
Eco Dev Tracker

24 Apr

We have released patch with the following fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed issue with elevator UI can't be opened (holding hammer in hands and pressing 'E')
  • Fixed issue with non-working elevator buttons.
  • Fixed issue with staring big old worlds in-game
  • Fixed crash when fast moving items to storage from toolbar with no item selected (with mouse right button)
  • Fixed rare server crash during building SkillTree

  • Added new admin command /teleporttodark - teleports you to the opposite side of the world

23 Apr


Yes, we plan to add animal husbandry.


Originally posted by uaMarshall

How it will impact a life of a smelter? Will it make it easier or harder? Whats the point.

That depends on if he still only does the job of smelting - in that case he would use the concentrated end product. But with the production chain getting longer, there is more that needs to be done and opens up a new profession space.


Originally posted by hurraybies

Love it! Are there any plans for automated item transportation such as pipes or conveyors? Really hoping to see room for nuanced designs of various types of systems like mining, processing, manufacturing, farming, building, etc. Can you speak to any plans for anything of the like?

I can say that we are interested in giving options for more and full automation, but we do not have any specific plans for that yet.

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Even in that case, worlds ususally do not take up so much space that they really need to be deleted, but as i already said: It will come, just with low priority.
    WAVES on Steam - Thread - Direct
Eco is a game that has a huge scope, covering a massive section of human development and history, and through that time humanity’s powers have increased exponentially. That’s what we want the arc of Eco to be: the progression from powerless to massively powerful, and the increasing need for management of those powers to prevent them from becoming self-destructive.

The driver of this progression is technology, and as an Eco world advances in technology their ability to impact the world increases massively, for better or for worse. With each advance in technology, you gain the ability to do everything you already do in greater quantities. And with each step in technology, the challenges become greater, making those powers very necessary to continue advancing. This manifests in gameplay in the following ways.
  • ...
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19 Apr


Take a look on some new work in progress machinery here:

The new ore processing concept requires ore to first be crushed, then concentrated (creating tailings in the process) and then refined (creating sludge in the process).

External link →

The option for this can now be found in single files for each plant in Mods/Organisms

16 Apr


You can actually play on the official sea-otter server that now should much better. I also have a personal server that does all these things (and where the trailers relating laws and government were made on), but that one has a big set of rules and i'm not going to advertise it here, it's easy to find. Both are located in the EU.

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is an issue open to implement that option, but on low priority as there usually is no real need to delete a world.
    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We don't support linux servers. (Not because we don't want, but because there is no easy way to do so and resources are too limited to go the hard way for an unfortunately rather small player base) As the game runs on a server in singleplayer we have no way to offer that to linux players. If you run the server manually with mono, you can play on your computer. But keep in mind, that using mono is likely to cause a lot of issues and has a bad performance.
    WAVES on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hey all, for this Friday’s Eco Peak I wanted to talk about the new government system I’m working on for Eco 9.0.

The high-level idea is that in the current version of Eco you run a government. In 9.0, you will build a government.

First thing you’ll need to do to create a government is form a constitution, which will be an object placed in the world. The value of the building it’s placed in will determine how much influence the government has, and whichever government has the most influence will dictate the rules for the world.

Overthrowing the Government This means that governments can be overthrown by making a more powerful one, represented by a more valuable building, and players will need to create fantastic palaces to ensure the legitimacy of their government and prevent being overtaken. (Later, we will allow... Read more

12 Apr

    WAVES on Steam - Thread - Direct
It’s been over one year since we launched Eco on Steam Early-Access, celebration! But in the long-game, it’s just the beginning.

Eco: The First Three and a Half Years
Eco was born out of the core idea of ‘Tragedy of the Commons: The Game’ where all your resources come from the ecosystem, and all economic and governmental actions happen through real people. That’s a huge, seemingly impossibly scoped game, and I believe we’ve made incredible progress.

The above screenshot comparison (between our Kickstarter and today) is crazy to look at. We’ve been working on the game nonstop since 2015, and it’s improved continuously, incrementally, until it looks like a totally different game. ... Read more

11 Apr


Yes, open a bug report here and attach your world save uploaded to some hoster:

09 Apr

We have released patch with the following fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed elevators to be usable again.
  • Fixed allocate and tax in the treasury.
  • Mint now performs a single check and single action record per Mint operation (previously it was for every single item in request, for 1000 items - 1000 checks and inserts). It greatly improves Mint speed if Mint limiting law is active and also reduces DB size (in any case).
  • Changed logic of Mint operation. Now it completely aborts Mint operation if you don't pass a law instead of partially execute it (i.e. you have limit of 100 items per day, minted 50 items and try another 100. Old behavior: 50 will be minted + error message. New behavior: operation rejected + error message with corresponding law statement).
  • To prevent extra queries law statement logic changed. Now it counts Mint actions before user action, but also added Cur...
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08 Apr

We have released update with the following fixes and improvements:

  • Added the barrel cactus, white bursage and joshua tree to the desert biome.
  • Added exclusive fullscreen mode.
  • Added spruce trees to the taiga biome.
  • Added configuration menu for single player world to allow adjusting some settings easily.
  • Added /repairallrooms command to repair rooms that should contribute to the housing score, but don’t.
  • Added several admin commands to manage bank accounts:
    AddAccountManager (accountID, userID)
    RemoveAccountManager (accountID, userID)
    AddAccountUser (accountID, userID)
    RemoveAccountUser (accountID, userID)
    CreateAccount (name(optional))
    DeleteAccount (accountID)
    SetAccountOwner (accountID, userID)

  • Fixed an issue that caused FPS drops when opening a store wi...
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28 Mar


Our recommendation is to use no world size over 200x200.