are not experienced enough to use Cycle decks sufficiently to handle Beatdown.

However at higher trophies, the situation is reversed. Everyone is extremely good, so skill level is not the issue. It becomes obvious that Cycle decks dominate; Since everyone at 7k+ is a very good player, the discrepancy in win rate should not be the player's skill themselves. The only other explanation is that Cycle decks are truly superior to Beatdown decks.

One example of this is icebow. Tanks cards; i.e. beat down decks are supposed to counter siege decks. Howev...

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thanks for the tag. i think even the mere mention of buffing beatdown is always a risk but i think the point about how beatdown skillcap gets extremely raised at higher trophies is great.

thanks for the write up to both you and u/jerryCR-OP


we agree. so for this situation we are working on a solution that is either

  1. when all decks are on cooldown, you can edit decks (your current situation here)
  2. all cards have individual cooldowns (not ideal)

balance changes will be made public on sunday and then go live on tuesday 8th


Originally posted by givemealltheprotons

Lol professional response Drew. Couple hours ago you say you’re not being defensive, and look at you now. You really suck at your job.

i thought of all places this post would be good for a bit of banter, seeing as we are nerfing heal spirit (the card everyone has wanted nerfed this month).


i was just about to let the team go ahead and nerf heal spirit until i saw this post.

thank you for averting a crisis!


love the idea. big fan of payload type games like in overwatch and tf2 etc!

thanks for sharing!


Originally posted by Epicular

It’s not the principle of the comment that’s the problem (at least for me), it’s the adjective-laden quips like “this comment is super disingenuous” or the italicized “literally”. Makes you seem like you’re taking more of a combative role than an informative one, even if your comment is more informative by nature.

If what you comment is true (don’t get me wrong, I have every bit of faith that you never lie to us), then there’s no need to say anything other than “this post is misleading” and a quick rundown of the facts. Otherwise your comment appears more opinionated and/or defensive, which takes away its informative value, and makes people less trusting of it.

ok i see, thanks for the feedback. i guess it's because when i do shorter 'straight to the point' comments people complain that i'm being blunt or that i dont care enough to write more than a few words.

so i'm just writing how i normally would in a casual online convo.

i'll try find a balance between the two. thanks again!


Originally posted by Kal-El_6500

Your boat is broken.

Hey u/supercell_drew could you ask your team to rework the error messages here to help inform people as to what’s going on in these instances. There’s a ton of confusion around the simple ‘matchmaking failed’ prompt. Much appreciated!🍻🍻

this is already fixed in our dev build and will be going out with the optional update


Originally posted by Epicular

I don’t know what he’s replying to but he comes off as defensive an awful lot, which turns me off of him. Assholes on the internet are a dime a dozen, there’s no reason that a CM should ever bother starting an argument with one.

i'm not trying to come off as defensive (now i'm wondering if this reply going to come off as defensive too?)

i'm trying to be communicate more, be more open with you guys and give you straight up answers that try to stop spread of misinformation on the sub and tell you what's actually happening.

this post for example is just spreading misinformation. it's pretty sensationalist, in the post OP linked i'm literally saying that we are working on the next update (the optional bug fix update) so it's weird that the title is "next update not even begun"

just because we are working on that doesn't mean that we haven't been working the past month or two on the planning stage for the next 'big' update after CW2.

if people keep feeding back negatively to this kind of communication i am happy to stop, just would love some feedback on what types of responses you want from me instead.


Originally posted by dadbodgames

Understood, but it's worrying that the bugs are being taken care of before the monster that's killing everyone. I'm not sure if that analogy will have an affect on you seeing that picture, and I know bugs are faster to squash than a monster....but there isn't even a side team on the monster right now either.

i think you're assuming we don't have any plan for the update after the optional which is incorrect. we've been planning that separately.

for example designers & artists aren't always heavily involved in bug fix updates. just becasue an optional bug fix update is coming out first doesn't mean that work hasn't already been done on the next update etc.

hope that clears it up.

it's better to get a quick bug fix update the next week out that addresses a lot of issues rather than waiting for a month or longer for it to go in alongside some other content, for example


Originally posted by dadbodgames

Comments like this are scary. You're fixing bugs but you haven't begun work on the next update? It's not people giving assumptions that the update sucks, they are showing their work....and you haven't started making any changes at all?


the next update is the optional update that is released next week. this update will include bug fixes