Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

22 Jul

    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct
Have you ever wondered what Dark Motes taste like? How about Vanilla Blades? What might a meal inspired by Izanagi’s Burden be like? Or cookies based on Gjallarhorn? Would they be sweet? Bitter? Perhaps even… exotic?

The recent release of the Destiny: The Official Cookbook is Bungie’s attempt at answering these kinds of pressing questions. Whether you’re a budding gourmet or someone whose idea of a meal is putting in an order with your delivery service of choice, there’s something here for every level of culinary skill. The book, which was released this week and is available on the Bungie Store now, features dozens of recipes inspired by the worlds, characters and, yes, sometimes, even the weapons of Destiny 2. From Radiolarian Pudding to Infinite Forest Cake; Traveler Donut Holes to spicy ramen (naturally!), there’s lots of culinary treats to prepare and enjoy, and no shortage of goodies for Destiny lore connoisseurs along the way. 
... Read more

17 Jul

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Our focus this week is someone who has been a part of the Destiny community since the beginning. Alongside her friends and clanmates, she enjoys playing Crucible, raiding, and everything in between. She keeps the mood chill in her stream and concentrates on enjoying the good times.
Please meet Chibikim.
Welcome! Please tell us a little bit about yourself and what first got you into gaming. 
Chibikim: My name is Chibikim (or Chibi as my friends call me), and I’m from Chicago, Illinois. When I’m not watching anime, bad movies, or gardening, you’ll find me playing Destiny with friends on PC or console. What first got me into gaming was playing Super Mario Bros. for the first time with my sister on the Nintendo as a kid. Chrono Trigger for the SNES is still my personal favorite. 

When I got into college, I got more involved in RPGs and playing a lot of fighting games such as Street Fighter. I w...
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16 Jul

    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct
We have made the decision to move the release of Destiny 2: Beyond Light to November 10.   

As the first chapter in a new trilogy of expansions, Beyond Light is the beginning of a new era of Destiny 2. We have a powerful story to tell and incredible new features that we're really excited for players to experience. As always, our goal is to make the coolest, most entertaining expansion we can possibly make for our fans. To that end, we are doing what’s best for the game and moving the launch date.  

The past few months have been a challenge and will continue to be during this pandemic. We’ve learned to create together in a new way, by having to work apart from one another. Despite these hurdles, we’re still committed to the same level of quality that our fans expect.  

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be unveiling more of what we’re working on for Beyond Light and what that also means for Season of Arrivals, which will now extend to... Read more
    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we are extending Season of Arrivals.

The launch date for our next expansion, Destiny 2: Beyond Light, has been moved to November 10, 2020. If you missed the full announcement, you can check it out here. We’ll wait until you’ve given it a read…
… Up to speed? While we’re sad to keep the secrets of Europa under wraps for a few extra weeks, our dev team is putting in the work to deliver an adventure that is worthy of your bravery. Doing that work from our homes finds us very far away from our usual ideal of working together in ... Read more

14 Jul

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct


Dungeon Prophecy

  • Fixed an issue where a door in the Hexahedron would occasionally not open.

Gameplay and Investment


  • Remapping the input for Interact no longer changes the button prompt for Revive which will always be mapped to X/Square.
  • Fixed an issue where canceling a glide jump would cause Warlocks and Titans to auto-jump after landing.
  • Updated default custom controller binding for Vehicle Exit to match standard control preset (X/Square -> A/Cross).
  • Fixed an issue where Hunters would crouch after Dodging when using Hold Crouch, but stand when using Toggle Crouch.


  • Fixed an issue where Advanced Pyramid Focusing was only rewarding 50 Altered Elements instead of 150 as stated in the Triumph.
  • ...
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09 Jul

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, the Season had more arrivals. 

The Pyramid ships have continued to arrive across the system. Along with Io, they now loom above Titan, Mercury, and Mars, with unknown intent. Guardians have continued to aid Eris in making contact through the new public event which is now located on Titan. There is also a new Exotic weapon quest available. Here is a peek if you haven’t already set out to claim it.

The timing of Pyramid reinforcements was impeccable, showing up on Bungie Day no less. No matter –the festivities went on. Bungie Day is a celebration of you, the community. And once again, we use this totally made up holiday as a reminder of how thankful we are to get to create worlds that inspire friendship. 
Check out the ... Read more

07 Jul

Today, on the seventh day of the seventh month, we celebrate Bungie Day.

