EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

17 Jul


Originally posted by RedheadPopcorn

I guess you could say it's a hairy situation..

Seriously, you don't know where that wig has been... and you put it on your head...

lol, it came directly from amazon as a gift, and was still sealed when I got it.

For sure it wouldn't have been going on my head otherwise :P


Originally posted by GelatinousDude

Just curious do you speak Icelandic? Do you live there full time? Do you have family there too?

I live here full time, I'm originally from the UK (Durham) so I have no blood relatives here, just my boyfriend.

Also, ég er að læra íslensku ;)


Originally posted by Ticklemyshoes

CCP-Falcon now that i have your attention i have been messaging and emailing CCP wondering if as i know the rules on cash prize rewards wondering if in the tournament we are going to hold soon if we can give actual cash prize.

waiting on the green light from you guys o7

Sincerely Yours
The Hecate King

wondering if in the tournament we are going to hold soon if we can give actual cash prize.



Originally posted by Dave-Stark

community manager

doesn't know of a regular poster on the most active eve community

scratches head

i don't expect them to be best buddies but...

Apologies for not knowing a single individual person by name when I'm regularly monitoring around two dozen discussion platforms relating to EVE on pretty much an hourly basis, on top of all the gaming channels and platforms I'm also watching out of personal interest.

Clearly I'm bad at life, lol.


Originally posted by BBTB2

Roll Tide.

I'm glad you found it funny :)

Awesome man, really made us chuckle in the office haha

Made my day bud, hope you have a good one! <3


Originally posted by BBTB2

yeah that Jibrish guy's a douche

hahaha <3


Originally posted by Siggward_

Remember when CCP recieved box full of dick-candies?



Originally posted by Zombie-Lenin

I am not awesome. I know this because I used to make video games for a living--specifically MMOs--and it was during that time I realized the industry had transformed me into an uncaring douche nozel contemptuous of the actual players of my game.

Back then, around 2007, I was convinced CCP was different. Now... I am not so sure.

Anyway, I do appreciate that you guys at least try to engage with the community!

See, I don't think I could ever transform that way personally.

I spent a decade as a highly visible EVE player and the community will always stay at the front of my mind. I always want to keep roots there, because that's where I came from.

I think one of my biggest problems at CCP is that I tend to be too direct in defense of the community's point of view sometimes, and also sometimes I'm just too direct in general if I think something's a sh*t idea.

Do I i think there are some asshats among our players? Absolutely. There's asshats in every community - I'm one myself at times. I think we all have those moments, it's human nature. I stand by my statement that we have the most amazing community in online gaming. When I stop believing that is when I'll move on to do something else. I can't see that happening at this stage in my life.

I tend to have those moments of asshattery at the same time as our players do - when I feel like someone's going to do so...

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Originally posted by yiga15

Are you really a ccp executive?


No, lol. The furthest thing from it.


Originally posted by Crystalline_E

Dytari started this last year with this biscuits or something :)

To be fair those were some nice f*ckin' biscuits!


Originally posted by sektorone

Good timing Mr Falcon to divert attention from the failed SP event. But you know, that's pretty basic trick from the PR book. Maybe add some "botters teleported to high-sec" for better impact.

Event seems to be working for me - claimed my skillpoints across all six accounts today just fine.


Originally posted by Domitiani

Ok, got to say this is the first time I've checked your twitter... and while this post is funny, the pic with the shocked baby made me LOL at work. Thanks for that now my team is looking at me like I'm crazy(er).

To be fair, my twitter is just a mess of cat pictures, stupid fun, EVE stuff, RocketLeague goals and pictures of Iceland and food... nothing special hahaha <3



f*ck you! hahahaha <3

Seriously though, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time - it's been more than a decade since I had hair.

Coincidentally, my Brooklyn Whopper arrived the same day, so it would be rude not to have a photograph with it given how much of a battering some people have been taking in New Eden recently :D

Love you guys! You're awesome <3 <3 <3


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I mean, you're not wrong.

16 Jul


Originally posted by Ultroth

The good old days of lowsec <3



Originally posted by Choridon

Falcon are you at CCP in any way concerned with corrupting your own data from the blackout, by giving players the information that it is a test / temporary?

Hawthorne effect - Factory experiment for reference on the subject.

Not really, the lakc of duration pretty much covers any concerns we have.


Originally posted by largegreekletters

> We said this was temporary

"Indefinite" includes both "temporary" and "permanent."

Read the announcement news. It literally says temporary.

15 Jul


Originally posted by Dictateur_Imperator

I can't trust you. If it s the case they must take a lot of drug to resist to the commit hommicid each time you make a change who burn all model they make.

No more seriously, i really want to see what they are doing with the ammount of data we generate (and do'nt said MER i will laught, the mer raw data contains a shitons of information, we could litterraly make a dashboard of eve activity ship by ship with that, and i'm sure you have a lot more granularity in information.)

Do you have simulation of eve universe with player behaviour, make some data about kind of player and isolate some interesting group (i have see some video of a fabnfest with some video about player activity, but i mean go deeper in the analysis).

I know some people (beacause it's reddit) will think i flame CCP , not the case i really want to know what they are doing, at witch point you could use data actually. Beacause it's intersting for people who love manage play with data.


I can't trust you. If it s the case they must take a lot of drug to resist to the commit hommicid each time you make a change who burn all model they make.

​Believe it or not, we tend to make data driven decisions with input from our data team, so they're usually fine with it.

No more seriously, i really want to see what they are doing with the ammount of data we generate (and do'nt said MER i will laught, the mer raw data contains a sh*tons of information, we could litterraly make a dashboard of eve activity ship by ship with that, and i'm sure you have a lot more granularity in information.)

We have literally hundreds of internal dashboards that we use to monitor TQ, the community and the health of the game. If someone wants a specific one, all we do is ask, or ask for a pool of data, and we can get it. Sharing is pretty liberal internally, and it's awesome to get whatever you need. ​

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Originally posted by youwereeatenbyalid

Wait I thought CCP fired their community team. Did /r/eve lie to me?

A couple of us made it through the cull of '17.

We're in the process of bringing a third on board at present.


Originally posted by artemisdragmire

You should throw that my way so I can snag Mooya and Alvey for it too.
