Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

28 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We do not currently have plans to do any of the things in the title of this thread to Gambit.

The team is eyeballing a future season for some improvements to the mode. We have opportunity for some minor changes in Season 15, but deeper improvements to gameplay will come in a later season as we look to balance workloads for the team.

We'll have details in a few weeks about various reputation system tweaks. Some of the roadwork for this was done in the Season 14 patch - we talked about that in a previous TWAB.

While we've been asking for feedback on Gambit for a while, always love to hear what you think about the mode. What's enjoyable, what needs improvement, etc.

Cozmo and I will make sure to pass it up to the team. Even if the feedback has been said before, feel free to say it again!

24 Jun


Originally posted by ClaspOfFriendship

Hey u/dmg04 and u/cozmo23 is Horror’s Least also being reissued? The dreaming city pulse rifle that drops from The Corrupted strike?

No, we know there is a lot of feedback around the Nightfall specific weapons but it's not included in this update.

17 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by veryloudpants

Something that's felt to be simple because it takes three clicks in an image editor

So you're saying all my ideas are likely not plausible because I know nothing about video game development? I'll have you know I worked quite hard on my MS Paint comic about how you're making the game wrong.

Admittedly, there are some REALLY f*ckING COOL pieces being shared by community members who spend numerous hours on their creations. Don't mean to downplay their skills in artistry and craft by any means. Sometimes, just doesn't translate to games/products as easily as one might assume.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Berzercurmudgeon

Why doesn't the toaster look like Jotunn?

We saw a bunch of pretty cool concept from players, but the realities of production/manufacturing would have made it nearly impossible to execute.

This happens pretty often in game dev - fans share a fun concept from photoshop or a 3d program, but it doesn't easily transfer to a game or product. Something that's felt to be simple because it takes three clicks in an image editor can end up taking months of time and massively inflated cost when actually developing a user interface, armor set, or in this case... a toaster.

In any case, excited that we got this out. Toaster is fun, emblem is sick, and we're helping to raise more money for kids in need. Future initiatives can grow and learn from this, so we'll see where the road takes us!

09 Jun


Originally posted by TruNuckles

I 100% believe the 3% was intentional. I also don’t believe it will be fixed either. I use Sleeper a lot, my main heavy when messing around in game.

I'm looking at the bug right now. The 3% was not intentional. It's going to be fixed in the next update early next month. Bad news is we are not buffing up to 15% like promised. Looks like it will be 16.5% increase over last season.

For more context, the buff was a flat increase to precision damage multiplier, which worked fine on all legendary LFRs and most Exotics. Sleeper has a non-standard base precision damage multiplier, so benefited from the buff very differently than everything else.

Also note that this makes Sleeper highest damage per shot by far, very competitive burst damage, but its body damage is a lot higher than all other LFRs, so it is much more forgiving if you miss the crit.

07 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

What is the viscosity of Omolon juice?

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Before I clicked the link, thought "this had better have some Slipknot"

OP delivered.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Would love to hear more. Which exotics would you want to see prioritized in the future? How do they currently feel underwhelming?

Team takes passes from time to time when balancing with development of new stuff. Can't hit every exotic at a single time, but we can always pass up the feedback on which ones are mentioned more frequently.

04 Jun

    /u/Tocom on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheMediocreThor

Just in Momentum Control, right?


Just in Momentum Control?

I can't speak for weapons team but yes the bug we intend to fix is with the mode specifically.

03 Jun

    /u/Tocom on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by havingasicktime

Oh my God dude, don't be that guy.

Didn't see the comment but sounds like it was a bummer. :-/

    /u/Tocom on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Our bad, we're aware of this one too!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct


Team is aware of the feedback and desire for more sensitivity options. Can't make a promise on when anything could happen, but folks have a desire to add some options in the future.

28 May

Originally posted by unicorn_defender

Sorry for the late reply but I finally got around to checking it out and even tested a few more weapons and you’re right! I’m really surprised I never noticed just how varied the sound design is on the weapons. Very impressive!

Sound designer at Bungie here. You all have good ears and observation skills. Destiny is a shooter primarily and therefore guns will get more love than any other sandbox element that releases regularly (abilities are up there too, except they are so rare, it's easy to give them all the love they need).

That's why we do fresh reloads, ads, readys and gunfire for all new, fresh weapons that call for it. Sparrows on the other hand, are a bit more of a MTX item that doesn't change in function barely if it all, and the iconic sound of it is beloved and familiar. It WOULD be nice to have bandwidth to do unique sounds for them, but there is so much more important work and hell - we just started supporting emotes at a larger scale just last year, sort of. And that's because those are fun and unique and really call for sfx at times.

But in terms of discussion of the assets for sparrows. The truth is that if they were simpler (like spawn FX, which we support because they're a...

Read more

27 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JustaGayGuy24

Someone save this comment from the TWAB.

It’s important to note here that shifting our focus like this comes at a considerable cost to the team, so it’s unlikely that mid-season patches of this scope will become a regular occurrence.

I'm surprised they did this, we'll see how it goes.

While we're always eager to address things when we can, resource management is ridiculously difficult. Folks kicked ass on this. Glad we could get it out.


Originally posted by DzhoArisu

Is that not exactly what it's doing now? I'm confused.

Right now 4 stacks gives 45%, which is slightly less than previous bonus. And 8 stacks gives 90%, which is higher.

Team is still working on the fix so I don't have exact numbers yet, but 8 stacks will be higher than 60% but lower than 90%.

26 May


Bad news is that this is a bug and we will be fixing it in the future.

Good news is we plan on leaving the upside damage increased more than it was before Hotfix earlier this week.

The goal of the change to SES was to increase the reward for risking losing your stacks of Feast of Light to try and get up to 8 stacks. When the bug is fixed, 8 stacks will still provide a higher bonus than the original max stacks damage bonus, and 4 stacks will be a slightly smaller bonus than the original max stacks damage bonus.

24 May


I'll share your feedback that you would like to see Crucible Maps added back into the game.

Any specific ones you would prioritize over others?

Any ones you would rather stay gone?

22 May


We made some edits to this article to make it even more clear around how the "Well-Rested" bonus affects your XP gains.

21 May


Originally posted by deangaudet

dear bungie (tagging u/dmg04 u/Cozmo23): the most clear thing you could do is state the amount of XP we're going to earn from each bounty/challenge. put "6k XP" on dailies, "12k XP" on weeklies, and if you want to tell us "half a rank" then call it "50k XP" on a challenge. if you stop obfuscating the numbers then you won't need to make posts like this. numbers aren't scary or bad: you already have numbers with respect to XP, they're shown on the season pass page amongst other places. it seems extra confusing that you both show us numbers in some cases, and then don't show us numbers in others and instead use vague non-specific language.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll let the team know you would like to see clear numbers consistently rather than a mix.