EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

15 Jul


Originally posted by rimaraf

I roamed null in small-medium fleets quite a bit on the weekend. We got some good kills, and it certainly makes null more exciting, placing great emphasis in quality scouting. But it was also noticeable how certain tracts of space were a bit quieter than usual. That might be partially down to the "summer lull", as well as the grand experiment. And (via a friend), Sunday afternoon in Period Basis, there was very little activity at all, but it's pretty carebear down there a lot of the time.

Personally, I was expecting an initial drop in both CCU and DAU, whether that translates into a significant drop in our MAU is still to be determined, not sure if people coming back will balance it out over time.

It's going to be interesting to see how it plays out for sure :)


Originally posted by IamSoGreedy

Great responses, even though i dont agree with a few of them.

Thank you for your interest of trying to making eve better every day.

We wont forget it!

ps: remove rorquals tomorrow, please! :D

Personally, I'd remove the ability for the rorqual to mine at all. I'd also completely delete the panic button too, I don't like it personally.

I'd then beef up the rorqual to be a lot tougher, and to serve as a mining foreman platform and a mobile refinery. It'd basically be an ore refining and ore/mineral compression platform for use in the field that gave mining bonuses to barges.

Then of course, people would start mining in Orcas, so I'd remove their ability to mine too, and make them a dedicated compressed ore and mineral hauler with bonuses to carrying compressed resources.

I'd rather see a world where barges are the ships that are doing the actual mining, and there's a few support hulls needed to get max yield out of them - promotes engagement between people and larger groups of people in space collaborating.


Originally posted by zaxiob

Thats gotta be the least thought through roleplay news article in CCPs history

I'll pass your feedback on.


Originally posted by Ange1u5

The list of blue corps in The Establishment remains... zero :D

As it should be - I miss flying alongside EST.


Originally posted by Dictateur_Imperator

Do you have a data analyst in CCP office ? FOR REAL ?

We have several.



Verone! I had no idea this was you! I was in Veto for a short time when when you were mercs. What a great time! Do you still have the flaming toboggan?

Nah man, I sold it at the Fanfest 2011 Charity Auction... it made a few hundred bucks for charity!

Not bad for a $5 beanie :D


Originally posted by Political_What_Do

Hotdropping and the fact that every man and his dog in lowsec (including those in FW) started fielding cap fleets effectively killed lowsec piracy and small gang pvp. I witnessed this myself - I gave up on lowsec piracy the day that MC dropped five motherships on me while I was soloing in a Bhaalgorn in Molden Heath. If I remember, that was in 2010/2011 - I hung my eyepatch up after that and ended up joining CCP haha.


There it is. Hotdropping kills the game.

All of Eves problems with people not undocking, not leaving safety can be traced back to the fact that there is an unknowable force multplier of austistic proportions that can on grid you instantly if your exposed.

Make caps jump to Celestials then warp to grid. That delay makes the skirmish possible. Subcaps will fight either to apply or escape the tackle and have a chance at settling things before the blob can mobilize. Additionally caps are now less safe becaus...

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It's highly controversial, but in all honestly I'd probably kill asset safety completely or heavily gimp it if it was up to me. I'd also cap the amount of storage space that's in each type of structure, with standup modules to give more hangar space.

I'd also get rid of tethering for anything smaller than a supercap, and have tethering become mooring for supers. Only XL structures would have mooring space, and it'd be limited to a certain number at a time per structure, with the ships visibly in gravdock outside so they were visible.

Yes, it'd mean a lot of nullsec entities would flood back to living from NPC stations, but then I'd probably look to make changes to those too and how they work, like capping their capacity for storing stuff too.

Again, all savage and terrible ideas.


Originally posted by Ribshifter

Arh Verone, never knew you were Falcon 👍 I fondly remember the Celestial Apocalypses days, chasing pirates around, joined Veto for a while too 😎

I miss Celestial Apocalypse - some great times sparring with you boys!


Originally posted by ignkhorlan

As a nullsec bloc member i hate it, but as an eve player i love it, so pls do some very long and extensive data collection :P

That's the plan! <3


Originally posted by youwereeatenbyalid

Hey I don't know if you're (still?) a community manager but this is the best community interaction I've seen between a game company and their community. Keep up the good work.

