Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

04 Oct


Originally posted by PhazonUK

As far as I’m aware it’s because they don’t allow “destructive” commands in third party apps (basically anything that deletes or uses resources, like glimmer). If they just removed the silly glimmer cost from equipping mods then we’d be set.

That's broadly correct - there's a little more to it, namely, we try to limit the usage for API calls that might have "liability" attached to them, actual or perceived. It's an ongoing conversation.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You really want pain, and nothing but pain?

Re: GM rewards - looks like there's a change in the pipe for adept reward drop rates. We'll have a callout on Thursday in the TWAB.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Looks like the team is working on some fixes for a future patch. Couple months out. Once we have additional information, we'll let you know.

23 Sep


Originally posted by Freakindon

So does not replenishing special mean that you respawn with 0 special?

If you die, you respawn with out ammo.


Originally posted by iblaise

We are turning off matchmaking help until you have played at least two matches during the weekend.

Can we elaborate on what this means exactly? Do you need to play with a pre-made Fireteam for two matches first before being able to solo-queue?

EDIT: The replies below me clarify this well. Thanks guys!

No. You can still solo queue whenever.

We are just turning off something in the matchmaking that helps players find easier matches if they are struggling until after they play a few matches. Having it turn on too early was causing them to have long queue times.


Originally posted by Shakespeares_Nan

So has Auto-Hide text chat turning itself off all the time been addressed as a known issue anywhere? I still don't see it acknowledged.

It's been acknowledged. Will be fixed in an upcoming update.

22 Sep

Originally posted by Fuzzle_hc

Keep in mind that having the flair will automatically highlight all comments you make on /r/DestinyTheGame as a Bungie response. This is the reason many of your colleagues rather go unflaired, just to make sure that you are aware of that.

Thank you for the note! I'll remember that

Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

Awesome. Just send an email to [email protected] from your work email confirming your reddit username, or alternatively, you can reach out to one of the community managers and they'll get you sorted out with us.

Thanks! :)

I emailed from my bungie email by the way!

17 Sep



Appreciate the report on this. We never "stealth nerf" anything. It's super obvious when changes are made to abilities - so we would never dream that we could slip one by you. Sometimes we do miss patch notes in the shuffle, but in this case this was an unintended change and we are already working on a fix for an upcoming update.

15 Sep


Not intentional. Looks like there is a bug with the perk right now and we are working on a fix in a future update.

14 Sep


Hey! Spoke with the team and they are aware of this issue and currently looking into it.


Originally posted by ezcryp

Ban is a bit harsh, a cooldown or lockout is more likely.

We are looking into adding a similar timeout that you get for Comp.

09 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ChromeFluxx

That's so crazy /u/dmg04 Congrats on the wedding! So cool how the date coincides with /u/NorseFenrir 's Birthday as well! Congrats to the both of you!

We all know that /u/NorseFenrir 's birthday is the more important of the two!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by jmasliah

"Strike Streaks will no longer be broken. "


Team's digging on the issues. We think we hit many of the scenarios in which this could happen, but we'll be keeping an eye out after the patch to make sure everything's good.

If you hit any weird instances where strike streaks are broken after the patch ships, let us know what happened with as much detail as you can!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Seeing some replies confused about Cross Play + Trials. Here's a quick explanation:

Goal: Prevent players from going for an "easy" flawless card by restricting their matchmaking pool. There are a variety of scenarios that can come up (coordinating matchups for win exchanges on platforms with lower population, knowingly going into a small pool of players that you "know" you can beat, etc) - and we'd like to get ahead of that.
Execution: Cross Play is required to be enabled. PC matches PC. Consoles match Console. Stadia is mixed with Console. You'll only be matched against PC if there is a PC player in your fireteam.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PotatoesForPutin

Still nothing about Explosive Light being just a god awful perk that has the same damage increase as vorpal? Is that intended? If so, why?

Team is aware of the feedback. If any changes are made, we'll be sure to let you know asap!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Voelker58

"Am I a joke to you?"

-Rise of Iron

Rise of Iron was no joke. Who could ever forget that launch?
Seriously though. Awesome story. Awesome loot. Awesome community. Will forever look back fondly at RoI when thinking about D1.


Originally posted by Damac1214

7 years ago Destiny ruined my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way
