The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker

07 Mar

Hi All. Below is a current list of known issues related to the Update 45 PC/Mac Launch and their status. We will be updating this throughout the day. Also as a quick reminder, the Fallen Banners Dungeon pack. It is currently available for ESO+ Members. There will be additional ways to acquire the Dungeon Pack after Update 45 Console Launch, including in the Crown Store. Please see Matt Firor's post here for the original statement, and stay tuned for more information during the April ESO Direct. Known Issues
  • Undaunted Masks in Lep Seclusa are currently not curated.
    • This will be fi...
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06 Mar

Just wanted to chime in here and echo a lot of what is being said here. Groups coordinating in PvP is not breaking any TOS. We are not going to punish players for working together in coordinated play. We fully recognize that players do have valid issues with coordinated groups pushes and some of that comes down to giving you more tools to disrupt a coordinated team. We'll have a bit more on this in the next PvP Q&A, but wanted to at least note for the general group here that coordinated play does not violate Terms of Service.
Honestly, I’m pretty excited about the summit. Even with an outline, I’ve never attended one before so I’m curious to see how it operates. And geeking out about guilds is something I got wrapped up in fairly early in ESO. I’m curious to hear from other GMs, especially those who, like above, have experience in other MMOs. ESO has been my first and only MMO experience so I have no comparison. I’m also supremely curious to see how the representation looks. It feels like PC gets a ton of attention and conversation on the forum as it also seems a majority of forum participants are PC. But I’m on console and without ads-ons (which I know will be coming to us eventually now), running a large successful trading guild on my server is a very different life experience in some ways than it is for PC GMs. “They not like us” LOL I think it’ll be neat sharing experiences/tips/ideas from across the aisle, so to speak. Looking forward to it! So much so my dorky self ...
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05 Mar

We're going live now with our Senior Concept Artist, Lucas Slominsk @ Come join us for an artist chat!
Hello o/ Um I am unsure of where to ask this so I'll ask here, are we allowed to change our primary guild we submitted to the secondary one or no? Also thank you so much
For our purposes, it doesn't really matter. So you're fine! DragonRacer;c-8275106
Do you want us to submit questions in advance? It seems like there are too many guilds included for everyone's question to be answered if we're trying to type them in real time.
If not submitted in advance, another idea - especially since we’re all being pooled together into a Discord group ahead of time - allow us to maybe put our heads together on forming questions in advance? It can still be limited to one per guild, but I imagine there could be the potential of a lot of repeat questions, which then kinda “wastes” the question slot of other guilds if they don’t bring an itemized list of potential backup questions to then scratch out as the...
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Hi all, just following up here. Thank you again for flagging the connection issues. These connection issues were due to bad actors and we have taken the appropriate steps for mitigation. You may see some latency impact due to the mitigation, but wanted to make sure you were kept in the loop as we resolve this. Thanks.
Thanks for the pings, everyone. We are investigating the connection issues now.
This is the official discussion thread for, "Loremaster’s Archive—Elder Scrolls & Moth Priests" "Sister Chana has donated her time to answer the ESO community’s questions about the enigmatic Elder Scrolls and the Moth Priests who guard them—no blindfolds required!"
Hi all. On Wednesday, March 5, beginning at 4:00 AM ET/9:00 AM UTC, we will be bringing down all ESO megaservers for maintenance post-Whitestrake's Mayhem. Additionally, anyone who purchased the The Hailcinder Mount Pack, but did not receive the mount and did not go through Customer Service to redeem the missing mount, you will receive the mount as part of today's maintenance. Anyone who encountered this issue but submitted a Customer Service ticket, should have been granted the missing mount already. We anticipate the megaserver maintenance to be complete by 11:00 AM ET/16:00 UTC. Thanks for your patience as we work through this maintenance.

04 Mar

If you have any questions related to the 10yr Anniversary art piece, let us know! We may have some time to ask a few of them on the livestream tomorrow!
Over the next few updates, we're going to try and get as many of these top issues as possible fixed. The highest priority issues we're working on right now are:
  1. Stuck in Combat - we've made some great strides over the last 3 months on this. We're testing some pretty big changes now. It's not ready for prime time, but progress is being made!
Early April Fools? 🤔
Nope! All fact, no fiction here!
Hey everyone - just wanted to drop in and let you know we've been lurking. Lots of great feedback and callouts over the last month! Thank you so much for taking the time to post. We've been comparing all of this feedback to our internal lists. There's lots and lots of overlap which is great, (i.e. - stuck in combat, floaty combat, queue problems, patcher breaking, "phantom group bug"... etc) but there are also a few callouts that we weren't aware of and have added them to the list. Over the next few updates, we're going to try and get as many of these top issues as possible fixed. The highest priority issues we're working on right now are:
  1. Stuck in Combat - we've made some great strides over the last 3 months on this. We're testing some pretty big changes now. It's not ready for prime time, but progress is being made!
  2. Combat look and feel - this is something that's been on our list for awhile now and there is a dedicated team looking at everything from animations...
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Just letting you all know we see this and have passed it along to our content design team. :smile:

03 Mar

I think you really underestimate the kind of connection, familiarity, and recognition value that people have with these structures. Not "it's kind of a castle", but the specific layout of a Cyrodiil keep - walls with main gate, inner keep, entrance hall, back hall, upstairs, exactly like in Cyrodiil. One of the smaller keeps or - even better, because not as big - an outpost would be really nice, even if you can't bash them to pieces. You rarely destroy most of an outpost anyway. Imho. :)
There is definitely some worry internally that if we were to create a player home based on a known Cyrodiil keep or outpost and it didn't have the destructible functionality, that it wouldn't go over well. So this is helpful to know. Thank you!
Hi all, quick update here. Blackreach has been rebooted and is function properly. Thanks again for flagging the issue.
Hi all, just following up here. We will be rebooting the Blackreach campaign on PC NA. Please be aware that this will cause disconnects for those in Blackreach currently. We’ll follow up after the campaign is rebooted.
Hey all, we are taking a look at this now. We will update once we have more information.
Hi everyone! Just to update, the rest of the invites will be going out this morning (real life got in the way...)

28 Feb

Also, the new arms pack is Roksa the Warped themed, which is a Bal Sunnar boss: But the showcase says that the matching mask will drop from the final boss in Scrivener's Hall? @ZOS_Kevin is this information correct? that would be a first... until now the mask page has dropped from the final boss of the dungeon the arms pack pertains to...
You are correct. This is not currently accurate and we are getting this corrected. Thanks for the catch!
This is the official discussion thread for, "Crown Store Showcase—March 2025" "Saddle up and check out what’s coming to the Crown Store this March 2025."