Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

12 Nov

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we launched Beyond Light. 

No more waiting, Beyond Light has arrived! There was some turbulence at the start, but our team of experts worked the problem and remained vigilant in making sure Guardians were ushered through the queue and could safely touch down on Europa. 
Millions of Guardians have answered Variks’ distress call and began to explore the icy moon. Secrets have been discovered, enemies have been vanquished, your quest for Exotic loot has begun. Whether you have already finished the campaign or are still eagerly awaiting for your chance to hop in for the first time this weekend, there is still a lot of great Destiny content ahead of you! 
Speaking of new content, we just unveiled a new trailer for Season of the Hunt and a Season pag... Read more

10 Nov


Vendor Armor 

  • Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit vendors now all reward a Prime version of their respective ritual engram for completing the weekly challenge.  
      • These engrams award the ritual's new Season of the Hunt armor on a knockout list until the full set has been obtained. 
      • Once the full set is obtained the engrams drop re-rolls of the ritual armor as well as world weapons. (Note this is on a per-ritual basis; each ritual engram assesses separately.) 
      • All armor dropped from these engrams is high stat armor.  
  • The base (non-Prime) version of Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit engrams now drops world armor until the respective ritual set has been obtained from the Prime ritual engram. 
  • Once the ritual set has been obtained from the Prime ritual engram, low-stat ritual armor will drop. 
  • Zavala, Shaxx, and Drifter now sell low-stat versions of their new Season of the Hunt armor....
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05 Nov

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re beginning our descent to Europa. 
Every release, we have a long conversation about what we should show players leading up to launch, and what we should leave for players to discover. We want to build up the sense of wonder as a new Season or expansion makes its approach without spoiling everything that’s coming. With just a week to go before launch, we’ve almost reached our destination. 

Our Beyond Light Launch Trailer went live last week. A ViDoc, exploring Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt, is available for your viewing pleasure. We’ve released our Se... Read more

29 Oct

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, there is just a lot going on right now. 

What a week. It started out with a brand new ViDoc showcasing Bungie developers giving you a behind-the-scenes look at what we’ve been cooking up from home. Now we’ll pause the TWAB for 15 minutes so you can go watch it in all its glory. Even if you already watched it, go watch it again. Don’t worry, we’ll wait on you. 

That was your first look into Season of the Hunt, as well as a deeper dive into Beyond Light, Stasis, New Light, and our plans for Year 4. We also mentioned that ... Read more

27 Oct

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Watch as developers share a deeper look into our plans for Year 4 with Beyond Light, Stasis, and Season of the Hunt.  

Destiny 2: Beyond Light kicks off on November 10 with Guardians traveling to Europa to investigate the threats, mysteries, and power residing there. Season of the Hunt also begins on November 10 -- you will be able to start earning ranks and rewards from the Season Pass, claim your Artifact, and begin to customize it as you power it up. This Season’s story mission and new Wrathborn Hunts activity will kick off the following week on Nov 17. 
Starting with Season of the Hunt, most of the Seasonal content and all of the sweet gear will be sticking around for all of year 4. We hope this alleviates some of the FOMO that has been present with past Seasons. Now you can jump back in and experience past Seasons’ story, activities, and loot anytime during year 4.   
Here is a look at the calendar for Beyond Light and Season ... Read more

22 Oct

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we talk story and sandbox. 

Before we kick this TWAB off, I have to ask: Have you watched the new story trailer for Beyond Light yet? No? While we aren’t going to dive deeply into spoiler territory between now and launch, this is the moment where we say it’s time for you to go dark if you're looking to experience the expansion with no knowledge of what's coming. 
If you’re hungry, it’s time to dig in. 

Beyond Light: Story Trailer 

... Read more

20 Oct

Gameplay and Investment


  • Fixed an issue where rewards in the chests at the end of the Haunted Forest would incorrectly drop gear at 750 Power.


