EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

20 Nov

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

None of the names are finalized, specifically the names of the crystals :smiley:

    Mike_Azariah on Forums - Thread - Direct

They are listening but, as always, listen and do are two different things. I am still optimistic but then I always am that. I can tell you that the conversations between CSM and CCP have been active/lively of late.


    Mike_Azariah on Forums - Thread - Direct

Let the second threadnaught commence


    CCP_Psych on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Capsuleers,

We thank you for the time you’ve spent exploring the changes and providing valuable feedback. We’ve spent this week listening to podcasts, reading forum posts and blogs, and interacting with Discord communities and so forth. It’s rare for us to update Sisi (and post a Dev Blog) this early in the process, but this is an important one and we wanted as many eyes on it as possible.

We also want to thank the CSM for their input and help in shaping the plan, the details of which you can find below.

DISCLAIMER: As it will be evident by the end of this post, Singularity (our test server) is not up to date with these planned changes. We are working hard to have it updated as soon as possible.



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    CCP_Psych on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Capsuleers,

We thank you for the time you’ve spent exploring the changes and providing valuable feedback. We’ve spent this week listening to podcasts, reading forum posts and blogs, and interacting with Discord communities and so forth. It’s rare for us to update Sisi (and post a Dev Blog) this early in the process, but this is an important one and we wanted as many eyes on it as possible.

We also want to thank the CSM for their input and help in shaping the plan, the details of which you can find below.

DISCLAIMER: As it will be evident by the end of this post, Singularity (our test server) is not up to date with these planned changes. We are working hard to have it updated as soon as possible.



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19 Nov

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are many modules whose stats aren’t reflective of the design on Singularity at the moment. There are extensive changes coming based on design and feedback, and hopefully we’ll have Singularity updated soon™

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad you enjoyed! It’s pretty sweet.

Personally I’m rather fond of my not-very-subtle pun in the battle report title :innocent:

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Capsuleers!

The fourth installment of Community Beat is here!

This week we talk about the end of the Alliance Tournament, the new Lore site, a crushing battle report and more.

The Beat is one of our favorite new projects from the EVE Online Community Team to shine a spotlight on things that are going on in the EVE Online Community - both in-game and out. Our aim is to help you discover new parts of the community that you may not have been aware of before.

It was awesome to hear your feedback from the ...

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    CCP_Fleebix on Forums - Thread - Direct

On a Duran Duran binge.

17 Nov

    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

Removed a a few posts related to the Mining and Industrial update that were against rules.

This is not the thread for that, if you want to provide feedback on the Mining and Industry update then please navigate here: From Extraction to Production

    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is not related to the mining update or any feature changes.

Just maintenance.

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

As much as I’d like to be the bannerman for this - the first of us that saw this was GM Nito. The hero!

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

Mer1920×1164 126 KB

o7 Economic Enthusiasts!

The Economic report for the month of October is now available for your viewing pleasure! As always, the raw data can be downloaded by clicking on this ...

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    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey! Saw this and brought it up to the appropriate teams. I can’t promise WeeWoo, but I can hope for WeeWoo.

    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct


11:15: We will most likely go over announced time. Expect TQ up at 11:25

11:27: Patch successfully deployed and DB maintenance completed. Tranquility is once again accepting connections

    CCP_Paragon on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

There will be an extended downtime tomorrow, Thursday 18 November, where we will be doing database maintenance. We expect that process to be no longer than 5 minutes and Tranquility should be accepting connections again by 11:20 UTC

We will keep you updated on the progress here and on EVE Status Twitter

Thank your for your patience o7

16 Nov

    CCP_Explorer on Forums - Thread - Direct

According to the Avast Customer Care Team then this issue has been resolved. Please update your Avast or AVG software to the latest virus definition files.

If you have any issues restoring the EVE Launcher then please send us a technical support request, or file a technical support request with Avast or AVG, or consult the documentation with your antivirus product.

    CCP_Swift on Forums - Thread - Direct

The affected files are

Qtwebengineprocess.exe & crashpad_handler.exe

typically located in the EVE Launcher directory. Our tech team is working with Avast to determine what the issue is that’s flagging the false negative, and hope to have an answer soon!

In the meantime, you can find a previous version of the launcher here: https://www.eveonline.com/EveLauncher-1952584.exe

    ISD_Golem on Forums - Thread - Direct

Removed offtopic postings. Please limit posts to details of AVAST issues you are experiencing

    CCP_Convict on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are investigating a reported issue where Avast Antivirus may be throwing false positives about the EVE Online launcher. If you’re an Avast user and have encountered any problems please leave details in this thread.

Updates will be posted here and on the EVE Status Twitter account.

Update 18:55 UTC

Per [RESOLVED] 20211116 - Issue with Avast Antivirus and the EVE launcher - #25 by CCP_Explorer
The issue with Avast and AVG has been resolved. We ask that you please...

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