Originally posted by Political_What_Do
Hotdropping and the fact that every man and his dog in lowsec (including those in FW) started fielding cap fleets effectively killed lowsec piracy and small gang pvp. I witnessed this myself - I gave up on lowsec piracy the day that MC dropped five motherships on me while I was soloing in a Bhaalgorn in Molden Heath. If I remember, that was in 2010/2011 - I hung my eyepatch up after that and ended up joining CCP haha.
There it is. Hotdropping kills the game.
All of Eves problems with people not undocking, not leaving safety can be traced back to the fact that there is an unknowable force multplier of austistic proportions that can on grid you instantly if your exposed.
Make caps jump to Celestials then warp to grid. That delay makes the skirmish possible. Subcaps will fight either to apply or escape the tackle and have a chance at settling things before the blob can mobilize. Additionally caps are now less safe becaus...
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It's highly controversial, but in all honestly I'd probably kill asset safety completely or heavily gimp it if it was up to me. I'd also cap the amount of storage space that's in each type of structure, with standup modules to give more hangar space.
I'd also get rid of tethering for anything smaller than a supercap, and have tethering become mooring for supers. Only XL structures would have mooring space, and it'd be limited to a certain number at a time per structure, with the ships visibly in gravdock outside so they were visible.
Yes, it'd mean a lot of nullsec entities would flood back to living from NPC stations, but then I'd probably look to make changes to those too and how they work, like capping their capacity for storing stuff too.
Again, all savage and terrible ideas.