Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

21 May


Originally posted by Crux_Haloine

u/GSG_JACOB What are the guidelines on what sort of content we can use for these designs? Do they have to be completely original artwork by us, or can they use screenshots or bits from promotional images?

We’ll try to define that better next week. We don’t want submissions that’s straight from the press kit, but that said, using the assets creatively would be fine. Stay tuned!

20 May


Originally posted by crash8308

Corsair scimitar and Logitech G910. I play FPS and other games and don’t have the same issues. It’s a response problem with the game itself.

I hear that Windowed Fullscreen in native resolution will fix it.


Hello, Miners! We just released a new hotfix patch and besides the usual chunk of fixes and tweaks, we’ve also added some things in relation to the cosmetic Packs.

First of all, we realized that the Dark Future Pack lacked an obvious component: a Dark Future Paintjob for all weapons. It makes sense to have the counterpart included so you can have a complete look with one purchase.

From all the feedback we got (and thanks for that), it was clear that some were quite confused on what they had actually received in the various Packs and where to find the items. So we have now added a nice Claim pop-up for each Pack, including the Supporter Upgrade. This will pop for all that have bought the Packs no matter how long time since it was acquired.

Finally, we saw there was a clear expectation that buying a Pack with a unique Fra... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

Originally posted by Something_Syck

Hope they do it with all the default mesh color schemes

Just clarifying here: this is a fix for the MegaCorp (and Dark Future) paintjob only

19 May


Did you take turns being Snowwhite?

18 May


This community keeps raising the bar for creativity. LEGO mineheads, glyphids, and Mollys, 3D printed mugs, boolo cap hats, fantastic artwork. and now THIS?

You miners make it easy getting up and going to work in the morning to work from home every morning for this Community Manager. <3


Originally posted by terrify_

Cool! Thanks for the reply, also matchmaking is having some serious issues across the board.

We are looking into that aswell, but it is unfortunately also really hard to get any info on what is going wrong


You have called down a resupply before, right? Just wanted to make sure you got all the mechanics right - hopefully it’s just the angle and having to dig it out, that is confusing.


This post is now about Mark from QA.


We are very aware of it, and trying to find out a fix, but it concerns several 3rd party elements, which makes it tricky.

Atm, we are looking at 1-2 months since it is a large amount of work, and it depends on how many bugs we find when implementing it

17 May


Originally posted by gl3b0thegr8

I think all the times that happened, I was dropping a shield exactly into one of the fellow dwarfs. Also, after the bug occurs, my dwarf is holding not the inactive shield (which is normally when shield is on cooldown), but the driller's remote detonator, as if it is ready to activate. When this happens, I will make a screenshot of it and update the thread.