Yup, still the Senior Community Manager for CCP :)


Originally posted by artemisdragmire

I remember the reset the blues post on the internal boards. Those were good times.



Originally posted by Fofalus


What happened to monitoring the situation? There is no way you can make an educated decision in less than a week worth of data. It was very clearly a decision made and claiming to care what about was lip service to the players. I'm sure 2k less concurrent users would have been some useful info if you actually was trying to look at what happened.

That's an in character news piece, no one has released any information saying this would be forever.

It's a test, we're still collecting data, and it's far too early to say if this is going to be permanent.

Might want to unrustle your jimmies for a while there bud.


Originally posted by Sharcy_o7

What's your take on the responses so far? It was always clear this is a dividing issue, but has the amount of joy vs outrage surprised you?

Nah, I was pretty confident that it was going to be super polarising - it's always been a subject that's brought really raw emotions from both sides of the fence.


Originally posted by titanmainbtw

There's only so many hands that we have to work on things, and you gotta set priorities man.

you're not wrong, but then again when the priorities seem to skewer towards:

  • making an entire line of instanced pve content with unfinished modules multipliers(still no mkt integration) and
  • adding a whole new race of ships with unique designs in the game where you yourself rightly said we have too many with no roles already

its kinda hard to eat up the priorities talk, especially coming from a ls background. Yeah I know its not your call on what priorities they take but come on.

My view (and of course it's fine to disagree) is that the Triglavian hulls fill a need for something completely different in terms of weapon/remote rep mechanics that give a boost to the meta and a little more variation that a re-balance of a ship class wouldn't.

When we're talking about adding industrial hulls that already have their roles specifically filled then there's not much point and it feels like a different kettle of fish to me, personally at least.

I'm from an LS background too, it's where my heart was from release right through to when I came to CCP in 2012.

It's all about give and take in terms of prioritising things :)


Originally posted by Crimson_W0lf

I hope that CCP knows they've made a decision they can't reverse. If they do revert back to a normal local, it's going to enrage every single person who came back specifically for the black out, and enrage the players that have been around for the past year or two playing through the demoralizing player vs bot gameplay. If that does happen, those players will never again trust CCP, they'll unsubscribe, and never look back, no matter what bone CCP throws them. Bringing back local to the way it was may very well be the final nail in the coffin for eve.

u/CCP_Falcon please read this.

We said this was temporary in our messaging, and we said this was a test.

If people want to get assmad about that, it's on them.

Personally, I hope that at some point after the test it becomes permanent, with other changes for nullsec local too, but we'll see.


Originally posted by john_dune

I just want to say thanks. You've taken my love of the memories of this game and made me feel like I love this game again.

Never enough <3 for the bad old days!


Originally posted by MarcusUitoh

As an Icelander, you should be deported for not liking liquorice! As an EVE player black it out bae!

I'm not Icelandic ;)


Originally posted by Maria_Tokila

So whats the carrot for NS and the current no local?:)

Tipping the balance more toward blowing sh*t up than making risk free ISK under your super umbrella all day.


Originally posted by commisionar

Should add pirate faction to fw. Remember you guys mentioned adding a pirate faction back at pax east think that was 2012 sad it never got added

Eh, I'd far rather go a completely different route if it was up to me.

  • Split FW into a four way war with each empire considering the other three enemies.
  • Split empire into four seperate highsec islands with a band of lowsec that separates them all.
  • Collapse CONCORD and make the Genesis constellation a lowsec landmark.
  • Have the faction navies take on CONCORD's role in their respective areas of space (with the power of current CONCORD).
  • Have militia NPCs act as faction police and customs (with the power of current faction police and customs).
  • Have each empire at odds with its traditional pirate enemy.
  • Both PvP and PvE focused content for FW so that you can focus on either, or a combo if you want.
  • I'd also heavily intertwine the NPE with factional identity in EVE to give people a feeling that their starter empire is "home", and get rid of the current NPC starter corps, everyone would go into one per faction s...
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Originally posted by RikenVorkovin

I had zero clue you were that guy haha. I remember watching a q & a at a eve fest and it seemed like every dude who got up was in your corp.

Good to see ccp is still using some vet players over there.

Yeah, we held the record for the longest time of the most people from a corp at Fanfest.

I still have the t-shirts, it was insane haha.

I think we got to the point where we had more than 50% of our active members at Fanfest one year.