
Eco Dev Tracker

30 May


Originally posted by FungusGungus

The false advertising perception comes from calling it a roadmap even though it neither follows no particular order of popularity nor is anything even guaranteed. Just because it doesn’t say the listed items will be in the game doesn’t mean that anyone viewing it would infer that it is. It seems heavily implied that these features are going to be in the game, especially given the screenshots descriptions, and it seems to me it’s not just me that initially thought that. The roadmap was one of the reasons I bought the game, because the most popular voted things on there were things I thought would be fun to play with. I don’t understand the point of a roadmap if you’re going to do it in the order that the game devs want to and seemingly completely ignore all the things the people want. I get having a plan that you want to follow but pleasing the community is important for retention, but I doubt there’s even a strong plan, I remember seeing an old video from eco of an orca in the game...

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As i said, i'm also quite unhappy with how it was named, but that was long before my time. I've forwarded that feedback and we'll see what the people caring about it will decide for it for the future.

But you also need to see that this roadmap does not state dates for the features anywhere like a normal roadmap would do. I'm sorry that your decision to buy the game was mostly due to the roadmap and two of the top-most voted features and that those are not yet in the game, but i'm still wondering how people could get the feeling that the only thing we do is working the roadmap from top to bottom, we never communicated we would do that. Actually, at least i didn't even think people would expect that, as i never would myself. When i started playing Eco and saw the roadmap, i read through the points, found a lot of them interesting and some not, voted for my favourites (which are all more to the bottom of the page) and forgot of the roadmap. I never saw it as something that tel...

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Originally posted by hitzu

Good luck with that. I just remind you that in real life you have no exit button as an option to leave boredom and giving feedback to life kinda makes no sense.

That's totally clear. But if that exit button would be a reason to stop us, we wouldn't have needed to develop Eco at all but could instead have made some kind of 20 minutes lasting game. Thankfully, the systems we implement are not boring for everyone.

29 May


Originally posted by FungusGungus

They might be something to look forward to, but he called it an optional feature, like it’s not confirmed

The list on the roadmap is a list of things we ultimately WANT to have in the game, not what WILL be in the game. It seems this is not clear enough, so i'll make sure that our web developers adapt what the roadmap says for this to be understandable.

The roadmap is there to show you where Eco could head to, what we think that we want to implement over the course of development - not only early access, but in general. Eco will never be stopped to be developed and get more extensive as long as people play it. You likely see new major features in five years, just like now. There is unlimited possibilities on what you can add to Eco given it resembles real life and real life is limitless. Trains are a thing we think is cool and want to have in the game. But it's also one of the hardest and most time consuming things to do. But that does not mean it will be in the game soon or at all, nor does it mean it will never be in the game. And as far as i read the roadmap it's not stating...

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Originally posted by hitzu

Oh, don't please use the "realism" argument in the game full of cubes, when the ecosistem we should learn not to destroy happily destroys itself, the game where you have to build robots in order to make a light bulb, where the mass magically appears or disappears based on the skills of whoever turn the ON button on a workbench, where the law of energy coservation doesn't work, where some animals population reproduces in the seconds after raid hunting, where the more people observe the rocks the more they forget about gravity and solid surfaces, where human footprints traverse through layers of rock and soil from the deep underground to appear on the surface, where the world depth depends on the ocean depth, where the planet's curvature doesn't depend on its size, where water can be basically dug out, where wild plants can grow in hostile environment but the same cultivated plants can't, where all gases and liquids can travel any large distance trough pipes, but only if the pipe is ...

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That's not my argument but the reason for the choices we make and therefore i need to make this aware to you. I cannot refrain from telling you this, given it's the exact reason why we do some things. Our design is based around realism, with simplifications of course, but many of them over the course of development will be gone, too. Obviously for different reasons some parts are more realistic while some are less. The sweeping hands talent for example is as unrealistic as the carry weights - but still way more realistic than other games offer. The production chains is something we want to make more realistic than other things, giving the benefit of a use for a lot of different professions and the economy and the impact for ecology - which are two important pillars of the game content.

