Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

03 Mar

By its very name, Destiny 2’s Deep Stone Crypt raid suggests depth; a sprawling subterranean adventure, with Guardians plunging far below the surface of Europa to uncover the mysteries and terrors that await them. But in typical Bungie fashion, the experience of the Deep Stone Crypt raid is more than just a straight line down into the unknown. Instead of simply heading into the unexplored depths, Guardians also find themselves literally reaching new heights as they experience the grand adventure that the Deep Stone Crypt raid offers. 
The call to action leads players across the sub-zero expanses of Europa and inside an abandoned Exo facility. Guardians blast off into space and explore an orbiting space station (from both the inside and the outside), before plunging back to the surface of Europa for a final confrontation against a deadly and familiar foe.  
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02 Mar

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -- Arthur C. Clarke   When I joined Bungie in 2003, I was amazed at all the aspects of technology that go into making a video game:  rendering, networking, asset pipelines, tools, online systems, security, multi-threading, etc.  At every turn I would find tip-of-the-spear technology pushing the envelope, turning creative ideas into remarkable interactive experiences, squeezing every ounce of performance to elevate those experiences to new levels.  After almost two decades in the games industry, I still learn something new every day and it’s that constant stream of new challenges that gets me out of bed every morning.   Gaming has always been at the edge of technology innovation, with very different constraints than those faced by other kinds of software.  We build real-time simulations with relaxed constraints that support unpredictable player behavior, and we work with hardware limitations that requi... Read more
Destiny 2 has a recurring PvP event called Iron Banner (IB). During IB, players battle against one another for victory, while simultaneously attempting to complete bounties that offer valuable rewards. An example of a IB bounty might be “achieve kills with specific weapon types within IB matches”. Bounties are a major source of rewards in Destiny 2, so it's important that they work reliably.
Back in December 2019, players reported that the game occasionally failed to credit their kills when trying to complete these bounties. The problem would hit players seemingly at random. Most of the time, the bounties worked fine, but occasionally players would finish a match without any bounty progression. Here's a quick rundown of notable symptoms gathered from our support forum and various social media postings:
  • Players either earned credit for all of their kills in a match, or they didn't earn any credit. Whatever caused this bug affected the player for the en...
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  • Fixed an issue where beneficial modifiers were not functioning in Battlegrounds activities. 
  • Fixed an issue where some Colossus combatants would become lost on the battlefield. 
  • Fixed an issue where some combatant names were mistranslated in Korean. 

  • Fixed an issue where players would be respawned in unfavorable areas leading to numerous deaths. 
  • Fixed an issue where players could launch their first Presage activity without it's associated quest.
      • When players attempt to launch the mission without the quest, there will not be error text explaining why. We plan to fix this issue in a future update.
      • Additionally, players may still launch their first Master activity without the Catalyst quest. We plan to fix this issue in a future update.

Gameplay and Investment 

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25 Feb

Hey Guardians, 

As some of you know, I didn’t work on Destiny before it shipped in 2014. I started out as a Guardian. I got hooked on running the Vault of Glass, trying to get my Truth drop in a Nightfall, and, yes, sometimes trolling my fireteam with inopportune Ward of Dawn placements.  
After playing for just a few short weeks, I knew I wanted to do whatever it took to work on the game. Destiny changed my life. Back then, I knew Bungie had just begun the journey of what Destiny could be – and what it could mean – to so many Guardians like me. When I walked through the doors of Bungie for the first time, The Dark Below had just shipped and the team already had their eyes up, outlining ambitious plans for the future. It was clear that everyone at Bungie loved Destiny fiercely and believed in its future as much as I did. 

Flash forward to today. Season of the Chosen has launched, and it's incredible to see how far the game has come. Righ... Read more
    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we returned to Presage. 

Before we go about our weekly TWAB programming, we have some required reading! Well, maybe required isn’t the correct word, but you are definitely going to want to read the news that was delivered earlier today about the state of the game and our plans for the future, provided by Assistant Destiny 2 Game Director Joe Blackburn. 

State of Destiny 2021 – The Road to The Witch Queen 

We aren’t going to provide a TL;DR, as we want you to go read this thing, but I would like to provide a quick list of topics covered:
  • News about The Witch Queen’s release date, Lightfall, and beyond. 
  • Power, and how it raises Season over Season. 
  • No additional Infusion Caps. 
  • PvP: Our goals for the future of Crucible, Stasis balancing, game security, and Trials of Osiris 
  • Information about Vault of Glass. 
  • ...
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23 Feb



  • Fixed an issue where Umbral Engrams could spawn under the ground when the engram inventory is full. 
  • Fixed an issue where generators could not be destroyed when fireteam members or combatants were within close proximity. 
  • Fixed an issue where players were respawning in the Land Tank after disconnects and becoming trapped. 


  • Fixed an issue where players could not access Fallen S.A.B.E.R. in the Strikes Playlist or Direct Launch Node. 


