
Eco Dev Tracker

26 Feb


Yes, by doing it correctly. At some point you must have made a mistake. For example forgetting a "f" behind a number where it was before will already crash the server.

25 Feb


This is a bug that happens when one of the people that you can vote for has some specific special signs in their names, there is no workaround for now, it's fixed in 9.0 though. Not much you can do unfortunately.

21 Feb


Our livestream about Constitutions will start today at 2pm PST / 23:00 CEST (in about 1 hour and 45 minutes). While you are waiting you can read our brand-new blog about Constitutions on Steam: ...

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17 Feb

16 Feb


House Point sharing is definately planned.

11 Feb


Originally posted by thenewsheogorath

Wich discord server?

The official Eco discord, that is linked in the header of this sub.


Hey there,

on our Discord we have a whole channel with law-examples, i'm quite sure there is one for exactly this :)


Pollution is only halted if it is stored sufficiently underground in either stockpiles or directly in the world. Polluting objects in any type of vehicle will leak as if on surface no matter where it is.

10 Feb


You can rollback to by using the betas tab in Steam.


Originally posted by chris1988gm

The wiki stats where to find ores. There is the term "below surface". What does that mean? Does it mean below water level (which is 60 height) or below the actual surface (for example there is a mountain where you dig in)?

Each mine entrance has a little workshop with workbench, repair table, masonry table and Wainwright Table. I usually use about 10 ramps to go down for easy truck access.

Since gold is more difficult to dig down, I used an elevator and placed a cart on it (wobbly...)

I personally mine big areas and place 5x5x5 storages below there.

I also use a cart to quickly transfer the stack to the storage pile or store directly in the cart. With the exavator, things will change I guess. then I will use trucks below surface to transfer Items, since they hold more then stockpiles.

When they are full, I transfer all the stones to a workbench and turn them into the basic stone, which i then turn into mater...

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Below actual surface, the highest naturally generated block.

07 Feb


Originally posted by wernersluke

Thank you very much so far! How do I find out my user id? I think this is the last piece of the puzzle...

Or just hover over your name, it will show an Account ID in the tooltip.

06 Feb


You can only do so as admin. Find out the ID of the contract escrow account and your user and type /addaccountmanager accountID,userID - then you can transfer money from the escrow to you. Afterwards, remove yourself again via /removeaccountmanager accountID,userID.


Originally posted by MarkerBarker989

For 3a, do we need to replace everything to all Tier 2, then all Tier 3, then all Tier 4 or is there a “safe” Tier you can stop at to make it all work?

The soft cap only ends on highest tier, which is T4 at the moment.

03 Feb

  1. Yes.
  2. Common Sense.
  3. No, at least not if you want to get housing points.

30 Jan

29 Jan


Could you post a screenshot? Are you maybe talking about Demographics?

28 Jan


Originally posted by xartin

Using mono- on Gentoo linux with a dual cpu 3ghz v2 xeon 20c/40t supermicro server motherboard with 128GB of ECC server ram.

Started the eco server script at 11:52 am

Still waiting at Ticking 13:47 pm.

Using a 12 core kvm windows 10 vm with 16GB of ram running on top of the same server hardware that same eco server loads in minutes.

I see why Linux servers for eco aren't generally supported. Still however pleased that eco does work with Linux using mono but i had to use mono 5.x.

Would be great if the eco dev's programmed some Unity magic and released a proper 64bit eco linux server.

Anyone know for certain the command syntax to disable the server admin gui?

I've discovered different wiki guides offering examples of both EcoServer.exe no_gui and EcoServer.exe -nogui but the exe fie doesn't provide a console help menu that i was able to locate by typing EcoServer.exe --help...

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Eco 9.0 includes a native server, based on .NET Core 3.


Answer was from shrubmaster01 but has been deleted due to old link.
The old wiki will no longer be updated and is unsupported.


Water Pollution is non-revertable.

25 Jan


Originally posted by One_Lazy_Dude

would be happy for suggestion :)

I get a lot of questions every day about things that seem easy to me, but obviously aren't for others. This includes the skillsystem and especially how housing or nutrition works. Maybe that's some topics you are also interested in. :)