
Eco Dev Tracker

16 Sep


You can actually set the authorisation for call posts while holding a hammer ;)

13 Sep



it's not possible in the fashion you want to do it.

But you could create a title and only allow this title doing stuff via the law system, like place / pick up, etc.

11 Sep


We have a lot of law-examples on our discord, including a deserter law using demographics:

10 Sep


Pushing the globe agenda makes money, but as others have already assured you, the world is actually flat. (2D Map in 9.0 confirmed)


Because only authorized people can interact with world objects on your property.

I'm not sure, but doesn't furniture also have authorization settings? Probably try setting those to public. If it doesn't, we might add that.

04 Sep

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, that is not possible, but stuff placed on unclaimed land is free-for-all.

31 Aug


Originally posted by ThePiachu

I meant more for normal game where I want to be able to auto sprint whenever I walk, but I don't necessarily want to walk right now, like when you're moving resources from two piles or the like, it's a lot of stop and go which isn't that great for auto run.

We don't intend to do another feature for that, the Auto Run feature is meant for covering that and worked well for us in testing.


Originally posted by ThePiachu

Auto run is nice, but could we also get an auto sprint button / toggle? Would love to just set it and forget it really so I don't have to constantly hold shift...

Auto Run defaults to Sprinting, as long as you have enough calories.


It's in

30 Aug


Unfortunately, there is no such option.

29 Aug


Originally posted by Bishblash

Will relay server help connecting to a single player world when the server keeps dying locally? How do I tell the single player server to relay server?

No, you shouldn't have connection issues with a local server. If you fail to connect to your local server either the server files are corrupted, you are using a non-default world-size or there are issues with establishing connection to our authentication servers. In that case, you should contact support.

The Relay-Servers are for client to dedicated online server connections.

28 Aug


Today we are releasing Update 8.3.0, an update that was entirely focused on internal changes in order to improve performance short and long term.

Performance Improvements:
Our developers have been working hard on countless internal changes for this update in order to increase the performance of Eco on a wide range of different hardware configurations. We have noticeably reduced memory consumption on clients, optimized network code, reduced the frequency of FPS spikes (micro lags) during movement and you should now have a smoother experience playing Eco. Please note that there is still more to come in the 9.X updates, as we do have other optimisations prepared and in mind that require more work and / or breaking changes that are better to be introduced in a major update.

Relay Servers:
For this update we added relay server support for cases where connections between client and server cannot be established in a normal way. T...

Read more External link →
Today we are releasing Update 8.3.0, an update that was entirely focused on internal changes in order to improve performance short and long term.

Performance Improvements:
Our developers have been working hard on countless internal changes for this update in order to increase the performance of Eco on a wide range of different hardware configurations. We have noticeably reduced memory consumption on clients, optimized network code, reduced the frequency of FPS spikes (micro lags) during movement and you should now have a smoother experience playing Eco. Please note that there is still more to come in the 9.X updates, as we do have other optimisations prepared and in mind that require more work and / or breaking changes that are better to be introduced in a major update.

Relay Servers:
For this update we added relay server support for cases where connections between client and server cannot be established in a normal way. This should fix most of t... Read more

26 Aug


Congratulations, you have experienced how different real-life could be, if people behaved just a bit different.

24 Aug


No, government owned property will be in 9.0, but if you are member of the government you will still not be able to sell to your own shop.

18 Aug

17 Aug

14 Aug


Originally posted by FireBallBunny

So its ok that these people are slandering and lie about our server because of some literal spawning of dirt for a road by admin's?

Accusing at least five people in this thread voicing their opinion of slandering is not making it any better, especially given the fact i had received complaints of this sort earlier on Discord about your server. (With nothing i could do, but calm people and ask them to try out other servers) In short: When a two digit number of players complain about a server telling very similar stuff, i'm not going to give you the bonus of the doubt. If you advertise, you have to live with people that are not of your opinion and that they can share it in your thread freely as long as they are not getting personally insulting. Outside of advertisement threads we do not allow that, though.