Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

19 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is a bug - one that the team is aware of and looking to fix in a future patch.

Don't have a timeframe, but we'll cover it in a Player Support Report when we have more info.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback.

Been passing along feedback on rewards to the team. We have some opportunity for players to return next season as we have some new rewards entering the fold, but there is definitely feedback surrounding the Trials experience as a whole that the team is aware of.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Great feedback.

We're seeing some love for SMG's in PvE thanks to things like warmind cells and champion mods, but will definitely pass these thoughts along.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is a pretty good example of why some feedback items take time to address, in that we want changes (or new content) to live in the wild for a bit before we make any changes.

We definitely appreciate those day 1 impressions, as we can watch how they evolve over time. Sometimes they're spot on and the feedback continues to match. Other times, they completely reverse.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by legokid2002

I'd like to ask, what about Focused Feedback and Bungie Plz megathreads, are they a resource that the Community Managers actively use? I'm asking because there's been some discussion as to whether or not megathreads like those provide valuable information, neatly gathered for you to read, or if they simply bury a subject. Thank you.


I'd say no matter the thread, whether it be a megathread, BungiePZ thread, Focused Feedback thread, or one that's gotten 13 upvotes... the feedback is valuable.

Always appreciate when things are organized. Definitely helps.


Originally posted by TKGaming_11

Lets hope the huge fps difference from shadowkeep is minimized

Please let us know how your perf is after you take the update. Thanks.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Dormerator

Community Managers have a very specific list of actual development updates that they are allowed to comment on at any given time. They can’t just reveal what Bungie plans to do in the future of the game just because the entire front page of Reddit is filled with posts about how much sunsetting sucks (it’s implementation is pure shit so far btw).

They are, however allowed to interact with players over art/memes/original content since that drives up community engagement, which is good for the health of the game. Since the social media sentiment over the game has been overwhelmingly negative recently, it’s not like they’ve had a lot of opportunities lately.

The “Bungie Replied” flair is not much more than a way of letting users know that a Bungie employee has posted a reply of some sort. It’s not a signal of how much they’re reading our posts. Considering how many times Cozmo and Dmg are tagged in posts every day, I’m pretty confident that they’re at least seeing eve...

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I think I can safely say that we look through this subreddit every single day. (Yes, even on weekends and during vacations...)

We can try to hit more threads. Won’t always have news to share, but we can always reinforce the fact that we’re collecting feedback.

08 Jan


Originally posted by Quantumriot7

As their list of aspirational activities are trials, raids and dungeons, I believe that the intended one for this season that they consider to be the aspirational armour set would be the deep stone crypt raid set. As it was introduced this season. These armour sets do not need to be tied directly to the season, we saw this with prophecy where the dungeon was free to play, yet was their example of aspirational armour.

Correct. We defined "Aspirational Activities" a little further down in that TWAB as (Raids, Trials, Dungeons)

It's totally fine though to give feedback that you would like to see more armor sets outside of the cited commitment and we will pass along that feedback.

28 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kidpotassium

If you’ve already gone flawless on your account in a given week, you should only be able to re-queue against other similar players.

Would you want this for teams that have 1 flawless and 2 non-flawless players as well, or strictly a team of 3 flawless players?

Not saying this is what we'd opt to do, but want to hear more thoughts on it.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This may be considered a silly question to many, but I'd love to see more feedback:

What would make Trials more appealing to you?

While we have some new loot on the way (Armor, weapons, cosmetics), what about the mode is pushing you away?

Skimming through the comments, the pure "competitive" nature of it is already a barrier to those who don't see themselves as PvP players. Stasis has also added some flair to the mode that some people enjoy, some people dislike, and some people want to see balanced. Recurring feedback: More focus on gunplay, less on abilities.

That said, what specifically would you like to see that would get you in the mode more frequently?

Thanks in advance, and happy holidays.

27 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Bah Humbug.

21 Dec


Originally posted by MisterWoodhouse

Cozmo sought mod pre-approval of this contest post, just like a normal user, and obtained it!

This post has received The Mod Seal of Approval.

I am a normal user though.


EDIT: The winners have all been contacted so check your PMs if you haven't already! Thanks!

The Dawning has us in the mood for gifting. Since it's pretty difficult to send out freshly baked cookies, we thought giving out 20 Beyond Light Digital Deluxe Editions would spread some cheer.

You can enter to get one for yourself or to gift it to a friend. Just reply to this post below. Make sure you only reply once as a parent comment though as anyone replying more than once will be disqualified.

That's it. You have until 10AM Pacific tomorrow(12/22/2020) to reply to be eligible. I'll pick winners at random and DM them asking what platform they would like. So keep an eye on your inbox tomorrow around that time!

Hope you are enjoying the Dawning and have a great rest of your year!

External link →

Originally posted by protoscott

He's our son and we love him.

I can't express how loud I laughed when I saw him.

18 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Team has been looking in to this. We have some slight improvements planned for next season.

Want to set expectations correctly - there will still be times where a team mate ends up snagging a mote instead of you - but the team is definitely working on this to make it feel a bit better. It gets tricky with networking, latency, how the game gives priority to another player instead of you. That said, we definitely know it can be frustrating to stand in a pool of 12 motes and only get 3, or to have to double back after running over them. We hope the improvements will make this feel better in the heat of the moment.

14 Dec

11 Dec


Originally posted by TheUberMoose

He may generate a random list of things however we KNOW you can override it and change it server side.

Laser Tag Weekend for example you made XUR sell the trace rifle

Well, depending on "when" in Destiny history you are talking about. When Xur first launched there were no overrides - hence the long streaks of Sunbreakers and Voidfang Vestments for Warlocks.


Originally posted by Working_Bones

Thanks so much for replying! I wasn't trying to hate on your team with this post, I really just wanted an explanation. I see where you're coming from but personally I think 120, 140, and 180 hand cannons are distinct enough to warrant the inclusion of all 3 of them in the loot pool. And that the RPM difference creates just as much variety as the kinetic/energy difference. Especially when True Prophecy is relatively new and had plenty of time left before its sunset date. And when hand cannons were just given so many changes and have become so viable again in the meta.

Couldn't you have individually reduced the drop rates of the 3 kinetic hand cannons while keeping them all in the loot pool? Thus maintaining the drop rate of 'kinetic hand cannon generally' relative to other weapon archetypes?

Personally I have more Seventh Seraphs and Dire Promises than I'll ever need and would trade a million drops of them for another 10 True Prophecies, but maybe it's just me.


I think 120, 140, and 180 hand cannons are distinct enough to warrant the inclusion of all 3 of them in the loot pool. And that the RPM difference creates just as much variety as the kinetic/energy difference.

Yea that is totally fair. We just wanted to give you some info on why that change was made. I'm just glad we were able to get the overall change in so quickly even if there was an outlier here based on the feedback.