
Eco Dev Tracker

26 Jul


Originally posted by Urbautz

Problem with wood construction is that it ends with tier 2.

Not any longer in Update 9.0 :)


Yes, we used a currency called Emission Permits and simulated the EU "stock exchange" of the real-life pendant. (Obviously not how it does exactly work, but a cool representation) Everyone got a limited amount of them, that was refreshed daily to a lesser amount. (E.g. you start out with 10 and get refilled to 5 per day) We built a building where we offered claims for a currency exchange and people had to buy their emits from other people that defined their price for them, giving non-polluting people a bit of control about pollution via pricing. Concept worked great, but it's a hard thing to balance what should cost how many emission permits. (And depends greatly on how many people are participating in the stock exchange)

People also got permits for doing good things - planting trees, removing wood pulp. Like in the EU system you can get certificates / not need to pay them when you make your co2 usage good via other means, for example planting forests.

08 Jul

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, legacy does not stand for "obsolete". It's just the pre 8.0 strings that also need to be translatd.

04 Jul


Originally posted by faaltek

So is it or is it not a file per plant in he same way as the EcoSim file?

It's neither of that.

The files for changing growth time are in Mods/Organisms and there is no template for them. Everything that can be in the files is already in there. I thought you were asking for a template for the

03 Jul


Originally posted by faaltek

is there a template example somewhere I can take a peak at? in the same folder ...

02 Jul


Plant Growth rates are handled by one file for each plant in Mods/Organisms.

Despite the values that are already in, nothing else put in there will work anymore, as it has been moved elsewhere.


Originally posted by iOwnAtheists

Having technological progress without aggression/combat is like baking an apple pie without apples. Sure, it still tastes good and is still a pie, but why leave out the apples for no reason?

I don't care about combat that much at all (and indeed, I do NOT want to play a game focused around it, that is why I chose Eco). But there really should be at least a bare minimum of it in the game. Clearly I'm in the minority here but the game will feel unfinished until combat is implemented

It will feel unfinished for YOU - and in this case probably forever. ;)


It wasn't overlooked. It was designed like that. The PvP in this game is solely rhetoric in trying to build a society that works. And a lot of players are already failing in doing that *g*

30 Jun

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That works, the land claim papers are lost in the process, though.

Originally posted by WorldWarRon

I have joined a good number of servers in this game and I haven’t been able to find a consistently reliable server in regards to player commitment.

It can be played on single player just fine with the collaboration settings on low. In fact I recommend playing it that way at first to get yourself aquatinted with all the crafting and skill sets.

Weird. There are quite some big community servers that are reliable.

28 Jun


Hey there.

'When attempting to unclaim property where (performed on property Bridge) - allow)

Only the owner of a property can unclaim it. This law is the default, it does not do anything, only prevent would do something, otherwise it's allowed for the owner anyway. You cannot allow others to unclaim plots from other people via laws yet.

'When attempting to Abandon Specialty - allow'

Same here with the addition that abandoning specialties was removed from the game in update 8.0. But before that everyone could abandon specialties by default, only prevent had an affect.

'When attempting to run for office - prevent'

This will work.


We do plan to have laws allowing to override authorisation for objects and deeds in the future, but so far this is not possible.

26 Jun


Originally posted by A_Spy_

Also from the wiki: "And it counts from the top block to the tailing itself. If you placed a single block 1000 meters in the air above a tailings block, it would effectively be buried at a depth of 1000 meters."

Sounds to me like the height of the ceiling is the only important factor. Also, I know from experience that you have to bury tailings 40 blocks deep to stop all pollution, so that would probably apply to a containment building too. I figure you got to build tall, but you can get away with building thin. Gunna make for a pretty funny looking structure.

Just note that this is likely to change in future, given it's not really intended to work like that.

25 Jun


The administrator of the server didn't update his server correctly. He needs to delete in the config files and the latest hotfix should repair it automatically. Not a game bug actually, but people not adjusting their configs. Given even hosts did not update their client servers correctly, we put a fix in to restore the world, when the configs were fixed.

22 Jun


Hey there, we've opened an issue for that some days ago:

20 Jun


Does this still happen after update 8.2.2?


Originally posted by Swiss2k

Good evening where do I have to enter the command ["DisplayAdminCommands ": false, ] on ?

Thanks for your help

It's actually
"AdminCommandsLoggingLevel": "None",

Just put it somewhere after the first line.


Originally posted by Hootie8641

Thanks, would you have any clue at what the values were before, they were just default?

I believe for singleplayer we use

"SpecialtyCostMultiplier": 0.5,

"SkillGainMultiplier": 2.0,

But i'm not totally sure.