Before you go thinking we’re on an ego-trip here, this isn’t something we created to honor ourselves. The very first Bungie Day was hosted by the players as a way to express their love for the games we make. We joined that party and, in the years that followed, we’ve used the occasion to celebrate that same community.
It’s a bit of an understatement to say that 2020 has been a challenging year. At the same time, games have a chance to help people feel less isolated in a world that may be closed to them. We hope you can take some time today to enjoy the friendships and memories forged through the games we’ve had the privilege of creating.
Today is a celebration of you.

Proper Attire

When attending a celebration, you should always ch... Read more


Contact Public Event
  • Fixed an issue where players could collect and deposit 15 motes prior to unlocking the Umbral Mastery II gift on the Prismatic Recaster.

  • Increased Glimmer rewards in Trials of Osiris.

Nightmare Hunts
  • Fixed an issue where Nightmare Hunts could grant more Season of Arrivals rewards than intended.

  • The following raids no longer have weekly reward limits from main encounters:
      • Leviathan
      • Eater of Worlds
      • Spire of Stars
      • Crown of Sorrow
      • Scourge of the Past
  • Note: Secret Chests will continue to have weekly lockouts

  • All armor from the above listed Featured Raids has been updated to use the Season of Arrivals infusion cap.
  • Last Wish and Garden of Salvation raid weapons and armor have been updated to use ...
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02 Jul

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Lord Saladin has an iron grip on the Crucible. 

While it’s only been two days since the weekly reset, our feeds have been themed to the Iron Banner. Power-enabled combat can be a tough challenge, but it’s well worth the effort. This Season, The Forward path and Fool’s Remedy made their return with random rolls and brand new Iron Banner perks. Some weapon specialists among you have been diving deep into perk combinations, giving recommendations on the best rolls for success.

Additionally, some changes were made to our Seasonal quest offering to make these returning weapons a bit more accessible. If you haven’t already, stop by Lord Saladin in the Tower to kick off your Seasonal quest, and make sure to grab your four weekly bounties to earn some Pinnacle gear as you play. A few of you also noticed that Enhanced Armor Mods have a ... Read more

25 Jun

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we pause to reflect. 

Before we talk about the game, we are going to talk about the incredibly important conversation that is taking place online and the events that lead to it. Many courageous women have come forward with stories of  harassment and abuse. There has been a lot of pain laid bare in story after story told by these survivors. 
Some of us have not experienced this pain first-hand and can’t truly understand it. Yet, there are many people in our community feeling empathy, sadness, and anger when confronted with the truly awful harassment and abuse that so many of our friends have had to endure. Sadly, this wasn’t isolated to our corner of the world and has also affected men and non-binary folks as well. In the days that followed the initial revelations, we witnessed more people who have been similarly affected coming forward. This is a bigger issue that the entire gaming industry needs to face. Together, we can take action ... Read more

24 Jun

    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct
Tyler Duncan and Jeff Fox are on the front lines of what’s happening with Destiny development. As members of the Bungie Test team, they help to organize the testing of the game across many different groups within the studio. They’re used to seeing the latest builds of the game and helping to coordinate testing – from playing through scenarios and activities to organizing mass PVP sessions involving dozens of Bungie employees. 
Testing happens in every videogame studio and the more testing you can do, the better. The function is so essential to a studio’s day-to-day operations that it’s easy to take it for granted. From designers to developers, engineers to marketing folks, Bungie team members are often invited to playtest sessions. You show up to the playtest lab, put on the headphones, play for a while, and then share your experiences with others. That fundamental process of play, feedback, and communication is part of the lifeblood of a game studio.

It's so ... Read more

23 Jun

Controller Remapping:

  • Fixed an issue where analog-based actions required a full button or trigger press.
      • Players should no longer encounter issues where they could not aim down sights or fire their weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where Stormtrance could not be used if attack inputs are held during the cast animation.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hunter’s dodge and Warlock’s Icarus Dash were more difficult to activate.
  • Fixed an issue where pressing A no longer dismounted from Sparrows while using the Jumper controller scheme.


  • Fixed an issue where some players had an invisible ship, black emblem, and zero Power Level displayed when in orbit.


  • Fixed an issue where various reward sources were dropping gear at 750 Power instead of their intended Power Level.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tommy's Matchboo...
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19 Jun

Today is June 19th, a day of growing importance in the United States. It is recognized here as Juneteenth, or Freedom Day. On this date, in 1865, slaves in Texas celebrated as they were told for the first time that they were free, and slavery was no longer permitted. We at Bungie would like to take this opportunity to celebrate Juneteenth with you, no matter where you are around the world.