  • Added missing Korean VO for Nokris Interference mission.

15 Oct

The stars have aligned, and the next generation of console gameplay begins in the launch window for Beyond Light. As we continue to improve Destiny 2, we’re taking the opportunity to optimize the experience you’ll have on this new hardware. 
The next generation optimized version of Destiny 2 will launch on December 8. While things like faster load times and cross-generation play will be available on November 10, we’re taking some more time on the following enhancements to ensure a smooth experience when playing Destiny 2 on your new devices. 
Feature Xbox Series X PlayStation 5 Xbox Series S
Resolution 4K 4K 1080p
Framerate 60fps 60fps 60fps
120hz Crucible Support Supported* Supported* Not Supported
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    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re calling the shot for the next race to World First. 
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is about a month away from launch. For us, this means closing out the game and getting ready to hand it off to you - with a few more fun social media moments to unveil along the way. For you, this means a final stretch of anticipating the new story and the new world you’ll experience as you aim down the barrel of your weapon of choice. 
For the elite raiders in the room, this means a new shot at glory. The race to a World First completion of a raid is one of the most spirited traditions in the Destiny community. Race Day is when the world turns its eyes to Destiny to see who emerges as the hero. We have stood next to some of those legends on a stage while they claimed their titles in front of a cheering crowd. It’s almost time to fire that starting pistol again. 
The next race for raid World First begins on Saturday, November 21 at 10 a.m. Pacif... Read more

09 Oct

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Our focus this week is one of the spectacular artists from our community. His work is iconic and his style is instantly recognizable. We wanted to hear more about how he creates these unique depictions of Destiny characters and gear. 

Please meet Pesty.
Hi! Ok, why don't you start by sharing a little about yourself? 
Pesty: Hey! My names Ian, but most people know me as Pesty or by my online handle IanPesty. Art and Gaming has always been a constant in my life. From a childhood full of drawings and playing on the earliest versions of home computers and gaming consoles, to studying Visual Art at University, then on to a career in the games industry as a Concept Artist and Art Director.
I first got into Destiny when I purchased my PlayStation 3, around the same time as The Dark Below [was released], but it wasn’t until the lead up to the release of Rise of Iron that I began creating Destiny-themed artwor...
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08 Oct

Those words have finality when said aloud. An indirect farewell. Zavala can't quite see Ikora's expression in the muted reflection from his office window, but he can hear the disappointment in her voice. Beyond the glass, the City seems agnostic to the tempest of emotions. Ships soar through the night sky, lights glitter against the dark, the Traveler looms silently.

"I know," is Zavala's belated reply. He watches as Ikora's reflection reaches toward him, but he's still surprised when he feels the weight of her hand against his shoulder. 
"I want to commend them for their bravery," he says, confiding in her. "But I'd prefer they be here to berate them for their foolishness."
Ikora wordlessly squeezes Zavala's shoulder in response before standing beside him at the window. "I remember when you and I felt invincible. When our Ghosts felt invincible. When we could lay the foundation for the future with our bare hands. But now, it’s different. The li... Read more
    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’ve got a sweet tooth… for loot! 


Did I scare you? Probably not. But hey, it’s Festival of the Lost! Things are feeling a bit spookier than usual. I can’t take a turn in the Tower without running into a Guardian dressed for the occasion. Eva Levante has returned, masks and all! If you missed the rundown on our spooky seasonal event last week, be sure to read last week’s blog article

Tu... Read more

01 Oct

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re summoning some ghosts. 

Next week, we’re getting spooky up in the Tower again. Festival of the Lost returns on October 6 for more fright-filled fun. This year’s festival is going to rock! 

