
Diabotical Dev Tracker

06 Sep


Until we fix this, open the console with the button above tab to the left of 1 (tilde in some layouts) and paste /bind mouse_wheel_up noop and then /bind mouse_wheel_down noop

that will stop them from doing anything and being automatically bound


Originally posted by apistoletov

I understand that just rendering everything twice as big in each dimension and scaling down the result is basically what SSAA does, and it has to look good, but it's way too expensive -- basically 4x the work if I understand correctly, and my comparison confirmed that. In contrast, MSAA is supposed to only compute extra samples at the edges of geometric primitives, which is usually a small % of screen space.

I play with capped FPS, but even with the same FPS there's a difference in latency depending on how fast a single frame can be drawn.

If you re-read what I've said carefully, you'll find I've addressed all of that :) Yes, SSAA is not a proper solution for most people. And yes, there's a difference even in that scenario but the point is we are thinking in that scenario of setups that could run the game at very high fps, so the extra time that you are adding to each single capped frame is very small, and not the kind of latency that makes things feel bad, so I still expect more people to just use SSAA as years go by. I do agree with the sentiment, I would not want any extra latency either. In any case, we should be able to implement MSAA, so you can choose.


Originally posted by apistoletov

Thanks for explanation! But then, do you think Diabotical can eventually get something at least similar to MSAA?

Yes, it should be no problem to implement MSAA. I don't want to 100% promise you that off the cuff because I need to test it, there are certain limitations with multi-sampled buffers and I may be doing something in some part of the engine that may be an issue with that that I may be forgetting about. I'll update in this thread when I've tested.


Originally posted by apistoletov

It would be really strange if modern engines are all such a step back in terms of picture quality.

It is counter-intuitive but this is true in a sense. To understand when things became worse in this area check the Wikipedia article for "deferred shading", it's pretty good.

A high level philosophical summary to explain the technological regression would be that as sophistication of the engines increased, the inner workings of the engine became opaque to the GPU, that couldn't discern the information that the engine was working with anymore. Information was lost to the GPU because the engine assumed some of the responsibility and started sending the GPU pre-rendered snapshots that the GPU just needs to put together.

It's an analogous phenomenon to game streaming. New innovation allows a controller to assume some responsibility previously belonging to a terminal component. The terminal component now has less information. This allows better performance in some regards but results in loss of functionality and some people wondering why we are moving backwards.


Originally posted by Field_Of_View

Temporal AA + sharpening filter is the only way to remove aliasing from modern engines fully. Unfortunately it can lead to ghosting / smearing artifacts and it must be very complicated to implement since so many games have bad implementations. I wouldn't hold my breath for this feature.

Yes, that's right. I would like to avoid temporal techniques (which is also probably what's used by CoD Warzone which is cited as example in OP judging by the description) since it adds a bit of visual "half-latency" that doesn't really fit the genre, because what you are doing is mixing the two last frames while jiggling the camera to detect edges. But it's not that it's complicated to implement property, it just has that blurring effect. It is used a lot nowadays because it's actually very neat: it gives you good performance and good static quality, and the downside that it has which is the blur may even turn into an upside for your game if you like the effect. DB requires a more snappy old-school 1:1 frame to presentation temporal ratio, IMO.

Now, regarding MSAA proper, it should be no problem to do that. I can't think off the top of my head of any feature that we've added over the years that would be a problem with that, but maybe I'm forgetting about something, I'll co...

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05 Sep


Yeah, sorry. It sucks that we had to take out some features. We'll bring that back as soon as our in-house hud engine is more feature-complete.

04 Sep

    Trello on Trello - Thread - Direct

It works, its not overly easy for newcomers, but we can continue to improve based off feedback.

++ Create blocks, set block types and textures ++ Modify terrain, size dimensions/shape, paint terrain, flatten ++ Add props, set prop dimensions, rotation, position, color/mask (some), hide props +- Browse editpad for textures, props and other entities +- Change entity properties via editpad +- Add pickups, set time until its next spawn after being picked up ++ Add liquids, set color, size, damage value every 0.5 seconds +- Ability to set moving props, including volume triggers, shootable triggers, movement speed ++ Add jumppad, set direction and strength ++ Add teleporter, set target and exit speed +- Add spawns, set team, area (for arena duel), other properties +- Add lights, set type (point light, diffuse point, spotlight, spotlight+volume, ambient, ambient node, fog, vertical fog), radius, intensity, color, visibility function (like blinking) ++ Add billboards ++ Intro and MV...

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03 Sep


Diabotical Launch Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT4mhUit0Qc

After many years of development, August 34, 2020 has arrived and,

Diabotical has now been released! It is available for free on the Epic Games Store! ...

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02 Sep