This is where things get tricky from a "Security" standpoint. On the community side of life, we can't share the exact details on the ToS breaking actions as we don't want to specifically teach bad actors what can be detected / give them goals on what to work around.
We've double (and triple) checked with our security team on the actions that many are worried about. They were issued on Friday and some infractions leading to action had taken place over the course of a few months.
Sometimes restrictions/bans don't happen the moment something is detected. Timing isn't always felt to be perfect and leads to quite a bit of FUD (Fear/Uncertainty/Doubt) from innocent players. Ultimately, if you aren't looking to cheat or manipulate the game for purposes that break our rules, you're in the clear.
In the case of using macros, we've issued the statement above, amended our policy, and will be issuing restrictions before bans take place for future infractions.