Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

02 Sep


Originally posted by timesocean

No mention of Nothing Manacles in the known issues? Surely they're bugged because it would upset me greatly if bungie intentionally nerfed them compared to their D1 effectivenenss

We're looking into this, thanks!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct


Boosts have all been streamlined to 2x for the full week. Vanguard will have 2x weeks in the future.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by shadowkhas

Is this patch actually available for anyone, or did the notes drop earlier than intended?

My Steam hasn't picked it up, my character select screen still says 3.3.0, and I didn't get errored out like I normally would if I had a version mismatch.

Plus it's an hour before their normal patch time.

Patch is live now. I hit the publish button early on the patch notes. My bad!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by machinehead933

A bunch of these issues seem really new. This seems like a pretty quick turnaround for a number of hot issues that are also pretty new.

I wonder if they already knew about these issues and just couldn't get them patched in time, or if they were really able to react so quickly...

Some fixes are "easier" than others. Smaller risk to overall patch or more straightforward changes for the fixes themselves. Others take time and have larger test wake to make sure they're not endangering other pieces of the game.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MrCodZilla

sadness, still no mention regarding a fix for the decrypting the darkness quest step being bugged out.

my other two characters have this bugged and tried every fix possible mentioned on here.

I'm not complaining im happy for the content we've been given and just wanted an update

Team's aware of the issue and working on a fix. No ETA just yet. We'll put out comms via BungieHelp when more info is available.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BuckNastysMamma

Some nice fixes, although sad to see the "Sweet Spot" triumph not fixed yet. Oh well, hopefully it comes soon.

Edit: Yes I am aware the base title is available by getting 50 rocket multikills. I did that during week 1. However the triumph does prevent you from gilding the title. dmg04 replied below and the team is aware and working on a fix, hopefully for the next patch.

Team's working on this. Goal is for the next patch, but we still need to get the fix in a build and have test take a pass to make sure the fix doesn't cause any other issues.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Roadmap is planned for a future week. Don't have a firm date on it yet, but one's in progress.

Stay tuned.

29 Aug


Originally posted by LetheAlbion

that's a horrible way to compensate. just saying. the spartan laser from halo was just fine one-tapping to the body bc it had such a long charge time. maybe do the same thing? or, you know, just move the current heavy linears to the special slot since they literally have the same kill conditions as the special linears.

In what way is it horrible?

Just because something works in one game doesn't mean it'll work in another

Extending charge times for 1 shot bodies is an interesting idea, and is essentially just Sleeper. Having that on a legendary is really strong though. In order to make it balanced, you'd have to push the charge time to a point where it feels impossible to use, and when you die to it it's still frustrating because there was no warning, you just instantly died to somone somewhere on the map with no opportunity for counter play, and they didn't even have to make a skillful shot to do it. Bad to play with, bad to play against.

Moving them to the special slot just makes them bad sniper rifles in pvp, and takes away an interesting heavy slot option for PvE.

Overall, they're fine how they are imo. Maybe needs a PvE buff, or some new perks, but really it's fine how it is.


Heavy lineras 1 tapping to the body from any range would be too strong, so they compensate by not being exotics, and by having high aim assist stats relative to snipers.

They're not super meta for crucible.

28 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Reminder for some who may have missed the big Weapons focused TWAB a couple weeks back:

We've made some small adjustments to the weapons reissued in the 3.2.1 update to move these in the direction of the new reissue guidelines (and if you were wondering why our Community Managers were asking for everyone’s favorite rolls, now you know).

Added one or two of the original perks to each column for the Luna weapons reissued in 3.2.1 (i.e. the Lectern weapons only).

Since these can be target farmed, we're ok with increasing the size of the perk...

Read more

26 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Team put out a fix earlier today. Make sure to follow BungieHelp on twitter for updates :)

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IAmNot_ARussianBot

I was ready to put a "this week at Bungie, we'll see you next week" comment because there can't possibly be anything to talk about now, except maybe the Lorentz nerf or something.

I'm pleasantly disappointed.

I'll look for your comment next Thursday.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by iblaise

Jeeze guys, four big TWaBs in a row?

You just never quit, do you?

This will more than likely be the last big chungus TWAB for a while. It's time to sit back and let the game do the talking.

We'll have your weekly news beats, but far smaller. Looking to get some exciting things lined up, but they'll take some time to get together.

    /u/Tocom on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is a bug, team is looking at it.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback. I'll make sure to pass it along to the team, and let them know you've asked for another nerf to Shredders.

Originally posted by DistressedApple

Did you design the breast milk pump noise?

I recorded it yes!

25 Aug

Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

Awesome. Just send an email to [email protected] from your work email confirming your reddit username, or alternatively, you can reach out to one of the community managers and they'll get you sorted out with us.

Thanks! :)

I just went on vacation today to get some rest, I'll do that when I'm back next week, thank you!

Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

Mod here: Would you like the flair?

Or would you rather remain among the shadows?

Fantastic job on those sounds mate :)

Yeah I'd love the flair! I've started to frequent the sub much more often lately! And thank you so much for the kind words. It's been an exciting day today!