Check out our Festival of the Lost 2020 page for a quick look at what to expect during this year’s event. 
Eva Levante, or as you all affectionately call her “Space Grandma,” has returned to the Tower to lead Guardians in a celebration of those we’ve lost. We miss you, Cayde.  
The Haunted Forest is back and filled with ghoulish enemies. This year, we’ve added five chests to the end of the activity for five times the loot! 
... Read more

24 Sep

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, the weather is changing…

You feel that? The slight chill in the air? It’s time to prepare for a colder climate, Guardians. Europa has no sympathy for unprepared guests. You might want to come with a weapon or two, because frigid storms aren’t the only danger to be found here. Don’t be afraid, though. An old friend will be waiting for your arrival.

The weather may be brutal, but that won’t stop you from exploring this frontier. Take a look at the map of Europa, and be sure to check out our most recent weather forecast.


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23 Sep

On the frozen moon of Europa, Eramis, the Fallen Kell exploits a dark power to grow her army’s strength. The Vanguard’s attention is demanded.
The allure of this ancient power clouds your focus and tempts you with Darkness. Stasis whispers in your ear before you even arrive. You touch down in the snow-covered clearing; the distress signal from Variks still lingering in your ears.   
The crunch of your boots in the snow makes you aware of the silence. A silence that is short-lived. It starts as a light gust, carrying away the gentle flakes of snow that rest on your shoulders. Then, without warning, it hits you. A sudden wave of frozen air cuts through your armor. The hut in the distance seems farther away – harder to see. You lean into the wind as it grows in strength and can’t help but wonder, “Why didn’t I park closer?”   
Frost begins to spread across your helm and the storm howls as Europa challenges your every step. The squall envelops you and your destinat... Read more

22 Sep

Gameplay and Investment


  • The Refurbished Black Armory shader now drops 100% of the time when dismantling Black Armory Refurbished weapons acquired from completing Forge Ignition activities.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when too many arrows were shot into a Titan’s barricade.

17 Sep

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re making the most of your Ghosts.
Last week, a new Exotic became available to add to your collection and we celebr... Read more

11 Sep

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Our focus this week is on a community-created site that boasts tons of features to help you keep track of Destiny’s armor, weapons, Triumphs, and so much more. We recently worked with them and some other API creators to put together a checklist of the Triumphs you should complete before the end of the Season. They’ve been amazing at finding creative ways to utilize the magic of the API to create cool features for the community. 
Please meet  
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your role in the Destiny community.
Alan: Hello everyone! My name is Alan / afpac and I run the Destiny 2 database and tools site, ...
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10 Sep

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct


Music. Under a streaked sky painted in the glowing wreckage of the Almighty, the people of the Last City rejoice. Debris burns through clouds and explodes like fireworks high above. Those who remember the Red War peer upward with cautious hope. The Warmind had done as Commander Zavala said it would, and now the Traveler—a great shield beneath a torrent—turns away any remaining danger from the fallout. Fragments of the sun-eating hulk that would have struck it instead cascade off its wide dome of Light and skip into the distance.

Under the watch of Titans posted at the borders of every district, children run laughing through the streets with wooden rifles. Their imagination transforms the stone walkways into Warmind bunker tunnels; homes and side streets allow them to access terminals, duck behind cover, and use offshoot ventilation shafts for quick flanking maneuvers. Rufus, a large black neighborhood hound, bounces through the horde of chil... Read more
    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re consuming stacks of Light.

Within Destiny 2, the exodus of Io, Titan, Mercury, and Mars continues. Zavala has tasked you with spreading word of impending Darkness and keeping our beloved vendors up to speed. There are still a few more loose ends to tie up on these destinations, so get to it.
Along your quest, you’ll have some final chances to earn unique loot and fill out your collections before access to various strikes is impeded by the Darkness. 

While the Traveler may have chosen you, it’s almost time to go beyond the Light. Don’t forget where you came from, though, as we’re celebrating Destiny’s almost-seventh birthday this week! Yeah, we know, it’s been six years. But seven is darker.
  If you haven’t snagged the sweet wallpapers or seen our Stasis deep dives, ... Read more