
Dauntless Dev Tracker

27 Mar


Hey all! I work as a gameplay designer on the behemoth side of things here at PHXL, and I just wanted to say thanks in advance for all the feedback. We're looking at all of it, and using it to inform tuning changes and design on our upcoming behemoths. Glad to see so many of you enjoying getting turned into a human crayon by Torg.


Hey all! I'm Kyle - I Lead the animation crew on Torgadoro. Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for your thoughts and feedback! Feel free to hit me up with any questions you may have and i'll try to answer them as best i can o7.


We're working on client-authoritative dodging, which will improve this, especially if it's due to internet connection.

We've completed the first pass on it and are currently testing it internally now. Hold tight while we iron it out a bit more.


I don't get it? I don't see any changes?


Originally posted by IBlackReaper

I really liked the teasers a lot this time. Especially the map of the escalation with the constant updates, giving us more and more information every few days, it really kept the hype going. The trailer was also really nice, showing some of the unique attacks of Torgadoro, so we would at least have some sort of idea what we had to look out for.

It has also been very cool that we got the information about which escalation will be next on the roadmap so soon after the release of shock escalation, cause it left a lot of time for people to speculate and make their own concepts about the upcoming behemoth at the end of it.

Thanks for the info. We're trying to find that sweet spot of hype. :)


Thank you so much for putting this together! I'm poking some devs to jump in here and there while this is up.

Also, thanks for all the feedback, everyone. We read all of this, and it really helps with future content creation.


1.2.0 has been so exciting!! Thank you for posting this! From the marketing side I would also love to know how everyone felt about the teasers leading up to Torgadoro, so that we can do even better next time <3

26 Mar


Hey there,

We are currently working on this.

Unfortunately, turning off the effect would take a client patch, which would need to pass certification. We have already submitted the fix for certification, so we have to wait. No use in submitting the disable option since they would both pass the process at the same time.

Hold tight and thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by CreatureTech-PHX

The unfortunate answer to this is we can't moderate a foreign community. The majority of our staff is english speaking, and the ones that are fluent in other languages are working on other things other than community management.

There are also various French communities, and all would like to be the official. It honestly wouldn't feel right choosing one or the other, especially because I don't have the language skills to determine what the heck is going on inside these communities.

We love seeing the initiative you took (and others) to create a place for French players, and we really appreciate it. Keep doing what you do <3

Oh, and if you or any others are seeking partnership, feel free to apply!



The unfortunate answer to this is we can't moderate a foreign community. The majority of our staff is english speaking, and the ones that are fluent in other languages are working on other things other than community management.

There are also various French communities, and all would like to be the official. It honestly wouldn't feel right choosing one or the other, especially because I don't have the language skills to determine what the heck is going on inside these communities.

We love seeing the initiative you took (and others) to create a place for French players, and we really appreciate it. Keep doing what you do <3

25 Mar


Hey there, we have been discussing the Escalation Boost and how it works. We agree that having it trigger automatically isn't ideal.

This may change in the future, so stay tuned.

24 Mar


Thank you so much! We're glad you like it :)


Hey guys, thanks for putting this together Vozu_! I think it's really interesting and insightful. I love these types of discussions and I'm happy to chime in about some of the thought processes and goals around it.

The biggest problem I needed to address was that not enough players were making significant progress with their Hunt Pass, which totally felt bad to me and devalued any reason to have it. This is likely mostly the casual audience.

A lot of players who were purchasing the Hunt Pass ended their season without making meaningful progress although they had done a significant number of hunts. This was a symptom of the fact that Bounties aren't part of the games critical path (log in, load up a hunt, craft some stuff). You could play the game entirely without doing Bounties and have an unrewarding and flat-out bad Hunt Pass experience because of this.

The solution was to add Hunt Pass XP to the core loop of our game (hunt all the things!). Naturally bein...

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Yeah, unfortunately, our hands are tied with this one.

Thanks for understanding :)