EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

05 Aug


Hello! We recommend that you use any of the following ways:

  • Please take action on each event, such as accept it.

  • Create every event instead of just modify the old one.


Hello! Please kindly note that the skill training queue limit for alpha accounts is 24 hours.


Hello! Please accept an event in the client and refresh the calendar in the app to see if the issue gets resolved.

04 Aug


If you are using an external monitor you could try the solution presented in the linked forum post.

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I guess that’s left up to the judge’s interpretation. I’m thinking bellicose gang tbh.


This usually occurs when you start a client with an account that is already running.

Your launcher log file for the session in question might have provide more details on why this occurred for you. But since the launcher only keeps the last five logs it’s unlikely you still have the log for that session.

If this happens a...

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This is a fairly complicated question! Given my understanding of destiny ticks, the way this would go is the following: (disregarding latency for the moment)

  • Ship decloaks, SRT timer started
  • During the timer, whenever you send a lock request the server looks at it and says “no, can’t do this yet” and notifies you of this fact on the next tick (you can see this yourself by spamming lock requests on a thing during SRT and watch the notification flash once per second, at the tick rate)
  • After 4.5 seconds the server now knows that it can accept new lock requests, it queues a task to notify the client of this on the next tick, but you can still send the command in earlier and it will accept it
  • Assuming you get a command into the queue immediately to begin locking then the locking process will start immediately and run for its duration, in this case 3.2s, notifying your client of a successful lock after 4 ticks (however you receive a packet asap noti...
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01 Aug


Two posts removed for non-English and off topic Content

30 Jul


The only people I dismiss out of hand are people like you, who constantly jump on everything I say and start screaming.

I don’t have to do any of that, sorry. That’s not part of my job.

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I accept criticism all the time. It’s the name calling and other nonsense that has no place. Like, for instance, accusing me of being a troll because I disagree with you or others.

LOL, no I wasn’...

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Honestly depends upon the reception I get in the initial contact. Did I ask the right person? Is it possible? Is it on their radar already?

I keep my notes and try to keep track of what has been accomplished, failed, or outright denied.



Very true. Does not stop me from trying, though



Hello, everyone,

We have identified an issue affecting the acceleration gate in the second room that caused some of the SCC key sites in Lowsec to be much harder to complete than intended. This problem has been hotfixed today, 30 July at 12:00 UTC, and we expect all SCC sites that are warped to after this time to be working correctly. We are in the process of determining if any sites were warped to in during the first hour after downtime and will redistribute these as required.

Thanks for submitting bug reports for the last few days. These have been vital in identifying why only some players have been unable to complete the sites while others successfully obtained the ESS Reserve Bank keys.

We continue to monitor the metrics on our end, but do let us know if you encounter any more issues with the SCC sites. Cheers!


Well said.

and if you do not like Briscs take on things feel free to engage me. BUT understand that I have a similar frame of mind. I will listen, pass along well reasoned arguments, but not rants and ill considered suggestions.



I can’t read the whole 2011 story, because the website you linked it from doesn’t work anymore. It won’t go past the first part.

And no, I’m pulling up stories I’m familiar with that are larger.

29 Jul


I mean, there are a ton. This game has great stories.

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Just want to chime in and say that players have indeed been finding the keys, and the first few reserve bank heists have taken place.

There were a few updates to the ESS Key sites, reducing the reset timer, and adding more clear text for when certain gates are unlocked.


It is still free - it’s being handed out to people who have to do nothing but log in to claim it. That it’s only going to paying customers doesn’t make it “not free.” I don’t pay my subscription to get it, I pay my subscription to play the game. They handed me free stuff for doing something I already do.

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