Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

25 Aug

Originally posted by FrostedMeteor

I was calling it the R2-D2 gun because of the sound it makes when it targets someone.

Glad you think that! I totally went for R2D2 or droid chatter vibes with that sound! Just lots of star wars vibes all over haha

Originally posted by xEllimistx

Thats what I heard too lol

And if you’re scoped in, the little sound the gun makes sounds like the sensors from Slave 1 but that could just be confirmation bias on my parts

Not at all, good ear! I was trying to go for a vibe from a lot of the star wars binoculars/scopes/ship telemetry. It also reacts subtly if you move the scope around, kinda like in the movies!

Originally posted by PM_SHORT_STORY_IDEAS

(usually devs have a special flair, did you actually work on it?)

Tons of us don't have the flair :) But my post history might be proof enough! Also check out my twitter @juanpaudio if you want!


Originally posted by McZerky

Am very, very hyped for all of this. Gonna be looking forward to that Savathun showdown for a long time.

I do wonder, didn't Like Smith say something about a new subclass each expansion? I wonder if this is a gap year now that the "Age of Darkness" saga is 4 expansions instead of 3. Hard telling.

They said they're doing more darkness subclasses, but there was no timeline attached. The implication was that we'd get one each year, but obviously they prioritized the light subclass revamps first, which is 100% fine with me.

Originally posted by PM_SHORT_STORY_IDEAS

Someone at Bungie is a fan of Slave 1's seismic charges...

You are dead on, actually! Slave 1's seismic charge is my fav sound in SW, and my entire inspiration for making this explosion sound like this!

24 Aug


We're currently investigating. Thanks for the report!


Originally posted by dwarrior

Solo play, new cheat detection and free accounts can't play trials anymore? Holy shit trials may actually be worth it now.

And we will have more info for you on Trials revamp tomorrow.


Originally posted by BeejRich

Never thought I'd cry during a video game announcement, the but 30 year anniversary recap got me. So many friends and memories made.

I've watched that 10+ times now. Still get the feels every time.


Originally posted by Upbeat-Low

That sucks... Couldn't they just do a skin for people who bought the pack like in rise of iron and give it to everyone?

In rise of iron it was also behind a paywall, the skin was for pre-ordering iirc


Originally posted by pm_me_ur_anything_k

What the actual f**k, dungeons are separate purchases??

They said they come with the deluxe edition, but I'm assuming that's because the deluxe edition includes all the seasons, and they're tied to those?

Unsure rn, but tbh we're getting them way more often than before, so if they're cheap I don't mind too much.


Originally posted by PoddyPod

I always speak to him through the window. Good thing our Guardian rarely speaks, or Variks would just be hearing mumbles through the glass.

Yep, way easier to go through the drive thru.

23 Aug


It's happening.gif

19 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is still too long to read.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This week, we have Proctor back in the hot seat. Some time will be taken to define specific terms in the weapons sandbox, and he also explores goals behind each change.

See you soon!

15 Aug


Originally posted by Dessorian

They just made primary ammo finders work more for exotics for that next season.

I'm pretty sure that shot the infinite ammo theory in the foot.

They made it so exotic primary kills are more likely to drop special and heavy.

No idea if the infinite ammo thing is happening, but that one detail doesn't kill it.

13 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Cozmo23

You can't win Dylan.

You're my boss. I've already won.


Originally posted by dmg04


You can't win Dylan.