  • Fixed formatting of Seasonal Rank strings where text was overlapping. 
  • Fixed and issue where players could temporarily soft-lock the game and exit vender performances in the H.E.L.M. 
  • Changed XP reward icon on the Quest Details screen to match XP icon used throughout the rest of the game. 

Gameplay and Investment 


  • Fi...
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18 Feb

Bungie Prepares for Future Growth in 2021 with Studio Expansion, Key Talent Investments, and New Board Members
Bungie Increases Bellevue, WA Headquarters to over 208,000 Square Feet, Planning a Complete Technical Modernization Alongside Plans to Open up its First International Office in 2022
Bungie Announces Key Talent Additions and Investments at the Executive Level in Preparation for Future IP Growth and Expanding the Highly-Acclaimed and Successful Destiny Universe into New Media
Bungie Welcomes New Members to the Bungie Board of Directors from the Entertainment and Media Industry - Trace Harris and Pamela Kaufman 
Bungie, an independent, employee-owned creator of world-famous videogames like Halo and Destiny, today announced major initiatives to prepare for the company’s expected and rapid future growth, including the appointment of Trace Harris and Viacom CBS’ Pamela Kaufman to its ... Read more
    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we intercepted a distress signal.  

Strange things are afoot. Guardians have discovered a distress signal and Commander Zavala has ordered that the source be investigated. A mysterious derelict ship lurks in the abyss of space. Terrifying sounds of the unknown ring from within. What puzzles and treasures await? Find out for yourself by starting the mission from inside the Arms Dealer strike – this week’s Nightfall: The Ordeal. 
We don’t want to spoil anything and do recommend going into the new Presage Exotic mission without reading up on what horrors await but did want to give anyone who is curious the sneakiest of peeks. 
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12 Feb

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
We are back at it with another Community Focus. This week, we have a very special guest, he’s a content creator who is very busy juggling streaming on Twitch and working as a community manager for Gamers First. He needs no introduction, but introducing cool people is kind of our thing around here. 

Please meet vNogi. 
Tell us a little bit about yourself and what first got you into gaming. 
vNogi: Name’s Clifton King, I have a major passion for video games and pop culture. Anime, comic books, and the works. Favorite superhero of all time is Spider-Man. The best iteration of that character, of course, is Miles Morales. For me, gaming started when I was very young. Growing up in a rough neighborhood during the 90s was a pretty difficult s...
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11 Feb

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Season of the Chosen began. 

Season of the Chosen kicked off with a bang of sorts. Caiatl, Empress of the Cabal, has entered the fray. Zavala stood his ground when being offered a seat on her war council. Ever since, we’ve been watching countless Guardians doing their best in the new Battlegrounds activity to keep the Cabal from uniting into an unstoppable threat to the system. New Seasonal Challenges have made their appearance, the H.E.L.M. has opened its doors, and a fresh collection of loot has been introduced, f... Read more

09 Feb


  • New Landing Zone added in Eventide Ruins for all players who complete the Beyond Light campaign. 

Dreaming City 
  • The Reverie Dawn armor set has been reissued with a new max power cap and the Combat Style mod socket. 
  • The Waking Vigil, Vouchsafe, Retold Tale, and Sleepless weapons have been reissued with a new max power cap and new perk pools. 
  • Dreaming City weapons that have reached their max power caps will no longer drop once you have obtained the item once, allowing collectors to fill out their collections while ensuring that subsequent item drops remain usable in difficult activities. 
  • Fixed an issue where Petra's map icon could blink even when there was no quest to talk to her. 
  • Fixed an issue where one-way connection or temporary connections between areas weren't accounted for by the waypoint system. 
  • Fixed an issue where one of th...
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04 Feb

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we revealed Season of the Chosen. 

A new Season is upon us. Next week, Season of the Chosen goes live on February 9. Empress Caiatl has arrived to fight against the Hive. She has proposed an alliance, but the cost is too high, and whether he wanted it or not, Zavala is faced with a difficult choice. Check out the trailer to see how that conversation went down.  

We have a whole page dedicated to details about the new Season. Give it a visit to learn about the new private staging ground called the H.E.L.M., our new matchmade Battlegrounds activity, and more.   

Here is the full Seasonal calendar laying out what you can expect from Season of the Chosen, and what dates to carve out for universe saving. 

