
Eco Dev Tracker

13 Oct


Originally posted by Urbautz

I do really hope hat 9.0 does something for that.

It will do something for that, but as we stated in one of our last newsletters, fixing that up completely will take lots of time and happen over several major updates.

10 Oct


Originally posted by Urbautz

What 8.0 for sure had is performance issues and the "flying stones", which made mining very very annoying, until even the craziest grinder of us was giving it up.

There were a lot of good changes too, and yeah, i currently just wait for 9.0 to drop.

The performance wasn't good before, either. I mentioned the performance, though.


Originally posted by Rasip

Just looking at the steam page shows only 54% of recent reviews have been positive.

My biggest annoyance is that if someone with a critical skill skips out on the server, which happens quite often, you can end up in a situation where everyone's progress gets stalled for 2-3 days until someone gets a star. For instance, both people specialized in lumber and the glass guy have been offline for 3-4 days. Their shops are empty and until someone gets 2 stars to spec hewing and lumber there is no furniture to be had so upgrading rooms is impossible.

Edit: suggestions, add a way to unspec. Or maybe a way without digging through the configs to boost the xp rate when only 5-6 out of 40 people are active and there are critical jobs empty.

Edit 2: don't get me wrong i do like the game, but solo is way too boring, co-op is a nightmare to set up, and servers with random people almost always lose 70-80% of the population by the end of the first week because everyone is wa...

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That has nothing to do with Patch 8.0, though, but with the fact reviews, and therefore positive ones too, were little last month in total and the performance problems we undoubtedly have. They don't refer to 8.0 changes, but to performance and connection problems we are working on. In 30 days reviews - without any changes to the game, we fluctuate between Mixed, over Mostly Positive to Very Positive all the time. It's not really a good indicator of a games quality when not watched in context if there has been an update lately or something that would cause this.

The Unspec we did remove on purpose as it was mostly abused to circumvent the skill system completely. If that what you say happens, the administrator of the server should adapt the difficulty settings, you can balance that very fine when you know what you are doing - which just needs a bit of experience. As Eco is a very flexible game, administrators must configure their servers properly for the best possible exper...

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Originally posted by Rasip

A) features are being added, removed, and drastically changed from update to update. Some things in the game have no documentation other than tool tips which aren't always accurate.

B) wikia bought out gamepedia and added the same banner, slide up from the bottom / down from the top, and hijacking ads that make wikia unusable without a good adblocker.

C) sadly this game like many EA titles got really big and most people played a while then moved it to the back burner waiting for an update that will make it interesting again. The devs have been teasing the next big update that will change tons of stuff for 4 and a half months.

D) major update 8 changed a lot of things in ways people didn't really like and the ones that did like them aren't updating the wiki.

Just to address your points:

A) Eco will get an Ecopedia in 9.0 directly in-game with more information, that will be expanded over time.
B) Sad stuff, indeed.
C) We do two major updates like this each year, it's just our cycle. After 9.0 on my request we aim for more regular, but smaller updates.
D) Sad to hear that this is your opinion. Feel free to go into more detail, as we've got totally different feedback mostly. The guys working on the wiki somewhat actively are about five, so that's not a matter of people not liking gameplay, as i know all of them.


The wiki is a community wiki, if something is missing, just add it :)


The most precise, without accidentally lying, i can give you is this year.

03 Oct


Originally posted by Cannabibles

I've been mining here for quite some time now and haven't any luck in finding large chunks of copper ore veins. I've found pockets of 1-2 but nothing significant.

Edit: I've counted from water level, I am -20 under the water's surface. I had found approx 10 or so blocks of it near the entry point to the cave I'm in.

You need to count from the ground level that is above you, not from water surface. If you are digging below a mountain, it's the amount of blocks below the mountain, specifically the highest block above the block you are standing on. (Thats why it says surface, not water level)

01 Oct

23 Sep


No, we don't have any plans for that. Eco is a game with multiplayer in mind. Replacing them with NPCs is not what we envision for the game.

19 Sep

16 Sep


You can actually set the authorisation for call posts while holding a hammer ;)

13 Sep



it's not possible in the fashion you want to do it.

But you could create a title and only allow this title doing stuff via the law system, like place / pick up, etc.

11 Sep


We have a lot of law-examples on our discord, including a deserter law using demographics:

10 Sep


Pushing the globe agenda makes money, but as others have already assured you, the world is actually flat. (2D Map in 9.0 confirmed)


Because only authorized people can interact with world objects on your property.

I'm not sure, but doesn't furniture also have authorization settings? Probably try setting those to public. If it doesn't, we might add that.

04 Sep

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, that is not possible, but stuff placed on unclaimed land is free-for-all.

31 Aug


Originally posted by ThePiachu

I meant more for normal game where I want to be able to auto sprint whenever I walk, but I don't necessarily want to walk right now, like when you're moving resources from two piles or the like, it's a lot of stop and go which isn't that great for auto run.

We don't intend to do another feature for that, the Auto Run feature is meant for covering that and worked well for us in testing.


Originally posted by ThePiachu

Auto run is nice, but could we also get an auto sprint button / toggle? Would love to just set it and forget it really so I don't have to constantly hold shift...

Auto Run defaults to Sprinting, as long as you have enough calories.


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