You should be a developer
Not my call, bud!
You should be a developer
Not my call, bud!
Remove capital rep modules or work them in a way that they can only land reps on ships with capital sized Sig radius. Replace FAX subcap rep ability with rep fighters. The FAX's already have giant drone bays on the model.
Yep, no cap remote reps on subcap targets, minimum sig threshold to be able to use them.
I know, battleship warp speed/mobility and lock times seem hilariously bad compared to.... well pretty-much anything. Why can a carrier or FAX lock like an inty? Also jump drives.
I honestly miss massed battleship fights.
I really miss battleship slugfests and dread slugfests too. That's my kinda fighting. Flying in and punching each other in the face until one side falls over or pulls out.
I just fundamentally don't like force aux hulls. My view would be to delete them, give the logistics role and triage role back to carriers, then refund any SP that was wasted into force aux training.
I love the idea of putting triage modules back on carriers, just the same as a dread has the siege module - these both define the roles of the hull, but if you want to fit a carrier for combat support you can, it's just not as effective.
For me, I'd slot caps into the following roles:
Titan - Flagship, no offensive combat other than a doomsday. I'd also delete all doomsdays other than the lance, and create one lance for each race that deals their damage type. I'd also make using the lance have a decent cooldown, and it'd consume fuel too. Other than that, Titans would be total...
Read moreand make them able to refit with weapons timer?
yes plz daddy.
Nah, screw that - you'd need to commit and select a defined role for the hull, one or the other, and switching needs an actual refit.
Keep the 3D models for future ships though. Say what you would like about FAXes but the in game model is really nice
Yeah, visually they're great :)
Move cap logi to a BS that can fit cap reps?
I see current T2 logi being effective, but not impossible to kill. I feel if a cap ship has logi, the only way to whelp it is to drop the kitchen sink. Logi, while still needing to be effective and present, needs to not be an unkillable brick. Even with carriers, I can see it happening (but not as bad as a fax, so either way it's a win eh)
A battleship that could fit cap logi would be a terrible idea. Just the same as a battleship that could fit dread guns. They'd immediately just become the defacto platform to use that gear on.
Stripping the ability for capitals to be able to tackle, web, ECM and all manner of other support roles, then giving them a specific, defined role puts them in a better position, in my opinion.
I've always been of the opinion that force aux hulls are just something that was never needed - carriers had the role down fine and were versatile enough that you could fit them either for combat support or logistics support.
The key word there is SUPPORT. They should never be a be all and end all hull.
For the love of god do it then please!
Please undo one of the most cancerous, fun destroying, clearly not thought through decisions in CCP history
Not up to me, mate! <3
Are you guys compensating skillpoints for future nerfs?
Or is where a plan to adapt trainingtime for capitals once changes are made?
There are no plans to make these changes, it's just me talking shop and thinking about ideas - I don't work in game design ;)
I agree with this. A carrier should just be a fighter boat, dread a DPS farm, FAXs honestly should maybe only be links (no cap logi, efff that), with a MOM being FB/clone support, and the Titan just being that OHGODEPEENOHKO bridge.
Specific roles with specific bonuses. Even when combined, there atill needs to be a need for subcaps, such as tackle, ewar, logi. Like I said, no cap-sized logi ships. If it dies, it dies. They already have a huge ehp and dps advantage
It was more fun when half the galaxy didn't have a super either and even just having 500m was like 'awyusImRICH'
Edit: I'm also a fan of BSes with cap guns. That'd be fun.
I'd prefer just to delete force aux to be honest, and give carriers their split role back so that they could focus on EITHER anti-cap DPS or support, without mixing the two.
Faxes are really a fun-killer. If you cannot Alpha a target you're pretty much useless on the grid and can only watch as they slowly bash down your Structure.
Christ, I'd love to just CTRL+A > Delete force auxiliaries and give regular carriers their split role back.
CCP Listened*
While I won't disagree that they have been on a decent run lately, I feel it's a bit early to start making blanket statements like that.
They have had good PR runs in the past too, only to either 'leave well enough alone' and leave features uniterated on to the detriment of the game or do a complete 180.
But I will say that seeing /u/ccp_falcon and Hilmar in the wild talking frankly about the game does give me the hope that things are changing for the better.
Hilmar and I have been talking to each other a lot more about EVE recently, given that we're both vets from release. There's been lots of discussion about shaking things up and making some long overdue changes.
There's also been some pretty cool chatter between people at CCP in the last couple of months, very interested to see how it materialises in future.
For the skilling spree, you'll get SP as a reward for killing any NPC, so you can hit up agent missions, go belt ratting, cosmos, go looking for triangles or drifters, whatever you feel like!
Hitting agent missions might be the best for you if you're looking to increase your standings with a given corp or faction at the same time.
It's up to you really, so long as you're killing NPCs, you're all good!
Perfectly accurate as usual. This is actually what happened.
Apart from me throwing the first punch - I never throw the first punch.
Also, I'm a biter. Biting people hurts.
Suprisingly, I could understand that as a Norwegian.
Doesn't surprise me, from what I've heard those two languages are the closest to old Norse that exist, so they tend to be pretty similar :D
We have these on screens in the office :D
Your thoughts on allowing alliances to Pearl Harbor each other's moored Supercaps?
It'd be an interesting mechanic, that's for sure.
Well, then -- I'm glad that we've come to the conclusion that such changes to asset safety are meaningless if the will to also apply it to lowsec is missing. This was a good discussion.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Are you implying people don't do any logistics to own their space now? Because I know a lot of people who would say it is basically an entire job to keep their infrastructure running.
I'm aware of this - I ran a corporation orders of magnitude smaller than most of the alliances out there for almost a decade, and even that was a ballache.
I'm talking on an individual level, having to actually be out in space is a good thing - regardless of what you're doing.
Best news yet.
Maybe lead off with this. Not with the shitting on everyone stuff
But where's the fun in that? :P <3
Hey. Um. Could we maybe see something done about equipping stabs to drone boats? Or stabs in general equipped to ratting ships?
Honestly, I'd love to just delete stabs from the game.