
Eco Dev Tracker

02 Jul


Originally posted by iOwnAtheists

Having technological progress without aggression/combat is like baking an apple pie without apples. Sure, it still tastes good and is still a pie, but why leave out the apples for no reason?

I don't care about combat that much at all (and indeed, I do NOT want to play a game focused around it, that is why I chose Eco). But there really should be at least a bare minimum of it in the game. Clearly I'm in the minority here but the game will feel unfinished until combat is implemented

It will feel unfinished for YOU - and in this case probably forever. ;)


It wasn't overlooked. It was designed like that. The PvP in this game is solely rhetoric in trying to build a society that works. And a lot of players are already failing in doing that *g*

30 Jun


Originally posted by WorldWarRon

I have joined a good number of servers in this game and I haven’t been able to find a consistently reliable server in regards to player commitment.

It can be played on single player just fine with the collaboration settings on low. In fact I recommend playing it that way at first to get yourself aquatinted with all the crafting and skill sets.

Weird. There are quite some big community servers that are reliable.

28 Jun


Hey there.

'When attempting to unclaim property where (performed on property Bridge) - allow)

Only the owner of a property can unclaim it. This law is the default, it does not do anything, only prevent would do something, otherwise it's allowed for the owner anyway. You cannot allow others to unclaim plots from other people via laws yet.

'When attempting to Abandon Specialty - allow'

Same here with the addition that abandoning specialties was removed from the game in update 8.0. But before that everyone could abandon specialties by default, only prevent had an affect.

'When attempting to run for office - prevent'

This will work.


We do plan to have laws allowing to override authorisation for objects and deeds in the future, but so far this is not possible.

26 Jun


Originally posted by A_Spy_

Also from the wiki: "And it counts from the top block to the tailing itself. If you placed a single block 1000 meters in the air above a tailings block, it would effectively be buried at a depth of 1000 meters."

Sounds to me like the height of the ceiling is the only important factor. Also, I know from experience that you have to bury tailings 40 blocks deep to stop all pollution, so that would probably apply to a containment building too. I figure you got to build tall, but you can get away with building thin. Gunna make for a pretty funny looking structure.

Just note that this is likely to change in future, given it's not really intended to work like that.

25 Jun


The administrator of the server didn't update his server correctly. He needs to delete in the config files and the latest hotfix should repair it automatically. Not a game bug actually, but people not adjusting their configs. Given even hosts did not update their client servers correctly, we put a fix in to restore the world, when the configs were fixed.

22 Jun


Hey there, we've opened an issue for that some days ago:

20 Jun


Does this still happen after update 8.2.2?


Originally posted by Swiss2k

Good evening where do I have to enter the command ["DisplayAdminCommands ": false, ] on ?

Thanks for your help

It's actually
"AdminCommandsLoggingLevel": "None",

Just put it somewhere after the first line.


Originally posted by Hootie8641

Thanks, would you have any clue at what the values were before, they were just default?

I believe for singleplayer we use

"SpecialtyCostMultiplier": 0.5,

"SkillGainMultiplier": 2.0,

But i'm not totally sure.


Originally posted by uaMarshall

I dont know how to believe in that. I have 50fps with i9-9900k and gtx1060

120 fps with Ryzen 2700X and 2080 AND VSync off on WQHD. (If i turn it on i'm on the fourties.)


Originally posted by stan1582

Thanks for the reply, we only got the game a few days ago and steam updated by itself so we were unprepared for this, what would you recommend we do to fix this if possible.

You need to go to your and adjust the rates again. If you have the game via steam you can find it in /steamapps/common/Eco/Eco_Data/Server/Configs/

I believe for singleplayer we use

"SpecialtyCostMultiplier": 0.5,

"SkillGainMultiplier": 2.0,

But i'm not totally sure.

If you have no, copy the contents of to such a file.


Originally posted by Hootie8641

I'm relatively new to this game so I could just be completely missing something but: before 0.8.2 my food experience gain was 176 per, and my housing was 52 per, and after the update, and i didnt change anything, my food went down to 27 per and my housing 16 per. So now instead of a few hours till my next specialization level up, i now have 33 days. Thoughts?

Edit: Yes my calories are relatively equal parts and i have calories.

The update, as mentioned, has deleted your configuration files. You need to go to your and adjust the rates again. If you have the game via steam you can find it in /steamapps/common/Eco/Eco_Data/Server/Configs/

19 Jun


Originally posted by stan1582

Hey dennis,after the update today everyone on my worlds xp multipliers and housing values have decreased about 5 times is this intended or some sort of bug.


as mentioned in the release notes all config files were erased in this patch, so we asked you to back them up before. Probably your configs just got reset?


Originally posted by mishugashu

The game still works. I just downloaded the new patch and logged in to a test server. It doesn't break the game. I probably won't be able to hear/speak through voice chat, though, but it doesn't like fully break the game.

Vivox has stated it is planning to support linux in the future. I know they had a PR fail with one of their employees, but they have reacted and also we already had that implementation done at this time.


Originally posted by frobnic8

This is great stuff. I really hope you're careful about living up to the promise of supporting Linux as a platform that you've made in the kickstarter, though.

Despite what may has been reported elsewhere this is still our goal, but every single Eco player knows we have way more important stuff to do and that we need to deliver that yesterday.


Originally posted by xavia91

The performance update was really necessary and its working great, cranked up the view distance to max and flew around the world at top speed not dropping below 60 fps, also the chunks could not keep up at top speed they really worked better!

Good Job


the test was on a new empty private server, on a public server I am at around 40fps

Thank you, but there is more to come in 8.3, chunkloading is going to be even more optimized and we have several other things that need fixing badly!


Originally posted by flapjack1989

Hey Dennis, thank you for the reply. I can only imagine how tough it is on the cpus with everything that's going on. I guess as an end user it's confusing when you start off playing for half an hour with upwards of 70fps and then it starts sinking down. Anyway regardless I'm having a blast and really looking forward to new updates. It's a brilliant game! Any idea of when the next patch might be? I know you guys had said the tenth but I guess (and this is fine) that there has been a bit of a delay. Thanks!

The update just released! :)

The decreasing fps over time is a different issue and has nothing to do with Eco being cpu hungry. My post was towards those people that have steady low fps (which is also reported quite often) despite their graphics card in comparison is "okayish" to play other games.


Vivox Proximity voice chat

We added Vivox proximity voice chat to the game. Now you can talk with your fellow citizens about the latest news, in town debates or just barter with them directly. The chat is based on proximity, so you’ll only hear people that are near to you. Of course, you can also disable the voice chat completely or mute specific players. With that, we also introduced a new face animation for people talking.

Reworked controls for vehicles


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