Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

21 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

Okay I don’t mean to spinfoil or anything but that 3rd screenshot shows an action log of us fighting a psion, some twist happening, and then Lady Efrideet coming on the coms/alerting us of something. This matches no known mission in Destiny.

Efrideet was only a static NPC vendor during the Rise of Iron era of Destiny 1. She’s never shown up in Destiny 2, and she’s especially never shown up during a combat sequence.

It’s also the only screenshot with blurred parts in it, despite the dreg screenshot having no such file-name blurs.

I don’t wanna jump the gun, but maybe Bungie is bringing back the Efrideet character and voice actor for Season 15?

We pulled some examples of older content for this blogpost. You can see one example being from Forsaken, while another was some older Destiny 1 content.

Looks like the Efrideet callout was something from Rise of Iron timeframe, but we ended up introducing the character in a different way.

20 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback! We've seen a few threads concerning shader sorting and other QOL desires for the appearance screen. While I can't make any promises on changes, I can say the feedback has been passed along.

16 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Was talking to a few coworkers about that the other night as we were playing through a few waves. Mindless fun, kind of like hitting Operation Metro on Battlefield. Great place for Catalyst progression, bounty stacking, and more. Also a nice place to just chill with friends on discord while spamming supers and abilities to churn through Hive.

Re: Unrewarding - Give me more details! With the reissued moon weapons, I'm finding myself in there a bit more often as it grants progress towards those quests. What else would you want to see from them?

15 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by dmg04

Hey, thanks for the thread. We'll get this in front of the team for investigation and give y'all updates when we have them!

Hey all,

Here's an update from the team:

  • Seasonal Challenge Bright Dust rewards should be expected to vary somewhat from season to season depending on the activities and challenges leveraged.
  • Due to our lack of communication, once Season 14 is over we will issue a make-good to players who finished the S14 meta-challenge to make up for the 525 discrepancy we did not disclose.
  • In the future, we will outline the Seasonal Challenge Bright Dust rewards in the patch notes at the start of each season.

Thanks again for bringing this up!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by antiMATTer724

Really see no reason to change the names. You could update the progression system and leave the names the same if grinding the activity is going to give progress. Unless there's something I'm not understanding.

Streamlines the reputation names so they're more approachable. Think of it from a new player perspective.

"Ah, so wait... Valor? Is from... Crucible? Like all of Crucible? But Glory is only from Competitive? Trials is competitive, right? Do I get it from there? No? Ok and Infamy is Gambit. But what's the new Vanguard stuff called again? And what about this vendor over here..."

Destiny already has a lot of words for players to memorize and understand. Def hear you on the feedback that some flavor is lost, but hopefully these changes will help blueberries as they try to learn D2 from a fresh perspective.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GreekWizard

But if it's the weekly GM, it can still be selected regardless if we were gilded correct?

Yep! So if you're really eager for that farm - have at it when it's featured.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Rileyman360

Absolutely solid changes to the progression system. I know cutting our potential highest winstreak bonus in half seems a bit suspicious, getting an overall shorter progression on top of one that doesn't put so much emphasis on needing to win I think is a fair enough trade off. Still holding out for the final product to see how it really turns out but everything here sounds stellar.

Personally, pretty excited for this. Activity Streaks in particular will feel great, especially for people like me who hop in to Gambit or Crucible solo. Losing won't sting as much.

Removing rep from Bounties will also be a nice change - no longer having to switch up my loadout and potentially preform worse is something greatly appreciated.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RhysWX

The Grandmaster catch-up node will become available at the same time that Grandmaster difficulty is available, so long as you have the Conqueror title but have not yet gilded it this Season.

  • Each Grandmaster Nightfall will be available if the fireteam leader has not completed the gilding Triumph for that strike during the Season.
  • In other words, you may play each featured strike for a Season to earn your gilded title. Once you’ve gilded your title, the catch-up node will no longer be available.

This is it chief. Great change.

Clarification on that: Once you play a GM strike, it's removed from the catch-up node. Once all strikes have been completed, the node is no longer available.

So, as an example: Once you complete Lake of Shadows at GM difficulty, it's removed from the list and cannot be infinitely farmed for 5 minute GM completions.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gilbertbenjamington

Im actually excited to hopefully be able to reset infamy more than once a season

Here's an exact quote from Alan:

Finally, the elephant in the room: Why does Gambit Rank take significantly longer to reset than Crucible Rank? Especially if the rewards are effectively the same? Should it? Not any more. We took this opportunity to look at how long it takes for all 3 core reputations - Gambit, Crucible, and Vanguard - and balance them so it takes roughly the same amount of time to prestige.

The rank systems now all use the same 0-10000 scale, and the Activity Completion rank rewards are the same no matter where are in the climb.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey, thanks for the thread. We'll get this in front of the team for investigation and give y'all updates when we have them!

14 Jul


Originally posted by Dr_Andy_Man

Every time. It just didn’t let me have the purchase go through

Could you please send me your Xbox GT so we can investigate further and see what happened?


Hey there. Are you on Xbox? Can you please send me your Xbox GT?


Originally posted by engineer_scotty

Wow I can't believe i got a bungie response! Every time I try to buy it, I get beavered back into the start screen.

Hey again. Can you send me your Xbox gamer tag?


Originally posted by engineer_scotty

Wow I can't believe i got a bungie response! Every time I try to buy it, I get beavered back into the start screen.

Thanks for the update. I'll contact the team.


Hi. Would you mind to elaborate how purchasing the season pass doesn’t work on Xbox? What happens after you press the Buy button?


Hey there. When you say that you’re unable to purchase the season pass, can you elaborate on what you’re experiencing?

Also, can you send me your Xbox gamer tag?


Hey there. To make sure I understand, when you click the “Buy Season Pass” button you automatically receive a Beaver error? Every time?

Also, can you send me your Xbox gamer tag?

08 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Great breakdown, and appreciate your feedback!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Glad you're enjoying it. Seeing some appreciation for the lifts as well, even though some can be a bit... tricky... to use!

Anything else you're enjoying about EAZ this year? Anything you'd like to see changed? Always happy to pass the feedback along.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback. We've passed along the notes on DC acquisition paths feeling a bit dated, alongside players missing some perk options for both DC and Moon weapons.

Can't make any promises on future farms, as adding weapons to investment pools takes up a bit more design/test time as one would think. That said, there's always possibility for future seasons. Once we have more info, we'll let you know!