Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight Dev Tracker

17 Aug

    Leon&Raihan simp on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hag = DC:
Originally posted by Nodl: off memory thats normal bc ptb is behind public and whatever bp you spend ect stays on ptb and vanishes when the ptb is over
oh thank god was worried i would have to level freddy and legion up again
You're good. It should not affect you live save file, so Freddy and Legion should be normal one you back out of the PTB.

16 Aug

    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Marked of Kane: So with the map and characters getting pulled, do I get a refund for the DLC.

The map is being removed, but maps are free and not part of the full DLC. You will not lose access to characters that you've already purchased.
Refunds are issued on the platform you purchased them on, according to their rules (ie Steam within 2 weeks of purchase and less than 2 hours of playtime). We do not refund content.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Larzarrus: why would you have to stay there?
Your teammates finish the gens open the gates and the End game collapse takes care of the rest.
You just have to wait a few minutes. That is one of the reasons why the endgame collapse was introduced.

No, if EGC has not started and someone is prevented from playing the game - that's classed as holding the game hostage for that player. And is strictly against the game rules. Killers blocking a survivor in a corner/room as well as other survivors blocking a survivor in a corner/room, is not normal play and against game rules.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Marked of Kane: In 2 games in a row i had the same player as killer, who decided it was funny just to block and hold the game hostage, and FYI, I had not trolled, or FL clicked. Essentially, stuck in a room on map and killer just stands at the door and doesn't move, forcing me to DC otherwise I'd be in the game forever.

Why can't the devs nerf all killers, and survivors, that if they don't move for 1 minute (about the time the crows kick in), they become 'phased' and you can walk through them. This would last at least 30 seconds in case the killer, or survivor, decides to move 1 cm just as it activates.

Please make reports on instances of this happening - report in game, and then send the evidence to Support, as this is not ok and is strictly against the rules.
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    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you're having a technical issue with your game, please request assistance by posting on the Official Forum as we do not have a sub section for this on the Steam forums.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you are having technical issues with your game, please post on the Official Forum for assistance, as we do not have a tech sub forum on this platform.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you are having technical issues with your game, please post on the official forum for assistance as we do not have a specific sub section on this forum.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The perks silences the grunts of pain when you are healing yourself or someone else (providing it's you that has the perk equipped).
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The Campfire Charm is currently not available.

14 Aug

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ඞMickeyMan ✟✝☨♰✠✚:
Originally posted by Gay Myers (Luzi): That's not possible. As of now, cross progression is only available for Steam and Stadia.
I connected my steam and behaviour account, on pc not PS or anything else
Is it linked with the game / did you also restart your game? if it does not work still then, please send a ticket to support: ... Read more
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Just1n: Yo,how can i link my dbd account to steam (so my ps4 dbd acc)
That's not possible. As of now, cross progression is only available for Steam and Stadia.
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Edit: Which platforms are you trying to connect?
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The Game is currently disabled and a known issue. It's under Known Issues.
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
For any bugs you might experience in the game, please create a post here as we do not offer a bug report sub-forum here:
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you're experiencing this regularly, I'd suggest visiting the official forums tech assistance sub-forum: We do not offer any tech support or tech sub-forum here.

13 Aug

    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
11 to 13 is correct. As you get set back one colour. Definitely shouldn't have gone from 2-9 though, I believe 5 would have been the correct place.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They've been removed whilst the MMR test is going on.
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Possibly try using another email if this is happening (if you don't have an account already, if you do, you probably need to reset your password), otherwise if this still does not work, please contact support for technical assistance:

12 Aug

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you'd like to receive technical assistance, please go and visit our technical sub-forum on the official forums, as we do not have a tech sub-forum here: