Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

05 May

From time to time we like to invite our pool of talented artists here at Bungie to share some of their favorite work from the past Season as it comes to a close. A few of our talented Bungie artists have sent us some of the art they worked on for you to enjoy. If you like what you see there are even more amazing images to browse through on their linked sites. Now go marvel at the beauty from the Destiny universe.  

Madison Parker
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29 Apr


The Tower 
  • Fixed an occasional crash that would result in a Calabrese error. 

Gameplay and Investment 

  • Fixed an issue where the Titan Contender Eververse armor set would make Titans invisible in first person. 
  • Fixed an issue where Warlock Guardian Games armor would lose its glow when some shader items are socketed.

Guardian Games
  • Fixed an issue where Daily Guardian Games bounties could not be repurchased on subsequent days after being completed.
    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we set the starting line. 
Season of the Chosen is starting to wind down and we are preparing to transition into Season of [Redacted]. While things are winding down, many of you are still on the path to finishing your Seasonal Challenges. While some activities have come and gone, there’s still ample time for you to complete Challenges that require longer time commitments. Nightfalls have double rewards this week for those on the hunt for sweet Legendary rolls. Next week, double Infamy will help many of you finish up the “In it for Infamy” Challenge. Guardians can now complete the final Seasonal Challenge week. As part of Bungie Rewards, you can redeem the free Thrill of the Chase emblem as you complete the Master of All Triumph. 

This week, we’ll be focused on upcoming weapon buffs, as well as setting the stage for the Vault of G... Read more

22 Apr

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Ada-1 is prepping for Armor Synthesis. 
There’s quite a bit going on this week. The Guardian Games have begun! Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks throughout the system have begun competing for gold placement each day of the Games. A few of us here at the studio have pledged to help Warlocks as they attempt to prevent a sweeping win by Titans for the second year in a row. Hunters are already showing promise with some early wins. Maybe they learned from last year that they’ll need to compete for more than a single day to win the trophy. Who will take the win? Only time will tell!  
[Editor's Note: Hunters will prevail!]  [Editor’s Editor’s Note: You misspelled “Titans”]  [DMG’s Note: Warlocks may actually have a chance this year. Calm down everyone. Let’s get back to the TWAB.] 

If you’re looking for an additional challenge during the Games, the final Grandmaster Nightfalls required for the ... Read more

15 Apr

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we warm up.  

Spring is here and competition is in the air. The second annual Guardian Games are kicking off on April 20. The theme of the event returns, pitting the classes against each other in a friendly competition to showcase their skills in combat. Last year, Titans dominated the field for nearly the entire event. Can Warlocks or Hunters bounce back and dethrone those gargantuan punching machines? Time will tell.  
If you are new to Guardian Games or need a quick refresher, this article is a great place to start. In today's TWAB we'll get into some of the changes for this year’s event. But before we do, let's check out the hype reel. 

Last year, we received a lot of feedback on how the overall sco... Read more

09 Apr

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Welcome to the Community Focus. Every now and then we like to reach out and find awesome members of our Destiny community to highlight for you here. This week, we welcome a long time Destiny player and content creator.  

Please meet Gumpita. 
Tell us a little bit about yourself and what first got you into gaming. 
Gumpita: Hiya! My name is Jen, but I go by Gumpita/Gump online (yes, it is a Forrest Gump reference, great movie btw). I was born and raised in Southern California, but recently moved to the Netherlands to close the gap in my long-distance relationship. I have been a content creator on Twitch for a little over five years now, and when I'm not gaming, I enjoy watching films, Bullet Journaling, and learning about how to successfully keep my many houseplants alive.   
Growing up, my older brother and I would bond over video games. He was the one who introduced me to the SNES and games like Donk...
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08 Apr

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we dive into the details.
Season of the Chosen has entered its second half. You’ve faced the Right of Proving on behalf of the Vanguard. In doing so, you’ve put an end to a growing conflict with Empress Caiatl and her followers. When not preventing wars, you also found time to investigate a distress signal from a ghost ship of sorts in the Presage mission, unraveling the mystery of a missing Guardian and discovering the Dead Man’s Tale Exotic Scout Rifle.
Earlier this week, we spent some time with the development team to talk through the creation of Presage, navigating various inspirations behind the activity and scrutinizing screenshots of their work as it went through development. If you missed the stream, don’t sweat it. ... Read more

07 Apr

[Spoiler warning: Contains several details about the Presage mission in Destiny 2. Go play it first, earn your Exotic, and come back when you’re done. We’ll still be here.]

Guardians respond to distress signals; they don’t send them.
Yet here you are. Slowly approaching a derelict ship in the dead of space after receiving a distress signal … from a Guardian. The closer you get to the hull, the more an unfamiliar feeling slithers into your impenetrable armor. What is it? Hesitation? Maybe fear?
You're a Guardian – a bastion of Light, vanquisher of gods, armed to the teeth and prepared for any challenge.   

But from the moment you set foot on the dimly lit ramp and the silence envelops you, you know that the wrongness of this ship is something new. Sure, there’s always the chance that whatever lies in the bowels of this drifting tomb poses no threat; but with every step you take away from y... Read more

01 Apr


Strike: Proving Grounds 
  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of bounds during the Proving Grounds boss fight. 
      • Players must now take on the Right of Proving from an even playing field.

  • Fixed an issue where Heavy ammo spawned under the Distant Shore map in some game modes 

Gameplay and Investment 

Bounties and Pursuits 
  • Fixed an issue impacting the glyph puzzles for the Xenophage Exotic quest chain. 
      • The Hive glyphs will now correctly react and respond when shot with semi-auto, burst, automatic, or energy weapon variants. 
  • Fixed an issue where the The Insight Terminus Nightfall Triumph wasn't counting progress.  

  • Fixed an issue where Guardian Games Ghosts were removed from invent...
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    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we have modifications on our mind. 

Guardians are further proving their worth as Proving Grounds has become the featured Nightfall strike. We’ve also added it to the Vanguard strike playlist so all players will now have a chance to tackle the giant tank on Nessus. So, if you haven’t had a chance to log in this week, it’s a great time to load up the game. If you’ve been playing, you’re probably waiting for me to tell you something you don’t already know, so let’s get to it.  

Gear Up 

With the return of Ada-1 to the Tower in Season 14, we are introducing some small quality of life upgrades to a couple of our Tower vendors. First, in addition to being the primary vendor associated with the upcoming transmog system also known as Armor Synthesis, Ada-1 will become the vendor who delivers a variety of armor-focused items and upgrades. Each day, Ada-1 will now sell one randomly chosen armor mod from the general and armo... Read more

31 Mar

One of Bungie's core values is wanting everyone to feel that their identity is welcome. This goes for both players feeling welcome in our games, and employees feeling welcome in our studio. It means evaluating our communication, listening and learning to different viewpoints, and amplifying underrepresented voices. While this is not a problem that can be solved overnight, it is an ongoing effort for Bungie employees throughout the company. Last year, we shared some of the work done by Bungie's first Inclusion Club, Black at Bungie. And today, on International Transgender Day of V... Read more

26 Mar

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Welcome to the Community Focus. This is where we take some time to introduce you to awesome members of our Destiny community. This week, we welcome a content creator of many talents who has a love for life and community.  

Please meet Ms Kenner! 
Alright, let's start by having you tell us a little bit about yourself and what first got you into gaming. 
Ms Kenner: My name is Jessica, but I'm most usually called Ms Kenner (Ms K for short). I have a husband and two children, live in Louisiana, and love bananas. 
I dabbled in gaming when I was younger. My mom was a single mom so we couldn't get gaming consoles for myself. While my mom worked, I would spend evenings at my friend's house and was able to play Nintendo and other games. When I would go to my older cousin's house, I used to spend hours playing Age of Empires on his PC, as well as Tekken, Tomb Raider, Madden, and many others on his consoles. Aft...
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25 Mar

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, it’s Diplomacy or Death. 

Zavala has issued a challenge to Caiatl. You have been chosen to represent the Vanguard in battle against the Champion of the Cabal in a Rite of Proving. If you are victorious, this could to bring an end to the recent conflicts on Nessus. If you fail, Caiatl fills a seat on her war council in the form of Bracus Zavala. Head to the H.E.L.M. for your quest and gear up for a fight to remember. 

This week kicked off not only with the new Proving Grounds strike, but a round of Stasis tuning for the Crucible. Many of you have been spending time testing out the changes and readjusting your strategies in the wake of change. Warlocks have also been taking Mantle of Battle Harmony for a spin in the Iron Banner, as its Exotic perk now functions in Crucible combat. If you haven’t read up on the patch notes from Tuesday’s hotfix, ... Read more

23 Mar


  • Fixed an issue where players could respawn into the void, instantly bringing an end to their feeble attempts to survive this activity at Master difficulty. 

Wrathborn Hunts 
  • Fixed an issue where "Immune" text appears when players deal damage to the High Celebrant. 

  • Fixed an issue where players would die instantly if they stood in a particular spot of the Quitter's Well in Tangled Shore. 
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Scan and Heroic VIP patrols from appearing on Europa.  

  • Fixed an issue where players could regenerate infinite Super energy from teammates running through hallways. 
  • Fixed an issue where players would incorrectly receive an “online privileges” dialog when trying to launch specific Battlegrounds activities or the Battlegrounds playlist with a fireteam member who ha...
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19 Mar

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
Hello, and welcome to the Community Focus. If you’re new around these parts, these articles give us some wonderful opportunities to introduce you to awesome members of the Destiny community. This week, we’ll be sitting down with a wonderful artist that caught our eye with their killer art pieces on social media. 
Please welcome to the stage, Kim Mihok! 

Hey Kim! Let’s get this show on the road. Tell us a bit about yourself, where you’re from, and how cold Canada is right now.   

Kim: Hi everyone! My name is Kim and I’m a 2D artist/illustrator. We just had our first “fake Spring” here in Canada but now we’re back to cooler temperatures for a while. Ever since I can remember I’ve done art and played video games. In my spare time I mostly draw Destiny fanart and Hand Cannons. During the day, I work full-time in graphic design and marketing and do my illustrations in the evenings and on weekends. My goal is to keep improv... Read more

18 Mar

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
We want to start this TWAB off by speaking about the tragic events from earlier this week. The violence against the Asian American community in Atlanta wasn’t an isolated event. Hate crimes against Asian Americans have recently surged across major cities in the US over the last year.
Everyone at Bungie stands with the Asian community during this difficult time and our hearts go out to the victims of this senseless act and their families. One of our goals is to continue to build communities around our games where everyone feels safe to be who they are and free to build friendships without the fear of hate or discrimination.
Please join us in making a donation to aid efforts that provide support and advocacy to those in need. To donate, support, and learn more on how you can help visit: ... Read more

16 Mar



  • Fixed an issue in Trials of Osiris where the I Am Invincible medal was appearing for all players when one player earned it. 
    • The medal wasn't actually awarded to the players who didn't earn it, they just incorrectly got the UI popup as if it had been. 
  • Fixed an issue where restricted players were incorrectly unable to access Crucible and Gambit private matches. 
  • Fixed an issue where there was no audio cue playing when an enemy player was revived in a Trials match. 


  • Fixed an issue on Exodus Garden 2A where players could skip the first barrier by going out of environment. 

Dreaming City 

  • Fixed an issue where region chest icons would remain on the map after finding the chest.  

Battleground: Foothold 

  • Fixed a dropship issue that was causing some poor performance.  
  • ...
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11 Mar

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we prepare for Grandmaster. 

For years, we’ve been fighting to keep the Last City and its people safe. Our latest efforts off-world to keep Cabal leaders from strengthening Caiatl’s War Council have been fruitful, but sometimes, the danger is closer to home than you’d think. 
If you haven’t seen the cutscene that went live on Tuesday, we won’t spoil it for you. All we’ll say is that what happened will not be taken lightly. 
For the TWAB this week, we have a refresher on Grandmaster Nightfalls for the New Lights out there, a preview for some Stasis tuning coming next week, and results for our Festival of the Lost armor ornament vote. Let’s get to it! 

Grandmasters of the Universe 

Are you ready for a challenge? Starting on March 16, Grandmaster Nightfalls become available. 
Never heard of a Grandmaster Nightfall before? No problem. Let’s get you up to speed. 
  • Strike difficul...
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10 Mar

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
It’s about time we fire up the spotlight and focus it on another interesting individual in the Destiny community. This week, we have a biomedical engineer who is now a full-time content creator, Hand Cannon lover, and authority on breakfast cereals. 
Please meet illPhysics. 
Tell us a little bit about yourself and what first got you into gaming? What inspired your callsign? 
illPhysics: Hello everyone. My name is illPhysics aka Tony and it’s a privilege to be featured. I am a full-time content creator, mainly for Destiny 2. I’m also a biomedical engineer by trade for over a decade. 
We didn’t have the money for gaming systems growing up, so the first games I played were on an original Nintendo that my best friend in middle school handed down to me. I’ve played through Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3 more times than I’d like to admit! After college, I got into the Call of Duty franchise, specifically Wor...
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04 Mar

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we see you.  

Welcome to the TWAB. If this is your first time reading one of these, welcome and thank you for taking the time. We write one every week to share important info about the game, fun stuff we’re doing on the side, and also highlight some cool creations from the community. We know there’s a whole internet full of dance videos and cats doing funny stuff, so we appreciate all readers, new and old. 
Anyways, let’s get into it. We’ve got reports that Guardians are continuing to explore the Glykon, the derelict ship at the heart of the Presage mission. And this week, they’re claiming a new Ghost Shell for their efforts. We also introduced a new ... Read more