Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

13 Dec


Originally posted by Seppo_Manse

He's actually smoking a cigar in the icon during loading screen :)

Well, I’ll be damned.

12 Dec


It's not promoting smoking, but more of a reference to popular culture. It's been explained elsewhere, but the gist of the meaning is "It's happening; finish what you're doing while you can." or "there might not be a later, so do it now".

Deep Rock Galactic is heavily influenced by movies from the 80's and 90's, so there's a lot of references to that in the game. I think the TV Tropes entry on it is pretty describing.

You may not know, but the original gunner art had him smoking a cigar - that never made it into the game for rating reasons.

10 Dec


Alright, I checked up on your story, and I think you're either twisting the story or confused, so I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but there are some inconsistencies in what you are saying.

First, you have not been kicked. If you're not on the server, you left it on your own device. We log everything, and I've talked to the mod involved.
Second, you were muted as a consequence of joining in an off-topic rant in the DRG channel about a deleted message (not yours) but I can see you initially thought it was your message.
Third, the comment was "you won't be living here for long if you do" (emphasis mine) as a reply to you saying "you're not living if you aren't treading the lines" in context of someone saying you were asking to get muted on the Discord. So you were made aware that your posts were pushing it in regard to the accepted content on the server and you confirmed that you were aware of this.

You are free...

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Originally posted by ProcrastinatorL

the discord mods are cringe. got perma muted for saying "tbh them molly legs kinda got me actin a fool". i aint groveling to a mod to get unbanned from a server where i can't even lightly shitpost.

If we let all 250k users lightly sh*tpost, it would no longer be lightly sh*tposting.


The software shouldn't be the issue on this, so what I think is happening is that Deep Rock Galactic is probably stressing your system in a way that other games do not. It's not very GPU heavy due to the low poly art style, but does use RAM and CPU - so my guess is that you may have issues with one of those two.

09 Dec


It is with UEModel. Or, you can export the models, but some assembly will be required.


A patch that should fix this was released 12 hours ago.


Hello Miners,
Here it is again, the final final patch of Season 1. Probably.

With love,
The Ghost Ship Crew

----PATCH NOTES:---- - Fixed a crash related to physics that sometimes happened to Hosts
- Fixed a crash related to particles
- Fixed a bug that for non-hosts caused the Grappling hook to sometimes not prevent fall damage even when you stopped momentum
- Fixed a bug that caused the armor breaking modification on the breach cutter to not break armor properly
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Originally posted by Dwarf_With_a_Minigun

And here's reason one on display: furries will insert themselves into a community, post their furry art, act out with general furry degeneracy, and when you point it out and tell them to knock it off, they will immediately play the victim card and act like they're some sort of protected minority that's being executed en masse IRL.

To put it nicely: you people are weird, you know that you're weird, and instead of accepting it and keeping it to yourselves you feel the need to push your fetish onto the general populace of other communities.

I don't think the people in anthropomorphic animal suits threw the first stone here.


Originally posted by Lootpack

Will there be a physical version for PS5?

Would be nice, but currently not planned.

08 Dec

07 Dec


Dang, the official Update posts doesn’t even get this many upvotes.


Originally posted by Gaby5011

Taking a mission objective and stuffing it inside a lootbug is unlikely to happen. you monsters

Hello Miners,

Here it is, the final patch for Season 1 (unless something goes horribly wrong of course...but it always never does…). We have fixed several crashes, weapon issues and attempted to make Hiveguards aggressively guard again. But most importantly, clients can pet Hack-C again for that moral support.

With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew

----Patch Notes:----
- Attempted fix for cascade particles LOD crash
- Fixed crash when late joining
- Potential fix for voice chat related crash during seamless travel
- Attempted PhysX crash fix
- Attempt to fix crash involving Corrosive Sludge Cannon particles
- Fix to Hollow Bough sometimes crashing during level generation
- Fixed crash occurring in Deep Dive end screen
- Fixed Patrol Bot movement logic when going from flying to rolling so it does not snap up and down
- Fixed a weakpoint on the Bulk Detonator that did not glow when hit
- Attempt to fix Hiveguard... Read more