EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

18 Jul


Greetings Capsuleers.

We will be adding a Desolate Asteroid Field beacon to every single system in Nullsec. This will act the same as an ‘Asteroid Belt’ does in terms of NPCs spawning at the location, any NPCs in the system that could show up in the Asteroid belts can appear at the Desolate Asteroid Field beacon.

  • This means that it will be possible for players to raise ADMs in systems in nullsec with no regular asteroid belts present without having to rely on random anomalies and gate rats.
  • This means that players will be able to find the highest tier officers in this location in Curse which currently has no asteroid belts.

As a result, we are rolling back the change we made which allowed asteroid belt NPCs to appear on gates. The expected effects of this change are.

  • Players should encounter NPCs on gates far less frequently.
  • There should be no more instances of ‘hell spawned’ gates where an asteroid belt NPC spawn cou...
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15 Jul


Hi there

We are aware of the Vsync / sync issues in general. I made a post about it here: Version 20.06 - Known Issues - #134 by CCP_Caffeine
This is something we’ll be taking a closer look at with our partners, as it’s a combination of software and hardware causing this problem. You may have some success restoring it to how it previously worked by toggling vsync / VRR / Freesync settings until we can get to the bottom of the problem.

Issue 2: However dx12 causes a hard cra...

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14 Jul


Hi all

In the last release we moved to DX12. We are aware that a small number of people had some stability problems within the first few days. We’ve since patched all known crashing issues and our metrics for this are looking good (Check out the devblog on how we know: Upgrading Crash Reporting Systems | EVE Online)

I’m keen to hear from anyone that is still experiencing client stability problems that are resolved by moving to DX11, as we’re unlikely to be aware of them at this point. As DX12 will be important to future updates, we want to ensure any outstanding issues are resolved.

We’re aware of a small number of (non crashing) DX12 is...

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I am afraid that real life examples that are considered law-related do not always come handy when it comes to online multiplayer games. Otherwise it would make our job much easier :smiley: It’s much more complicated than that and involves the ever-changing technologies that usually change drastically for a year or two.


Could you file a bug report from within the client, so we can get more information (like what OS version you’re running etc.). Also let us know what headphones you’re using.

Many of us at CCP play on a Mac with Bluetooth headphones, so we’re not aware of any specific Bluetooth issues right now.

Many thanks!


Thanks for letting me know! :slight_smile:
It’s so strange. We’ve been testing for this across multiple machines, with no luck of replicating it so far. Yet we see it in player videos.
If this is causing you any gameplay issues, you can revert to DX11 in the launcher by unticking the DX12 box.

Regarding the bug report: Could you double check that number? I’ve checked the system, but nothing is showing for that ticket. It would typically be 6 numbers and not 7 in length.

Unfortunately we are not able to reply to every bug report, but if you see ‘attached’ it means...

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Yes, exactly, it all depends on the case. Sometimes the RMT behaviour is extremely blatant and it does not require further checks.

Let me give an example to make it a bit more clear: person A has just created an account, used the stolen credit card to pay for PLEX and then distributed those items to buyers in various ways. Person A has some other aliases, that have already been banned for the same behaviour back in… let’s say 2020. This is the blatant RMT and it does not require checking forum history.


Thank you guys for your questions and for your engagement with us, some questions were super tough, but I am very glad to see them being asked. I like to think that we managed to clear out some things, and I hope that we’ll be able to do more so in the future.

If you think that some of the issues you are curious about were not addressed or you would like to ask more questions, you can join our Q&A in EVE official discord. 19 July at 15:00 UTC. Submit your questions in the #ask-ccp channel. Deadline for question submission is 18 July.

I must mention once again that we will not be able to comment on the individual bans and individual cases, this is something that can be discussed solely...

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That is absolutely not what I said. We look at all the evidence that is required by the investigation. If the case lands up on the grey area - we unleash the full investigation. If it’s straightforward - then there is not much we can do, unfortunately.


edit - found your bug report. Thanks!


Well there are some ideas, they are constantly rotating back and forth but nothing solid for now.

I really liked how EVE Echos tackled their own RMT problem, with issuing an asset freeze when those are transferred and depending on the value the asset freeze gets longer.

