Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

04 Dec

03 Dec


Please be nice to the new guy.


Thank you for this feedback and the suggestions! :)

01 Dec


Originally posted by TheUberMoose

lets broaden this. Any "end game" activity should in no way drop sunset gear, and currently outside the raids, they all can.

Ordeal Grand Master - Run the corrupted, final chest drops the Horrros Least, which is sunset, at minimum re-issue the NF loot like you did with Gnawing Hunger.

Dungeons - All of the ones you can play (prophecy is not in game at this time) drop sunset loot, Pit drops fully masterworked sunset armor, at that point just replace it with some MW cores and crystals. Really the DC and Moon loot should all be re-issued so the drops are not sunset from end game things. If LW is end game so is Throne.

PvP and Gambit - loot dropped in matches and from rank ups and resets should either be reissued or changed these are mixed but there are sunset items in these. Comp is a end game activity and resets to Valor have the same issue.

While not fully end game it was at launch a near endgame activity, Altar of Sorrow on the moon should have i...

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Thanks for the additional feedback. I will share these thoughts with the team as well.


Thanks for the feedback. I’ll put in a request to swap it out for something that is not at max power cap.


Appreciate the feedback. Banshee’s inventory is random which means RNG will streak in a negative way as is Destiny tradition(Cabal Drills again?!)

This will fix itself in S13 when they are no longer sold, but we are looking to see if we can get a change in the short term that lowers the weighting of old materials so they don’t show up as often.

27 Nov


Originally posted by Pantsman1084

As I'm sure you're well aware of, the story telling in this expansion has been absolutely top-tier. Especially when it's spoken. I am loving all of the in-world storytelling and hearing characters tell us instead of just a wall of text. I know voice acting costs can really add up, but that element really cements it. Seeing the live interactions with Elsie and Ana is the kind of life this game needs more of. Also, I'm the lore nut of my clan and usually have to explain things because some people don't care to read a bunch of text, but the same people who skip the text are now stopping and listening to the spoken story and know what's going on in the game world.

Extremely kind, thank you on behalf of the team!


Originally posted by Voidchimera

I feel like it's a tone thing too, in the campaign cheesy "i'll crush every atom of your existence" lines don't feel weird because it's not supposed to be deadly serious like raids, where that would feel kinda tone deaf. But the ominous dialogue in DSC fit the mood so well (some of Clovis's lines were downright chilling) that it made it feel so much more immersive instead!

Also, the fact the raid tied into previous lore like the Journals instead of just being its own isolated thing gave everyone so much more weight and intensity!

This is something I was very cognizant of, and a big reason why the clovis AI actually talking to the player in the raid is sparse- when it comes to writing for games, brevity is key- less is almost always more.

And yes, we had a philosophy for lore that we have been trying to stick to since black armory but wasnt able to be fully realized until beyond light- if it exists in the lore, players should be able to experience it in some form in the game. Personally, I’m in games to explore methods of interactive storytelling. If I wanted to write books, I would just do that instead. But it’s a game first and foremost, and that should be top priority.

26 Nov


Originally posted by Foremanski

Ignoring the fairly condescending remark. The point I'm trying to make is that there is a good mix between telling a story for the raid (the background voices such as the "Crypt AI" were awesome) and atmosphere. The more story content we get, the less of the "raid atmosphere" we get. I don't want to go back to no dialogue at all like in D1, but neither do I want every experience in the raid to be filled with talking either. It just detracts on what makes the raid special.

Raid bosses talking during a fight just seems way to campaign-ey for me. But I still like the small chatter we get between fights. The roars and indecipherable vocals like we see with most of the bosses is nice, because it keeps focus on the action and the players. Obviously there's a lot of importance on who the boss is. But at the same time the name and the image is all we need. I don't need them constantly saying how they will destroy us, because we already know that.

Totally understand, and we’re always doing what we can to find the right balance. There are limited channels for storytelling in destiny so we need to take what we can get, but we do respect that the raid does have an atmosphere that doesn’t adhere to overstuffed storytelling and needs to also give players room to plan and focus.


Originally posted by Janube

I get why they don't have the ghost talk during raids, but I kinda' wish he would chirp up every now and then to establish the "point" of a fight and with as much urgency as the situation demands.

Security "It looks like we have to disable some kind of golden age security system, but I have no idea how it works."

Atraks "Is... is that Taniks?! What's he doing down here? How is he even alive?"

Taniks 1 "The station's AI has set us on a crash course with Europa and I'm detecting several high-yield nuclear warheads on board! We have to disable them!"

Taniks 2 "What kind of monster can survive all this..?"

EDIT: And I want to stress to DMG or Cozmo or whomever reads these that one of the absolute coolest and most meaningful things during the spacewalk was Clovis threatening us with the existential danger our trespass theoretically posed. Voiceover work in raids has been understated so far, but I think you should lean into it a bit more if it's up...

Something tells me we just might!


But the Portal is up, I will bank these 15 when I get back.

25 Nov


Originally posted by Stealth797

I thought today was u/NorseFenrir birthday

They share a birthday.


Don't worry, we aren't going to make major decisions based solely on a few voices. Everyone is welcome to give their feedback and critiques and we do take everyone's input in no matter if you're a big-time streamer or just making a post on reddit, bnet, or the social platform of your choice. The team is going to decide what they think is best for the game based on a mix of feedback, data, and their own expertise.

From my personal CM chair, here is the feedback I have been seeing from the raid overall.

  • Amazing encounters with incredible art and music.
  • Contest mode is great, please find more ways to use it
  • Longer prep time and weekend raid day is preferred
  • 24 hour clear seemed more accessible because of new builds but still challenging and a desired achievement
  • Great story and lore, some players would prefer a different boss than Taniks
  • Final Chest Vendor is a hit
  • ...
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Originally posted by initialt

Having the same issue. No prime attunement after patch.

Can you send me a link to your profile?


Nice job! Glad you made it in right under the wire.


I'll pass along this feedback. Not sure if by design or a technical limitation but I will let the team know you would like frozen Servitors to be interrupted from shielding enemies.


Oh sh*t.

24 Nov


Originally posted by FrogInTheStreet

u/cozmo23 I just got on for the first time today and after the update I no longer have prime attunement again.

Thanks for the report. Let me know if it comes back or stays bugged out.

23 Nov


Originally posted by dinodares99

Ah, sorry my bad :/

That sounds pretty fun! I'm always impressed with the story and detail you guys weave into the game and lore. Sci-fi, science fantasy, space horror, so many genres are present and they all mesh really well. Especially the Collector's Edition Clovis' Journal, that was one of my favourite reads.

Sorry for gushing, but I'm just really amazed and in love with this game's narrative. Keep on keeping on :)

The whole team killed it! And you have nothing to be sorry for. Thanks for the kind words!