
Eco Dev Tracker

07 Aug


Originally posted by Rasip

At this point i need to inform you that we will not tolerate you going on to spread wrong information, if you insist to do so.

Just a little tip, correct information goes a lot farther than threats to getting people to not repeat something they they vaguely remember from nearly a year ago.

Well, if you only vaguely remember stuff you simply shouldn't use it to make such weird allegations. And yes, if you continue to do so, we will act based on our rules. It was a moderative warning. If a moderative warning is a threat for you, there is nothing i could do to convince you of something else.


Originally posted by Rasip

No videos have been actively deleted.

It was never uploaded to YouTube

Sorry i remembered wrong. You do have to admit it looks suspicious when you guys were posting youtube videos every couple of weeks for quite a while then there is a 6 month gap before you started posting them again.

No, i do not. Possibly that is due to me not assuming people have something to hide!? Also, that is wrong information again, there have been exactly two previews (Crafting System being the other), not several. After that we simply didn't have any more. What we had was a few short videos, but those are still available on YouTube. Streams there only were two. I give you that you may simply no longer remember, but if you aren't sure if what you write is correct you probably should be a little more cautious about what you say.

Backing negative criticism and allegations that, if true, are indeed not "cool" with stuff you cannot remember for sure is exactly what we do _NOT_ want here.

06 Aug


Originally posted by Rasip

Closer to 2 years than one. They started teasing the update last April. And the no longer on youtube video from a while before last thanksgiving teased the new ashlar building materials they said the internal beta testers already had it and they hoped to have the experimental on steam by thanksgiving. Which became new years. Which became this September.

After a second look, every video from last August to February is no longer listed on youtube. Changing plans and unexpected delays are one thing, but deleting the announcements is a pretty scummy move.

No videos have been actively deleted. At this point i need to inform you that we will not tolerate you going on to spread wrong information, if you insist to do so.

The video you search is available here:

It was never uploaded to YouTube and hence only available as a rewatchable Live-Stream for some time after the stream, those are being removed after a while like on twitch. We only started to upload edited livestreams (they got the title and end card) beginning with the Dev Blogs.


Originally posted by Rasip

Last summer on the discord they said the in house team was testing experimental and it would be available to the rest of us in the fall. Then it became around new years. Then silence other than intermittent blog posts until now.

Those were not release dates, nothing has been delayed. We told you our current internal plannings - as such. That's also the reason why we do not give any such information anymore - people don't understand what it means.

04 Aug


Originally posted by Rasip

Yay. Only a year after they said it would be.

We didn't announce any release date before this one.


Noone can steal your vehicle, other than a admin.

01 Aug


Originally posted by Keighan

Serenity is a bit slow this round compared to the ~10 on at a time we had last game but so is every server right now. If you want to join us we keep trying to think of ways to make things more interesting. Lots of mods, change settings, or even do our own modding when needed and possible. We are working on a disaster scenario where the world starts as close to barren as is possible with the current spawning systems and everyone has to plant the world first. It won't just be same old log in, cut trees, make house, and wait around for skill points.

Server IP:

30 Jul


That's my boss.

28 Jul


Originally posted by CryptolockerMD

My very subjective opinion, because of other voxel based games I have played like 7 Days to Die or Empyrion Galactic Survival:
1. Eco is not even in the same ballpark performance wise (both server and graphical) to support the idealistic, "societal" population of public servers as the "default" type of playstyle.

  1. From what I've seen of higher pop private servers, it is usually the "social" work of the admin and friends that are drawing and keeping players there, and not because of any in-game mechanics that actually help that along. Quite the opposite in fact, with the way the default chat setup works. Pressing C, then muting crafting spam, is not exactly intuitive, and messages don't stay up on the screen long enough for newcomers to notice without the chat log up.
  1. We're not having issues with that on our official servers. The local performance issues are well known and improved a lot in Update 9.0. I don't know either of these games (and 7DTD is comparing apples to meat), hence i don't know what their maximum slots is, but if its 64, Eco can do that with the correct server setup. Supporting more is something we'd like to do, but don't think is actually required. Obviously, such stuff is done at the very end of development as well.
  2. That's partly true, but actually intended. Forming a society requires interaction by humans, not by some UI. Humans use the game mechanics, that includes admins and their settings, thinking and concepts to provide a unique experience. Your comment on the chat is correct and the chat has been improved in 9.0 and will get further improvements later on, but we also do have Vivox Voice Chat and we recommend that every server admin actually creates a discord and we do provide ways to advertise these on th...
Read more

26 Jul


Afaik tool strength is currently only implemented for pickaxes.

17 Jul


Originally posted by DarkStreets56

The dev video that came out with said its only going to be a byproduct

That's true for some of the new pollutants, but not for that one.


Originally posted by SickWittedEntity

They said slag is going to be used for road building etc

That's correct.


Originally posted by ColCrabs

I made a similar complaint not too long ago and the response was basically “play on public servers with more people”.

All they need to do is add in resource sliders to change the game for smaller collab groups. The game is obviously directed towards big groups and collaboration while small groups just have to grind.

The thing that bugs me is that the resources you need are the same, regardless of your group sizes (with the exception of food). That means the logistics needs are exactly the same as well which makes 5 or fewer games massively tedious.

We added that "resource slider", and a "crafting time slider" on top!

Eco is about a collaborative playstyle in a society, it's best played on public servers and developed with that in mind - hence the addition of labour. Of course you can play solo or in small groups, but you will need to adapt the configs we deliver to do exactly that. It's impossible to have a default option for every possible playstyle. We have a lot of people that play solo without changing anything, being fully fine with the "grind".

03 Jul


You have an outdated file, please remove that. Either regenerate a world afterwards or wait a few real days for it to revert.

29 Jun


Originally posted by hyrle

But can i take animal handling and be a bard? :D

Roll initiative.

18 Jun


Originally posted by Prof_Awesome_GER

Oh that is nice. We having a good time in the game but the grind is real for the four of us! Thanks for time. Is there an eta?

Unfortunately not :(


We'll have such a option in Update 9.0.

16 Jun


Originally posted by uniquepassword

What does this have to do with the game?

It's a funny reference to the game, which is fine.

10 Jun


Automation is not in the scope currently, we actually took back some of the Automation we already had for the manual labour. Automation is something on our list, but that's definately more to the end of EA, as it's a big standalone feature.

03 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


That's wrong. Multi-Packs in Steam have been discontinued long ago, only few games can still sell multiple copies of their games at once. That's why Eco doesn't offer multipacks on Steam - simply because they removed the feature. Hence he cannot have a multipack on Steam.