Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight Dev Tracker

02 Feb

    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I suggest contacting Support about your error,
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you're having a technical issue with your game please visit the Official Forum for assistance as we no longer have a sub forum here on Steam.

01 Feb

    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We're not publicly released a date yet.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The only platforms that currently have cross progression are Steam & Stadia, with Switch joining shortly. We do not know if cross progression will ever be added for any other platform, we are aware that it's a community wish, but we have no guarantees that it will happen...sorry.
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This bug is known, for future reference bug reports are not made on Steam forums as we have our own dedicated sub forum for this on the Official Forums - reports made on Steam are redirected.

31 Jan

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, for any technical, optimization or bug issues, check out this thread please: Tech Issues, Bug Reports & Console sub-forums removed.

Any bugs or technical issues are now handled on the official forum only.

Pick whichever category fits your needs and questions! :) :TheShark:... Read more
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, for any technical, optimization or bug issues, check out this thread please: Tech Issues, Bug Reports & Console sub-forums removed.

Any bugs or technical issues are now handled on the official forum only.

Pick whichever category fits your needs and questions! :) :TheShark:... Read more
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You are free to give your feedback here, because mobile is a different team than the core game:
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, for any technical, optimization or bug issues, check out this thread please: Tech Issues, Bug Reports & Console sub-forums removed.

Any bugs or technical issues are now handled on the official forum only.

Pick whichever category fits your needs and questions! :) :TheShark:... Read more

30 Jan

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, for any technical, optimization or bug issues, check out this thread please: Tech Issues, Bug Reports & Console sub-forums removed.

Any bugs or technical issues are now handled on the official forum only.

Pick whichever category fits your needs and questions! :) :TheShark:... Read more
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, for any technical, optimization or bug issues, check out this thread please: Tech Issues, Bug Reports & Console sub-forums removed.

Any bugs or technical issues are now handled on the official forum only.

Pick whichever category fits your needs and questions! :) :TheShark:... Read more
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Toggling the feature on and off requires a game update. MMR can be turned on in the backend without a patch for the player, that's why they kept the toggle option disabled.
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, it has not been enabled yet. That much I can confirm.
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The plans are to activate MMR again, but there is no date as of yet when. It'll essentially give players a skill rating that's used to match players with.

You can read here more: and here:

29 Jan

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
On Stream they might show stats here and there. The most recent ones were killer kill and pick rates.
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Deadeye64: Man thats crap, I can understand the no name and shame rule to a degree. If somebody has solid concrete proof that somebody IS cheating and posts, I dont see it as "naming and shaming" but a public service. When there's undeniable proof that somebody is cheating and somebody were to post it, the poster should not be penalized.. But I do get not posting any random profile and screaming "tHeY cHeAtEd!", but again, with proof its not shaming but exposing. I think the rule could use a small reform.
One of the reasons why we don't allow this is also the chance of people staging something, posting it here with the intention to ruin someone's reputation. It's for the best it's handled the way it is - Stea... Read more

28 Jan

    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Issues with achievements and perks that relate to the basement have been reported already and are known. They're looking into it.

For the future, please use the official forum to report bugs:
    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Bans are not discussed on the forums, if you want to know the reason why you were banned, I suggest contacting DbD Support -