Spoils of War

Season of the Chosen is delivering some shiny new things f... Read more

03 Feb

One Exile to Another

"I wish I still had the bottle from that Warlock. I've never been drunk before—that I recall, anyway." Crow scuffed his feet, leaving wide trails amidst the dry pine needles on the forest floor.   "You can drink all the ethanol you like once we're in the Last City!" Glint chirped. "I'm sure it's readily available there." He whirred quietly, cross-referencing all mentions of alcohol in his database. "Hmm. On second thought, I advise caution."
Crow snorted. "You usually do."
The new Guardian and his Ghost watched the sun set over the rugged tree line of the EDZ. In the pine-scented stillness, Crow was suddenly anxious. He imagined the great throngs of people in the City. Hundreds of thousands of people. So many people, all armed with the secret of his forgotten past. If they learned what Crow himself didn't know, what would they— 
"What else do you want to try?" Glint's tone was light, but his shell flaps were fu... Read more

28 Jan

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we introduce Seasonal Challenges. 
  Welcome to the second-to-last TWAB of Season of the Hunt. Many of you have been navigating the secrets of the Harbinger mission, uncovering randomly rolled Hawkmoons and earning the Radiant Accipiter Exotic ship. Content-wise, we’re coming to a close for the Season, and we’re incredibly excited for what’s to come in just a few short weeks. We’ve been covering some upcoming quality of life changes to Destiny 2, like the return of Umbral Engrams, but it’s almost time to take a peek at fresh content. 
Season of the [REDACTED] trailer goes live on February 2, 2021. 
Before we get there, we have a new feature to cover, Seasonal Challenges, and a round of weapon-focused sandbox changes to walk through. As a warning, this is a pretty large amount of information in a small space. We've joked about "meaty" TWAB's before, but this one may feel a bit overwhelming if you rush through it. Let's take ... Read more

21 Jan

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Hawkmoon is back on the menu.  

The new Harbinger activity went live this week to accompany the Hawkmoon Exotic quest... like a proverbial peanut butter and jelly. You can now finish this new activity to earn your catalyst to add some extra spice to Hawkmoon. The new activity also lets you earn random rolls so you can start hunting for the perfect one to fit your style. Play the tape! 

Completing the Hawkmoon catalyst from the Harbinger activity will not only bring your winged weapon to its full potential but also unlock the Bungie Rewards long-sleeve shirt for purchase. This Hawkmoon inspired shirt is the latest Seasonal offering available on your ... Read more

19 Jan



  • Fixed an issue where Code of the Siegebreaker path and Phoenix Cradle Exotic can create invisible Sunspots from Stasis crystals.  
  • Fixed an issue where Flawless Execution had a delayed trigger. 
  • Shatterdive  
      • Now has damage falloff vs. unfrozen targets. 
      • Max range damage reduced from 50 to 5. 
      • Damage reduction during ability reduced from 50% to 25%. 
  • Whisper of Fissures 
      • Reduced max/min damage vs. non-Super players from 42-22 to 30-4. 
      • Reduced max/min damage vs. super players from 42-22 to 16-2. 
      • Reduced detonation radius vs. players from 10m to 9m. 


  • Fixed an issue where Dragonfly could roll on the Cold Front Submachine Gun. 
      • It will be replaced with Swashbuckler. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Unrelenting perk was not triggering health re...
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14 Jan

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re back in action. 

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Since the last TWAB, you’ve gotten your hands on Hawkmoon. The Dawning has come and gone. Next-generation consoles received some wonderful enhancements. You’ve released a crow from their cage, and Lord Saladin watched as you decimated your foes with Stasis in the Iron Banner.    On the Bungie side of things, we took a breather. This last year has been full of challenges that none of us expected. Even through everything 2020 had in store, we were able to get Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt in your hands. This did come at a bit of a cost, though, and we needed some time to recharge our batteries for a new year. We have no doubt that 2021 will have mountains to climb and unexpected surprises, but we’re all excited to get back into the groove for a new year of Destiny development. 
So, let’s get this party started. We’ve got four TWABs between you and a fresh Season of Destiny 2... Read more

22 Dec

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
Happy Holidays. 
2020 has been a year unlike any other. There have been challenges that many of us have never faced before. There have been moments of difficulty, fear, and sorrow. But something that’s kept us going, no matter how difficult things may have been, has been this community. 
Before we go bid a temporary farewell for the holidays, we wanted to say thank you to the Destiny community for being a bright light for those in need. Time and time again, you prove that gaming does good. Even during quarantine, you made your mark on each charity initiative that’s been available. You helped to elevate the voices of those who need to be seen and heard. No matter the challenge, you show up in force to take a stand when others are unable to. 
Through 2020, you’ve raised ~$4.9 million in total through our charity events. With each initiative, you’ve smashed expectations. It’s been wonderful to see how much good this community can do.
Thank you,... Read more

A Play of Shadow and Light

In a small stone garden at daybreak, Ikora Rey meditates, her attempts at communion with the Traveler unsuccessful. Her mind is fraught with worry over the variables, decisions that must be made, and the margins.
Above her hangs a cloud-swept Traveler: an ivory island in oil. Mute. Bereft. Its acts untimely and oblivious. 
Ikora remembers the many times she watched Osiris sit here in frustration. The gardens represented serenity to her then, and he was the brazier’s flame—brilliant and illuminating. The world was clear in those early days, but clarity was shallow and easily altered by the painful nuance of time.
Ikora murmurs to herself. “We are adrift. Our foes know their bearings and we…”
There is an imminent, daunting pressure.
Ikora holds her breath.
She is not alone; something is wrong. She feels an intrusion and tension draws tight around her heart. A shadow mov... Read more