
Eco Dev Tracker

24 Jan


Originally posted by One_Lazy_Dude

yeah you might be right :) thanks for attention on the post ^

note - would make more videos if demanded

We definatley wouldn't mind more tutorials around :)

21 Jan


Originally posted by montious

Mainly some quite large government changes. Last time I read an update they had talked about having multiple levels of government that woud supercede each other. Think Local Government (Town/City Level), Then National Government (Country Level) and then Global Government (Planet Level). Other than that, I am unsure of what other changes were planned, but I know that was one of the big ones.

That was actually part of 10.0.

04 Jan


Originally posted by Andy024

It was a 6. Something world i believe, well that sucks.


A 6.x world would be several years old, but even a 7.6.x won't make the upgrade.

01 Jan


Was that a pre 8.0 world? They might simply be too old to migrate.


We've changed the design a bit a month ago or so.

29 Dec


Are we allowed to link that in our discord pinned message for community resources?

If you are on the Eco discord, i can also credit you with a ping, if you tell me the name.

13 Dec


For the others: I'm assuming he didn't adapt either the name of the savefiles or the name of the savefile in the configs.

11 Dec


We generally don't hand out ETAs.

The application for community testing was made some months ago and already is over. People chosen will be notified as soon as tests start. (Some smaller ones already run)

10 Dec


If you do so, please note that Mac is not officially supported and not advertised. Mac support is beta (like early access in early access) and will likely have issues.

02 Dec


Originally posted by appropriateinside

Oh :/

That's a shame Kinda breaks part of the ecology management bit when making a mine destroys the ecosystem above it, as if we where actively trampling the grass n stuff.

3D Layers would require quite some work and would strain the simulation resources usage even more, i don't think even more performance issues is what anyone wants at this time. We probably take another look at that later, but for now it's just working as designed and intended.

01 Dec


The layers are 2D only, hence height or depth is not taken into consideration. It works as intended. (Even though it's lame, i know)

23 Nov


Originally posted by Xhebalanque

Thanks nice to hear that. I want to add that you should check your Lathe again.

I am a real live lathe operator and that is not how the support works. (The part of the Maschine that holds the tool)

Despite that I enjoy the details of the workshops. Though I am strongly missing sounds and animation for example the sawmill.

Our animations are not necessarily there to be absolutely realistic.I'm quite sure it bothers noone that is not a lathe operator ;) I can't promise we'll go back to fix unrealistic animations, that's not a priority for us. We rather want to have animations for everything.

(Feel free to DM me how it's supposed to look, if you are able to make a painting, though)

Sounds are also improved in 9.0, as it has a new sound system allowing for trigger based ambient sounds.


Originally posted by zenthr

I didn't make any changes to the world generator. I did, however, recover this world from a backup.

Then it's unlikely that the seed in the is the seed of this world. In that case there is no way to generate that same world again.

22 Nov



there is no way to retrieve the worlds seed if you changed the since generation. If you didn't, it should still be in there.

18 Nov


If you're referring to object animation, yes, we'll definately do and are already working on that. We do it as we exchange old objects and insert new ones.

In regards to avatars we have no immediate plans to change something, it's pretty low priority. But it's likely something will be done there later, probably around release.

15 Nov


Some people seem to have issues with sever ads. As long as there is only one of them per cycle, we don't mind ads. They won't be removed. Stop reporting them.

//EDIT: Funny to report this post. Very funny.

External link →

13 Nov


Yes, use left click with your property tool while standing on the property.

12 Nov


Originally posted by Rasip

200x200 is the highest i have gotten to generate without getting bored and killing the program. 256x256 was still the absolute max last i heard, but Pam on the discord would be the one to ask.

You are going to need a pretty beefy CPU and plenty of ram for a max sized world. Especially when you are opening inventories that have lots of others in range.

Edit: Checked with Pam. 400x400 is the max the game will allow you to try but anything over 200x200 is not officially supported and will likely not work.

Thats correct. For 400x400 you need to lower the map height to a maximum of 130, though.

09 Nov


Originally posted by Darqsat

It will tax the sum of player currency and no mater how many accounts he has. Don't worry

That's right.