EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

21 Jun


Cloudflare had issues this morning, they have posted a blog on the outage: https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-outage-on-june-21-2022/


Cloudflare has just posted a blog on this morning’s outage: https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-outage-on-june-21-2022/


Cloudflare has posted a blog on this morning’s outage: https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-outage-on-june-21-2022/


The issue 5 days ago and the issue this morning are not related. Cloudflare has posted a blog on what happened this morning: https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-outage-on-june-21-2022/


Please send a Support Ticket to CCP’s Customer Support.


North Eastern Route

NE Route Position Capsuleer Time Points
1 Romon Inaken 0:27:29 25
2 Larethyl Seshin 0:28:55 20
3 Elsebeth Rhiannon 0:31:23 18
4 Gynosi 0:32:00 15
5 Uno Turbo 0:33:36 12
6 Hatschi Bratschi 0:36:25 10
7 Imiarr Timshae 0:39:02 8
8 Eisbearg R2D2 0:41:54 6
9 VectoredT 0:43:23 4
10 Hurk Burger 0:44:17 2

South Western Route

SW Route Position Capsu...
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The Federation Grand Prix has returned! In addition to the awesome in-game rewards you can pick up for tackling the daily challenges during the event there is an additional challenge for those of you who are particularly keen on optimizing your racing ships - the Federation Grand Prix Time Trials!

Contest Details:

  • The time trials will run from 11:00 UTC on Thursday, June 16th to 11:00 UTC on Tuesday, June 28.
  • After a capsuleer has completed each of the 3 routes as part of the untimed Federation Grand Prix live event, they will then be able to begin the repeatable Extra Lap version of the challenge. It is ...
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17 Jun


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Greetings Spacefriends!

The Community Beat for June 17 is ...

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Thanks for participating and helping! 2 million skill points have been added to 236 characters on Singularity.

16 Jun


They’re usually far cheaper.


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Greetings capsuleers,

The 17th Council of Stellar Management has been ...

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Location? Australia or Korea? We are looking into tunnel and/or carrier issues at the moment with our network partners, which started at 12:25 EVE Time.

Edit: It does look like there are some network issues in Australia at the moment.

14 Jun



We are planning another mass test on Singularity on Thursday, June 16th, at 17:00 UTC (= EVE time)!

What exactly is being tested?
Fixes and performance improvements for problems found in the last mass test. This is related to following graphical features:

  • DirectX 12
  • Changes to texture compression
  • Changes to LOD-ing of objects and textures
  • High-res nebulas

How to connect to Singularity for this test:

  • Change the server from Tranquility to Singularity in the bottom right corner of the launcher and log in as normal.
  • More detailed instructions are available ...
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13 Jun


Hey m8s,

I’ll be in Brisbane later this week while I’m back in Oz for a bit. CCP Larrikin and I will be at the Buffalo Bar on Mary Street on Friday 17 June from 6pm if anyone would like to come by for a couple of low key froth whitlams and chat about internet spaceships. I’ve also brought some SKIN codes and a limited number of Fanfest mouse mats for people who turn up!

Would be good to see you there if you can make it!

10 Jun


Thank you to everyone that participated. We gathered a lot of really good feedback and are now in defect fighting mode :slight_smile:


We are aware of a radial menu problem, while being in a fleet.


Thanks for helping with this mass test! We tracked down several issues, especially that the framerate dropped significantly while zooming in and out (or at doing “look at”).
2 million skill points have been added now to 380 characters on Singularity.

09 Jun


You probably have ‘download the full EVE game client’ turned on in the launcher. If you turn this off, you will be able to play with the minimal install (it will download things during gameplay in the background as it needs them).


Yes, chat is working fine on Singularity, at least for me.



A bit of extra information on enabling DX12 and checking if it is properly used:

  • The launcher needs to be running the latest version (2057442)
  • DX12 is enabled by default on Singularity, if it is supported. You can disable it through the launcher settings, if you want to test something without dx12, for example if you want to compare something:
  • Your video card needs to support feature level 12_0, which is unfortunately not the case for the very first dx12 cards. Most video card manufacturers started to support 12_0 in 2015. You can check, if your card supports this, by opening dxdiag and checking the Feature Levels in the Display tab:
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