Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

14 Apr


Loved this. Glad you can play together now.

09 Apr


Originally posted by Level99Legend

What does it mean to be a warlock?



There's only one right answer.

05 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Goseki

Wouldn't be the first time dmg was tied to frame rate on destiny.

I'm tied to what now?

Seriously though - passed this up to the team. Thanks for reporting, u/bluurie!

Future wise - if you ever hit issues like this, always a good idea to post it to the Help forum on If it doesn't trend over here, good chances a player support specialist will snag your thread and create a bug from it.

02 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hello Warlock,

Would you like to join a cult today?

01 Apr


Originally posted by Rikiaz

The perks will change on existing ones, but having the option to swap between a random perk and Celerity/Bottomless Grief is what can't change on existing ones.

Correct. They will get the changes that are happening to the perks themselves (additional stats), but adept weapons that have celerity at this time will not get an extra perk automatically next season.

25 Mar


Originally posted by HiddnAce

Could you please sell the Eyes of Mercury ornament for the Sunbracers already? Or at least put it as next month's Amazon Prime reward? It's been over 725 days since it was last available for purchase in Eververse for either BD or Silver and half of my friends didn't even know that it existed.

Will definitely pass it along. Are there any other Eververse items you'd like to see in the store again? Team is always interested in what you might have missed that you'd like to see offered again.

23 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Gati0420

Makes sense, but unrelenting has to be, by far, one of the easiest ‘insta-delete’ perks

Edit: original comment asked why SWARM got Unrelenting as a perk

Give more feedback, if you could! What about the perk makes it an "instant-delete", and what would make it more valuable to you as a player?

Unrelenting perk description: Rapidly defeating targets triggers health regeneration. Guardians and powerful combatants count as more than one kill.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


One of the available perks was taking up two potential slots, if that makes sense. Team swapped one out for unrelenting.

22 Mar


Sorry about that. Please PM me your order details and I will make sure our Bungie Store's customer service team gets in contact with you.

21 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mkidder56

Was on a team that got paired against you in trials this morning but sadly only one guardian made it through the servers. Hopefully it wasn't a card breaking loss.

Yeah, we had a few losses tick on our cards from the issues. Bummed about it, but we'll regroup once things are back on track.

Feel for the folks who were nearing flawless or in GM's when this stuff hit. Always a bummer when errors pop up at nasty times.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Team is still digging. Seeing ups and downs in stability. Keep an eye on BungieHelp for status updates and an all-clear.

18 Mar


Originally posted by Garrus_Vakarian__

Cabal Drill Public Event flashbacks

"Cabal... again?"


Originally posted by KarmaticArmageddon

/u/dmg04 /u/cozmo23

Is hotfix scheduled for March 23rd or March 30th? The TWAB lists both dates in different places.

March 23.


Originally posted by Steellatch

I really hope we get a clear breakdown of how Guardian Games Scoring works this year.

For sure.


Originally posted by QuotidianQuell

Great summary. Not a super in-depth TWAB, but the extra detail around Eyes was nice (and nicely explained). As a whole, this one was particularly well-written. Thanks for the work you and the team do, u/cozmo23!

this one was particularly well-written

Thanks a lot of people work on these. I'll just assume this is specifically referencing the MOTW section.


Originally posted by KlausHeisler

That was an interesting breakdown for eyes of tomorrow, and I have to say that the turnaround for bug fixes has continued to be dope. I know its unpopular, but the DCV continues to shine as way for rapid testing and bug fixes to occur, and I am here for it honestly.

Yea I try not to be seen as "tooting our own horn." But I'm super proud of all of the teams that have been putting in the work to get more fixes out and get them out quicker.


Originally posted by iblaise

Even this wording is confusing. Why not just say “Oops, the update is planned for March 23rd.”?

Oops, the update is planned for March 23.

12 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all, got some numbers from the team on the Chaos Reach tuning:

  • Cancelling your super at 50% left now retains 20%, down from 33%

11 Mar


This is a good note and I'll pass it along. Appreciate the feedback on the new challenge system. Let me anyone has any other suggestions.