But this is something above the Team Security, those changes need to go through our Dev Teams for them to be implemented, they need to go through a normal process of development. Those ideas is something that Team Security can push for, but in the end its not in our hands to implement them.

Right now there is a lot of work happening not just by our team, but other teams are also involved but we are not able to provide any information about this at this point. Hopefully we can provide more information and an update Soon™


Ah right, the total numbers of the bans issued.
Well need to brake those numbers down per category of botting and RMT and hacking and CCFraud and just simply the account that are created via automation.

But again as mentioned before, there is data that we see that is just simply is not available to the public.

For example, as I mentioned in the Team Security Panel on Fanfest 2022, regarding botting, there are organizations that are creating accounts every day, in batches. We are able to identify the pattern and remove them from the game at the point where the accounts have been created, even before they are able to login into those accounts and create characters. So when you are dealing on daily basis with the bad guys, you see the patterns and you can say for sure that those accounts were created just for one purpose specifically and that is either for botting or to be used for credit card fraud. Soo in other words, those are accounts but those are not characters...

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Ehm, not sure where did this number of 70k accounts come from, it was not from us. Because that numbers is way to high. Please read the Dev Blog again to see the proper numbers.

Somebody here posted that numbers and I am not sure where it came from.

Unfortunately, we will be not disclosing any information about which Corp or Alliance is botting and shame them publicly. This goes against our 3rd party policy.

However, I can name a few corporations that are actively botting in the game and those are:

School of Applied Knowledge
Science and Trade Institute
State War Academy
Federal Navy Academy
Hedion University
Center for Advanced Studies
University of Caille



You Sir, are a troll. And we don’t feed the trolls.

You want a discussion about your case or Roughneck Joe his case reviewed again, submit a support ticket. We won’t be going into details of personal matters here publicly.

13 Jul


This is definitely something we would like to work on - raising awareness regarding those cases and removing this aura of unnecessary secrecy that surrounds Team Sec. This is not something that is done in one day though, but hopefully we’ll be able to change that.

Everything that you said is legitimately very important to say many times in a row and hopefully new and old players will hear that.

As we mentioned in our panel on fanfest - buying from the third party websites is not supporting the small player business. Those are organized groups, they do lots of credit card fraud, they hack accounts, and who knows, maybe some day an ISK buyer will end up buying injectors that were taken from his friends SP.

The choice of buying or not buying ISK aside seems easy now, so we would like not only to stress the inevitability of consequences, but also share the origins and sources of those funds.


In the end of the day, everything aside, EVE is a game that people play for their pleasure.

I personally don’t think that it’s fair to shame alliances/corporations/regions with certain prevailing population just because some of those who share a space with the might have made a bad choice once. For some the corporations are like family, close ties are made there, friends and relationships. Shaming and nullifying all of this only because someone landed on a slippery slope does not seem right to me.

Crude example: imagine person A living on an island and is friends with everybody. He loves it there, he is proud of his island, he travels everywhere and tells people how awesome his island is. Which is technically true, the island IS awesome. Later there is a news article in… let’s say BBC News that this island is populated with the filthy robbers who stole this much from the treasury. But person A has never stolen anything from the treasury. He knows that his friends, pers...

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We check everything that is required by the certain case.

Imagine that we have… let’s say ten tools. Sometimes we check two, sometimes five, sometimes all ten. Depending on the case.


hi! All right, lots to unpack, but I’ll try to answer to that. I also encourage you to come to the Discord and ask us there, we’ll have Q&A session next week :slight_smile:

Important to remember - now we are talking about false positives in the RMT bans, not botting. Easy to confuse those two. I am also talking about my personal experience and all the investigations that I have been dealing with personally (provided second opinion, did researches, spent some nights over an overly complicated cases - pls don’t judge, those were rough lockdown times).

Yes, the decision in those are definitive. I wish I could provide our reasonings for it, it would be very easy for players to see how we actually operate, but due to the security reasons I obviously can not disclose our methods, otherwise we’ll have to develop them from scratch. Some c...

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Hi! In this reply I was talking about RMT bans, not bot bans specifically. Those are very different kind of bans and very different kind of investigations that need different kind of proof. Let me know which one you’d like to ask questions about, otherwise it can be easy to confuse those two.