Sure, you don't need robots to make light bulbs, but in the future we are going to introduce different tiers of machinery to do things. For the ore processing we'll introduce that and have s...

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Originally posted by spiritmammoth

I live in a city founded on extensive mining. There are huge mine dumps, and of course they are ugly and very little grows near them 50 years later. The rivers downstream are polluted still. Every so often a dam near the mines breaks and kills more of the environment.

There are entire companies whose sole job it is to transport the tailings and waste from the mines.

Don't worry, you have the realism quite well modeled.

And it's still a lot of fun.

That's what i see working best ingame too. On some servers i play on some players that are loving mining, mine stuff, sell it and offer tailings storage as a company for the whole server. That works best and the miners are mostly rich given what they sell the ores for and take for the tailings. Still, i'm totally aware not every server has such dedicated people that are into mining anyway and don't feel any tediousness, so we'll surely try to balance it out so it is fun for most people.


Originally posted by FungusGungus

I think the problem is that they have a roadmap suggestion and haven’t bothered to work on the #1 thing on there

We just can't. The game is not in a state where it could support the fast chunkloading that would be needed for trains - it was clear to us that this will be one of the last and most optional features of all the things we want to do, no matter how many votes it gets. Votes alone don't decide what is implemented, they tell us what people think would be really cool. And trains would also be really cool for us. But there is no way to implement them at the moment, that is something you might see after the end of early access. I've already told our web developer that he might want to clarify what the roadmap is - a way to show what you find most cool to us and a way to show you what we plan to implement from us, not a vote on what we do next. I'm quite sure that will be part of the website relaunch that is planned for the future.


Originally posted by Awsomeman1089

Thanks for the information about the roadmap. The part I don't like about the new ore system is that you would have to spend a lot of time building stuff just to get rid of the waste. That is super boring with tailings already. It feels just like smelting except you have to do it over and over.

Eco is meant to simulate real life to a certain degree and ecology is one of the basic game pillars. I know that it can be very tedious for players to store those things away, but on bigger servers that ususally works quite good with multiple people collaborating. For sure, in singleplayer we'll give you the option to adjust resource needs and therefore waste production, but in the end there will be a use of storing the new waste products - because in opposite to tailings they WILL be dangerous and not storing will cause major problems.

Sure, we need to balance the game between fun and realism and we do that - but waste is a major problem in real life and there just is no way for the some of the new waste products to be used. In the end it is supposed to be tedious to make you think twice if you really need that much of a specific product. I know that given the professions and goods not being nearly completed it doesn't feel like that in the moment, but in the end it hopef...

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28 May


The roadmap is showing what we currently work on and a voting page for all the features we plan to include in the game until final release, the order of the items does NOT represent if or when they are implemented into the game - that's also written on the roadmap page. We don't have a long-term roadmap, we are introducing the planned features for the next patches via our dev-newsletters. Decision on what is implemented next takes serveral things into account, not only the roadmap votes. We also regularily put in small stages of one of the roadmap items, so quite some of them already have a lot of it implemented, but not everything.

Sorry to hear you don't seem to like the new ore concept - it'll introduce a lot more things to do and new professions. Eco is a game that tries to resemble realism, which the new features offer.

For fixing tediousness for single player, we'll have new configuration options for resource needs and crafting time, too.


That's an issue with the room calculation that is marked as fixed for 8.2.


It's not coming out before June 10, but until then it should be very ready to ship as fast as possible.


Originally posted by hitzu

Yeah... Factorio and the Wube team really spoiled me. Quelle dommage that their workflow and attitude is not the industry standard for early access games. I feel kinda trapped in the position where I should excuse but I don't quite understand for what. For my playstyle? For not being in the paid QA team to properly report bugfixes and not understanding what bugs are resolved for what version and what bugs are proudly considered features? For not finding concrete and up to date information from all the sources including personal responses in Discord, Reddit, the Forum, and ever-wrong wiki, (not mentioning that it's nearly impossible to google something with "eco" prefix and get the game related information) rather than from one reliable source like devlog? Or maybe I should excuse for that SLG cannot hire a professional community manager?

