
Eco Dev Tracker

30 Apr


That is no longer possible, we've added an explicit warning to 8.2 for better knowledge on this part.

26 Apr


Originally posted by uaMarshall

They post it to steam news.

Somewhat regularily at least, sometimes we just forget to do so *shame*

25 Apr


Originally posted by temporalmlu

There is one called GodOfWars or something that is pretty active. Always a few bunch online. Peak is (what I’ve seen) around 20-30 players. Great economy and helpful players.

Edit: SLG-Dennis is admin there. :D

Ssssssht, that's my personal server. :D

23 Apr


Yes, we plan to add animal husbandry.


Originally posted by uaMarshall

How it will impact a life of a smelter? Will it make it easier or harder? Whats the point.

That depends on if he still only does the job of smelting - in that case he would use the concentrated end product. But with the production chain getting longer, there is more that needs to be done and opens up a new profession space.


Originally posted by hurraybies

Love it! Are there any plans for automated item transportation such as pipes or conveyors? Really hoping to see room for nuanced designs of various types of systems like mining, processing, manufacturing, farming, building, etc. Can you speak to any plans for anything of the like?

I can say that we are interested in giving options for more and full automation, but we do not have any specific plans for that yet.

19 Apr


Take a look on some new work in progress machinery here:

The new ore processing concept requires ore to first be crushed, then concentrated (creating tailings in the process) and then refined (creating sludge in the process).

External link →

The option for this can now be found in single files for each plant in Mods/Organisms

16 Apr


You can actually play on the official sea-otter server that now should much better. I also have a personal server that does all these things (and where the trailers relating laws and government were made on), but that one has a big set of rules and i'm not going to advertise it here, it's easy to find. Both are located in the EU.

11 Apr


Yes, open a bug report here and attach your world save uploaded to some hoster:

28 Mar


Our recommendation is to use no world size over 200x200.


Today we are taking a look on a modded server with an amazing central city with lots of majestic buildings:

External link →

21 Mar


Take a look at our new short video from the ECO Life server:

External link →

18 Mar


Self Improvement levels up by leveling up any other specialty, that is not a bug, but intended.


No, you cannot reset talents by any means. Sorry :(

15 Mar


Take a look at our newest short video about two monumental Eco Buildings made with the new stone types in Update 8.0:

External link →

27 Feb


Originally posted by HawkkeTV

Dennis occasionally posts but discord is their main channel as others have said.

I'm not a reddit guy at all, not using it privately either. So i'm doing my best to read the messages everyday, but i'm not maintaining this reddit. Afaik this is also subject to the reddit mods, i'm not even able to change that release announcement for 7.4.

17 Apr


Originally posted by S3RI3S

So it seems me playing the next day, or basically a computer restart - has solved my issue.


Did you do anything different?