Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

11 Oct


Thanks for the report. We're currently tracking this issue.

Do you mind sharing what platform you were playing on?

EDIT: Also, any videos you might have would be helpful.

EDIT 2: Thanks everyone. We have enough videos and information to help diagnose the cause of the issue.

09 Oct

Originally posted by Sanches319

I use Duke! They changed it's sound when they moved every 110s to 120.

Or are you talking about this episode's change?

update: holy shit

This seems to have happened by mistake somehow. I'll take a look and fix it

08 Oct


Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

Just tested the four burst mode (knew I had to come running to help your child, lol). It does allow you to fire the sniper shots, and upon reaching 0 sniper rounds, it switches back to the regular burst mode and performs as intended.

You cannot switch off sniper mode once activated (not sure if that was always the case?), but I can confirm that the gun does not fire its sniper rounds if it's in the 2-burst mode. It's basically soft locked.

4 burst mode works correct. 2 softlocks it.

Yup I see the issue. I’ll get a bug in and get it fixed ASAP.


Originally posted by repapap

/u/mercules904 Yo, your gun is broken. Once you activate the sniper mode the gun totally locks up and doesn't fire. You also can't change it back by holding R or swapping weapons.

If you want to replicate the issue, I've been using it in the 2-burst mode and charging it up to 1-2 sniper shots. I was able to replicate it just in Patrol in the EDZ.

Does it work correctly in 4-burst mode?

03 Oct


Originally posted by SassyAssAhsoka

First thing I’m gonna do is do the final Witch Queen mission to see my guardian point a stick at a dead Savathûn.

Send us a screenshot when you do this.

27 Sep


Originally posted by LuciferTho

you deserve roses for that. feels like an energy rose but somehow more consistent

It’s the SUROS frame magic


Originally posted by Houseplus

Does the upcoming buff to Heavy Burst pulse rifle also apply to Revision Zero?

Yeah it applies to the heavy burst mode


Originally posted by VirtualPerc30

if your responsible for choir consider this a virtual kiss on the mouth

No need for kisses but you're welcome!


Originally posted by Lilscooby77

Exalted truth is missed!

Exalted Truth is for sure one of my favorite legendary weapons I've made.


Originally posted by GetARealLifeYouKid

Btw, thanks for choir of one. Im enjoying it very much.

You're also welcome for that!


Glad youre enjoying it :)

Originally posted by Khantherockz

Woah woah woah!! Legend himself!

I'm literally in love with the Osteo bcoz of how satisfying the gun sounds. I couldn't get my hands on Lorentz so far, but I can definitely tell already it's also a masterpiece.

I mean, I don't know what to ask specifically as I'm a layman when it comes to sound engineering. But please tell us there's more weapons to come that are sound designed by you :)

Many more to come!!

Originally posted by Ulnarus

Wait till you hear lorentz driver's singularity sound.

Both Osteo and Lorentz were sound designed by me! Thank you for the nice words. I can answer any questions about how I made the sounds

26 Sep


Originally posted by OtherBassist

u/mercules904 any word on when Slice will work again in Crucible?

Fix is shipping with Ep 2

30 Aug


Originally posted by Destiny2simplified

How is the gun holding "far more in reserves" a bug? Idk why bungie thinks the fan base is this dumb. Just say you're nerfing it. It's fine. Stop disguising nerfs as bug fixes lol the community isn't that gullable.

Speaking with the team, it looks like they attempted a bugfix for this before launch. Sadly, fix didn't hold through release.

Sucks when things like this happen. It's not fun to put out a fancy new toy and have to change it up (or even communicate the changes) a couple days after.

Hope the next few weeks of an OP weapon will be a fun time, at least.


Originally posted by Tplusplus75

What is the new number for reserves?

Right now it can be around 400 or more (sorry, don't have exact on hand)
Expected should be closer to 200.


Hey all,

We're loving the many clips of you destroying Overload champions and Nightfall bosses with the new Choir of One Exotic Auto Rifle.

While we're greatly enjoying your domination of enemies, we wanted to make sure to communicate early that there are currently a couple bugs that we've identified with the weapon:

  • The weapon is holding far more ammo in reserves than was originally intended.
  • The hip fire projectiles of the weapon are dealing more damage than intended when buffed by Divinity.

We've started planning bugfixes for these, we're holding until Episode 2 so you can have a fun time with a slightly... overtuned weapon. Bank error in your favor! Go shred some Raid bosses or leverage those auto rifle artifact mods in Grandmasters. Show us the mayhem.

We'll have more details on a fix in the next month or so. Until then, have fun.

External link →

28 Aug


Morning, all! Or, well... afternoon, or evening. Wherever you are, hope you're doing well. We have a short patch note preview for Destiny 2 Update, planned for early September.

Following changes target Smoke, Swarm, and Threaded Specter abilities on Hunters. These changes are both for PvE and PvP. As always when previewing patch notes this many weeks out, the following bullets are subject to change if any issues arise. Stay tuned for further updates!

Threaded Specter Aspect

  • Increased cooldown duration of Marksman Dodge and Gambler's Dodge when Threaded Specter is equipped
  • Removed dodge cooldown penalty after creating clone
  • If the clone is destroyed by attacks, it no longer spawns Threadlings
  • Increased the amount of time the clone will distract nearby combatants before exploding

Swarm Grenade

  • Increased Swarm Grenade base cooldown duration by 15%
  • ...
Read more External link →

23 Aug

  1. Do you have a video, by chance? Happy to pass along in a bug report.
  2. Would highly recommend posting bugs like these to the BungieHelp forums. Team monitors them more closely, helps expedite bug reports.

19 Aug


Originally posted by dukenukem89

"Additionally, a small amount of account actions have been issued over the last few days for unrelated Terms of Use violations."

I dunno man, all the actual data we have on these bans is that they were handled in the most petty and unprofessional way possible, with people being targeted based off a role in a discord server.

This is where things get tricky from a "Security" standpoint. On the community side of life, we can't share the exact details on the ToS breaking actions as we don't want to specifically teach bad actors what can be detected / give them goals on what to work around.

We've double (and triple) checked with our security team on the actions that many are worried about. They were issued on Friday and some infractions leading to action had taken place over the course of a few months.

Sometimes restrictions/bans don't happen the moment something is detected. Timing isn't always felt to be perfect and leads to quite a bit of FUD (Fear/Uncertainty/Doubt) from innocent players. Ultimately, if you aren't looking to cheat or manipulate the game for purposes that break our rules, you're in the clear.

In the case of using macros, we've issued the statement above, amended our policy, and will be issuing restrictions before bans take place for future infractions.