You don't need to excuse anything. It's not like we are doing most things as of business standards and i'm neither the person that decides what will be announced in a newsletter or blog post - that's decided by different people. My job is to communicate with you and give you the answers for question you ask for and cooperate with people, admins, modders and projects from the community, giving your feedback back to the developers. Your feedback was given to them.

And even though i'm not a professional community manager - which some people do like way more than a professional person, btw, given a lot of our former community players didn't even regularily play the game - i feel i'm doing a good job in that. I'm sorry if you don't feel the same and i'm happy about any suggestions you have for me to improve.

But i'm not the guy that decides where the game heads, how the game is developed, when bugs get fixed or how big our Quality Assurance team is, despite i'm having so...

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    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear Staines,
even though you deleted your post, i'll answer to it anyway.

I did listen to your concerns and i also did explain in very much detail that i do see those, but also why i don't agree with the results presented. If you are misunderstanding me, i beg for the bonus of english not being my native language.

In the end Eco has a specific vision and it's our job to get the vision into the game while making it playable and useful. Some changes are more important to be done earlier, some are less important to be done.Hundreds of factors play a role. Some changes can't just be made like some people want without hurting the vision. That's why we state Eco is made for multiplayer - multiplayer with a medium to large sized group of people. If we could make the game complete and perfect in a simple snip, we would do it. Unfortunately we are a little indie game company and need to distribute our resources where they are most needed. And where they are most ne... Read more

27 May

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, that is not what i said. Boats are a planned feature, but one that has low priority at the moment due to the reasons i have stated. I also never stated there would be no people that feel the same like you. I know there are. But you need to understand that this still is not a majority of people.

I was just stating that i don't feel like boats missing is something like a bug (which some people requesting boats seem to state) - they are not a required feature to me which would cause it to have highest priority. For connecting early settlements we usually do a simple thing in just under an hour: Craft ramps, place them in a useful manner and build a basic bridge out of hewn logs over water. That enabled everyone on the servers i play on to trade with everyone in no time, travelling through the wilds and i actually see this happen on a lot of public servers. (Given i personally dislike unplanned roads and things like that, i notice it immediately) This is no... Read more

Originally posted by BullshitSloth

First I want to say I love this game. It’s extremely enjoyable to build a society with friends while working towards a common goal.

However.. you guys have GOT to optimize this game. I understand wanting to add more features and content but my god the bugs, glitches, and the sheer ridiculous amount of CPU resources this game uses are infuriating to put it lightly. I cannot comprehend how this game can not load chunks which causes the player and their cart/truck to fall through the world.

Again I love the game but please focus on making it function better before putting more content into it.

That's what our focus was on for all patches since 8.0 to 8.2. We cannot only do that stuff, either, though, as we need to cater to the people requesting new features, too.

The chunkloading in 8.2 is way better than it is now, but Eco is and forever will remain a extremely CPU heavy game (by design - it is a big simulation with underlying databases that accumulate gigabytes of data in no time) that requires a lot of resources. Optimizing stuff at this stage of development is hard and a lot of the work lost on every new feature. We know it's running too bad for now, but you shouldn't expect it to run "good" before the main features are finished and working. Of course you can expect it to run "okay". That is what we're trying to do.


Originally posted by hitzu

Performance and bugs are number one priority at the moment, which is why there have been nearly no new features from 8.0 to 8.2.

Then you have to give some publicity on that regard. Yes, talking about bugfixing and game stabilizing is not as fun as about new features, but it's important to make players sure you pay attention to them as well.

Governments are not a decoration though, but one of the major game pillars and they work quite well with less than hundred players - i'm doing all that stuff with my server since at least a year already, just with manual work and imagination. And yes, the server has a 30 days reset cycle and the same bugs than anyone else.

