Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

30 Jan

29 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks all for the feedback! Definitely being passed along.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Planning an in-game message to hit as many players as we can.

I will always advocate that players redeem their bounties before the end of a season to avoid loss. We do our best to forecast when bounties are being updated or removed, but sometimes a few may slip through the cracks.

And no, this is not financial advice.


26 Jan


Appreciate the feedback. It does feel pretty badass to take down something like a Dungeon solo. We will let the team know you are enjoying things like Solo Lost Sectors and would like to see more activities like that in the future.

25 Jan


Originally posted by Schnitzel725

Would it be okay to give us a setting that'll let us purchase more than a few bounties at a time before having to reconfirm that we want to get bounties via the app?

This is under consideration.


Originally posted by KriptiKFate_Cosplay

Are you seriously telling me that I can pick up f**king bounties VIA THE APP?? So many cumulative hours wasted on loading screens.. why not just make them available at any time in game?!


We may consider making them available more broadly in-game, but we have to balance that UX & design work against hundreds of other pressing quality of life needs. More than that, with the changes to bounties and their resulting reduction in prominence, that calculus is a lot harder.

Bounty purchase is a good way for us to gather the data needed to make an intelligent decision about this.


Originally posted by Squelcher121

On that note, I've not been able to purchase bounties via the app at all since that function was added. Despite being in orbit, I am invariably told "unable to initiate request" when I try to pick a bounty up from the app. Some of my clan members have this issue as well (PS4).

Is this a known issue with the app or is it a problem on my end?

Generally, this is caused by a stale authorization state. Forcibly sign out in the app, clear the relevant data in your phone, and then sign back in. I can't promise this will fix it, but it's something to try.

There should be a help article regarding troubleshooting as well.


Originally posted by ChefBoyrRob

Wow! I just showed my daughter a Bungie employee read and commented on our story. My mind is absolutely blown away. I can’t thank everyone over at bungie enough for 1000s of hours of fun and years of memories. You guys are absolutely killing it.

Aw thanks man. :)

Btw I’ve got 7-year-old daughters too and I can’t wait to be able to play pc<>ps4<>Xsx with them.

24 Jan


I’m gonna make sure the crossplay team sees this Monday. :) We’re excited to get you and Riley fireteamed up! Thanks so much for sharing the story.

23 Jan


Originally posted by sam_the_guardian

Yeah weekly bounties are being removed as well. Make this get to the top so OP can notice it!

It's likely obvious, but bounty pick-up from the companion app will continue to function.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback. Been collecting a lot of feedback on rewards and passing it up to the team.

Always appreciated!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Gonna need to take this out for a spin...

21 Jan


Originally posted by Meowkitty_Owl

Add guilding for raid titles with flawless requirement pls

I can give that feedback. Eager to see how this is received by the community and then we can see how it can evolve.


Originally posted by Theo-Radical

You seriously won't even address sunsetting? Not even the usual bs about acknowledging it soon, yada yada?

wow, that's quite a new level of ignoring your customers. Impressive.

Sunsetting is definitely one of the community concerns I was referring to in the outro. Like Joe said, we are taking some time to validate plans and will share out a State of Destiny 2021 next season.


Originally posted by Morris_Cat

Are you sure about that? Because these two sentences seem to be conflicting.

**You may see other anomalies involving Crow in Season 13... --

** Season 13 should avoid these rough edges **

EDIT: Well ok then. It's still a confusing construction, grammatically.

Yea that is fair. Rewrote that several times so I internalized the difference between "S12 stuff in Season 13" and "Season 13 stuff going forward."


Originally posted by GunslingerLyfe

Nope, this is stating that any vendors (aside from the crow) or things introduced in season 13 shouldn’t have any weirdness moving forward as they were designed with that new model in mind.

You got it.


Am I the first?

20 Jan


Originally posted by Canoneer

Checking in a bit...

Edit: Yes, it's fixed.

Yea looks like this note was missed but it was fixed. I'm adding it now.


Originally posted by driveby40

Same for me. Nez Sin Helmet is still not working for Deafening Whisper. /u/cozmo23

I looked into this. Looks like this note was included in error and the fix is coming in a few weeks when Season 13 starts.

Fixing the patch notes now.