During an event earlier this month, we spent 8 minutes and 46 seconds in silence to honor the death of George Floyd, and promised that we would commit more time, energy, and money towards the fight against systemic racism. We invite you to join us in that battle by showing your support and making your voices heard.
Today we’re announcing the Be Heard Collectible Pin & Emblem. All profits from the sales of the Be Heard Collectible Pin & Emblem will benefit the ... Read more

18 Jun

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This Week At Bungie, we’re streaming… for the kids!
Hello there. If you’re reading this right at the moment of publication, then congratulations. You’ve just hit the $100k benchmark for our slot on the GCX stream! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, let’s break it down.
Between 9 AM and 1 PM PDT today, we’re live on the GCX... Read more

Controller Remapping

  • Fixed an issue where Sprint would cancel if players pressed the Sprint action multiple times.


Antaeus Wards
  • Remove Super energy bonus and increase Sprint time required to activate.

  • Fixed an issue where Season of Arrivals mods were available to equip without players first unlocking them.
  • Fixed an issue where the Breach Resonator artifact armor mod was not granting its benefits when equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where the Guardian Angel artifact armor mod was not granting its benefits when equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where the Volatile Conduction mod had the wrong buff text and icon while its perk was active.

  • Fixed an issue where the Overhead Heel Crush Finisher showed Void energy even when other subclasses were equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where ...
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17 Jun

    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct
The GCX fundraising marathon to benefit St. Jude Hospital is in full swing. You can go visit their Twitch channel right now and check out who’s playing games to help kids along on their path to wellness. As strong believers in the power of community to make the world a better place, we wouldn’t miss it.
This Thursday, it will be our turn.
GCX Fundraiser Marathon – Bungie’s Block June 18, 9AM – 1PM Pacific
This year, we’re hosting a ce... Read more
    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
Last season, we posted an article showing off some of art created for Season of Dawn. Now that Season of Worthy just wrapped up we wanted to look back at some of the gorgeous art that went into bringing this past Season to life. We have a few of our artist highlighted below who have chosen a piece to share with you and there are also links to more of their art you can check out as well. Go shop for your new wallpaper. 

Eve Campbell

... Read more

11 Jun

    Cozmo on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we launched a whole bunch of missiles.

It’s been an action packed week. Over the weekend, we watched as Rasputin sent literal ordnance into the sky to take down the Almighty in Destiny 2’s first live in-game event. We followed that up with a mighty salvo of virtual launches in the form of media, articles, and a stream to showcase the future of Destiny. Season of Arrivals has started building a bridge to this fall, when Guardians will wield the Darkness for the first time in Destiny 2: Beyond Light.
Here’s the full stream in case you haven’t had a chance to watch yet.

Don’t have time to watch the full stream? Here are a couple of the first looks at Destiny 2: Beyond Light.

We’re excited about the future of Destiny. To lay the groundwork, we have to make some changes to the core game. Several less-explored locations and activities will be going into the Dest... Read more

10 Jun

The High Priest knelt before his withered god, mired in the ambivalence of shattered ideology; his faith replaced by the reality of Xol’s failure. No wisdom or debased ritual buried in decrepit tomes could restore what was lost, nor was he inclined to attempt such an act.

Disillusion swept over—the Will of Thousands, silenced by Light and code. He would have called this an act of heresy once, when the truth had not yet been revealed:

There are no gods. There are only chains, and those at either end.

Nokris had been the ignorant staring into the sun, for what is divinity but a star that blinds? A statue to be toppled, that it may galvanize the wailing masses who seek power in the death of old things. Gods, broken by pawns, brought low and driven into the mud.

Nokris drifted in the heart of winter, at the northern pole of Mars. He lacked the strength to raise what remained frozen beneath the surface. He clos... Read more

09 Jun

    DeeJ on News - Thread - Direct


  • Destiny 2 is too large to efficiently update and maintain.
  • The size and complexity of the game are also contributing to more bugs and less innovation.
  • Instead of building a Destiny 3 and leaving D2 behind, each year, we are going to cycle older, less actively played content out of the live game and into what we’re calling the Destiny Content Vault (DCV).
  • This will allow us to add to and support D2 for years, including the three new annual expansions we announced today, starting with Beyond Light this fall.
  • The DCV will include all content from Destiny 1 and anything that cycles out from Destiny 2. 
  • We will bring back (or “unvault”) activity and destination content from the DCV each year. 
  • Unvaulting starts in D2 Year 4, with the Cosmodrome coming back, as well as its three strikes and the return of the Vault of Glass raid.
  • The primary D2 content...
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