It doesn't mean it will be like this on the majority of the servers. It just proves you are capable to do that.

In regards to bugs you might want to report them on Github

My experience with that was,...

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Then you have to give some publicity on that regard. Yes, talking about bugfixing and game stabilizing is not as fun as about new features, but it's important to make players sure you pay attention to them as well.

I don't have the feeling we don't do that. We've acknlowedged the issues in the changelogs since then, it's written on the roadmap, i'm answering people accordingly on all our channels and doing anything i can to make sure people know. The only thing we do not do is making a whole blog post or newsletter about the issue (but they did include information to that, too!). And that should be understandable, given those are mainly marketing, not information.

It doesn't mean it will be like this on the majority of the servers. It just proves you are capable to do that.

Eco is not about the majority of the servers, but about the capabilities the game offers. It's totally intended that every single ser...

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26 May


Originally posted by hitzu

Performance, performance, performance, bugs, bugs, bugs. That's what should be your number one priority. And then the economy foundation should be stable. You can of course make decorations like govts on top of that but it will be a huge disappointment when it will turn out to be unplayable. There will be no real politics in the world with less than hundreds of active players. It will by just fluffy decoration or annoying content gating depending what benefits all of this should bring. But your game is currently built to be at best a month or two long session for a couple of friends who get will eventually get bored and annoyed by everpersistent bugs dated since 0.7, repeating crashes 10 times a play session, memory leaking, incomplete base mechanics, broken professions, absolute imbalance in XP gaining, storaging, and goods production, not even mentioning of a total game logic inconsistency across the whole game. And do you really think anyone could play politics on top of that un...

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Performance and bugs are number one priority at the moment, which is why there have been nearly no new features from 8.0 to 8.2.

Governments are not a decoration though, but one of the major game pillars and they work quite well with less than hundred players - i'm doing all that stuff with my server since at least a year already, just with manual work and imagination. And yes, the server has a 30 days reset cycle and the same bugs than anyone else.

In regards to bugs you might want to report them on Github or at least go into detail which already existing bugs are most annoying to you - we have a lot of minor bugs with different priorities and often some players extremely dislike one bug, while others don't care at all. I've been making sure all the bugs that were reported to me as extremely annoying by several players in the past were treated with priority.

Regarding crashes - i never had a single crash in a release version of Eco since im playing i...

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Originally posted by PM_ME_STUFF_N_THINGS

It's awesome you guys are constantly expanding and improving Eco, sadly that seems rare these days with EA games.

Can you please also increase focus on bug fixing, there have been several annoying bugs in the game for months now, almost years.. some spanning 0.7 and 0.8.

Rubble behaviour, unstuck/stuck weirdness, performance issues to name a few. Performance is getting better in recent versions but still needs focus.. and keep up the good work lads :)

That's the focus of the current updates in work.

Bugs do have a priority you can look up on GitHub, we nearly cleared all high priority bugs recently.

Rubble is some portal magic, we've tried fixing that a hundred times now, but some issue keeps getting back, this likely will require more in-depth changes we cannot do with a single patch.

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey both of you,
i'd like to join one of the server you play on in the future, i feel like there is very little use made of the features ingame, as you just told me if i ever have seen the road builders tearing down the forests - no, i actually haven't. (Though we never do roads with hewn logs, people don't get paid for using those - regulations) I play on a high population server with even more than high collab setting (and therefore even higher player loss) that is medium communicative (but STILL does only play 30 day cycles and actually it dies off way earlier, too!) and where people discuss where roads are going to be and lay out a district and road-laws in planning. I have the feeling you don't use these tools?

We usually pay for the infrastructure projects by government - that's a good reason it is there for. The people planning to skill in cement and basic engineering ususally start from day one with roadmaking and earn their money through that, so roads are p... Read more

25 May


With the upcoming changes to laws and government, introducing constitutions in Update 9.0, we also thought about ways how several different governments could exist next to each other and even how different tiers of governments could be implemented into the game. Check out our newest newsletter to get to know what our vision on that is:


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